Path to World Peace - Man and Woman, Lion and Lamb, Fire and Water, Protestant and Catholic, Masons and Monks

in #life7 years ago (edited)

What would this world be like if there was perfect understanding and peace between everyone living on this planet? What if we all worked together as one big family instead of fighting each other and competing each for our own selfish dominion?


From the beginning, humanity has struggled to live in UNITY and peace on this earth, and this has led to great inequality, poverty, wars and horrors, not to mention the wrecking of our environment itself. How do we change this? Can we seek a better understanding of one another that will allow us to come together as ONE? That was the prayer of Jesus in John 17, that we would become ONE together. That was what God wanted Adam and Eve to do in the garden as the first male and female, to come together as one in unity. And yet, somehow so many thousands of years later, the world is as divided as ever, and the consequences are devastating.


Although we would like to see religious unity, racial unity, tribal unity etc; everything started with Adam and Eve, Man and Woman. It is my strong belief that the failed unity between man and woman has cascaded into disunity and division in every other relationship. Therefore, if we can seek to restore this most important relationship, the others will eventually also be healed and restored. Understanding the mystery of why God made us male and female helps us to know how to live together in loving relationship and unity. It all starts in Genesis 1:26-27, where it says that humans were made in the image of God, both male and female. This is the first chapter in the Bible, and yet this point gets overlooked most of the time. This is saying that both man AND woman are made in God's image. That somehow God couldn't fully be expressed by one or the other, but it takes the two of them TOGETHER to fully display the glory of God on the Earth.


The dual nature of God is well known throughout the Bible as Jesus is both the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as well as, the Lamb that was slain. God is known as a Consuming Fire, but also as the Living Waters. Without unity, this symbolism seems to create a bi-polar description of our Creator that highlights two extremes. One being very kind, loving, and humble, the other being strong, powerful and fierce. It's unity and oneness that provides the proper balance between these two extremes to avoid either one from exploiting the other. Had Adam and Eve achieved that perfect unity and balance in their relationship, perhaps the world would not be full of exploitation and its devastating consequences. But it is. So what exactly happened between Adam and Eve and could it be the same misunderstanding that is creating division between man and woman still today? The question can also be asked how does a Lion get along with a Lamb? Or how can Fire and Water work together for good? This is what is required for a God with dual nature to be ONE and likewise the challenge for male and female to become ONE. The goal appears to be that through this challenge humans will come to understand the nature of God which is essential to relationship and unity with God. This could be the whole purpose of creation itself.


According to 2 Peter 1:4, God wants us all to be partakers of the divine nature. It would mean experiencing what it's like to be a powerful LION and at the same time learning how to be a humble LAMB willing to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of others. The problem is one human cannot possess the fullness of both of these expressions at the same time, which is required to maintain proper balance between these two extremes. That is why Adam needed Eve and Eve needed Adam. That is why man needs woman and why woman needs man still today. Now what actually happened in the Garden of Eden between Adam and Eve? Well, I wasn't there to see it happen, but with all the evidence it would appear that Adam somehow discovered the LION nature of God, put it on, and was captivated by its glory and benefits. What we see throughout HIStory is man dominating in every arena of life even up until this day. Whether it is politics, or business, or academia or wealth, most of the world leaders are men and it has come about through the exploitation of women. If you have traveled at all around the world, you will see one thing that is common in every culture. That is the dominance of man over woman at the most basic levels of marriage and family relationships. Women are expected to stay home, take care of the kids, cover themselves with a veil, keep quiet, and submit to man. Or in other words, to be the sacrificial Lamb. It appears that from the time of Adam, Eve and every other woman has been forced into the role of being the Lamb, by the refusal of Adam to give up the role of Lion.


This why Jesus came, born not from a man, but from a virgin woman, to show man how to live as a Lamb. It was the only way for Adam and his descendants to understand that man can ALSO be a LAMB and not only live as a Lion. Jesus was the perfect example for men how to live a loving, sacrificial life of service to others. He became the Lamb that was slain to break the addiction that man had to power, control, and dominance, which is part of the Lion nature. The unbalanced Lion nature becomes like the devil who is prowling around like a lion seeking whom he may devour. The goal is for Adam and all men to let go of that power and strength for the sake of others in loving sacrifice. Specifically, this finally provides an opportunity for Eve and every woman to safely experience the Lion nature of God in a balanced way through loving relationship of a man living as a Lamb. From the beginning Adam assumed the Lion nature of God and never looked back. Eve was then forced into the Lamb nature for thousands of years. Since the time of Jesus, some men have followed His example by expressing God's nature as a Lamb. However, women have still largely been prohibited from expressing God's nature as a Lion, especially within the Christian church. Those early followers of Christ, up through church history, have held the belief that to be a Lamb means to abandon women altogether in celibacy or else requiring their wives to be sacrificial Lambs along side them. This again creates a huge imbalance in the other extreme of self sacrifice and does little to bring true unity between man and woman.


Again, it is man who gets all the glory, man in leadership, man who is reflecting the true image and divine nature of God. Women remain hidden and in submission unable to fully express the divine nature as a Lion. This imbalance leads to the worship of man where "sainthood" is measured by how much a man sacrifices for others despite the quality of his relationship with woman. The Catholic church is full of alters to saints where people pray to and give offerings to a man who they think is holy because of his self-sacrificial life. And yet those same men, were not willing to sacrifice through the relationship to a woman through marriage. This is Adam trying to express the divine nature of God as a Lamb exclusively without Eve there to balance. Many Protestant men have taken this approach and assumed the position as "head of the household". They end up domineering over their wives for the sake of their own pursuit of the divine Lamb nature or they may call it ministry or for the "kingdom". However, Jesus already fulfilled the demonstration of man as the perfect Lamb of God. He was unmarried as far as we know, however, He was partnered together with the Holy Spirit which provided that balance of the divine nature in His life. I believe that the last remaining expression of God in humanity is woman as the Lion.


This is also part of the symbolism in the Bible that talks about the Bride of Christ. It is a woman that is rising up in her full potential experiencing ALL of the divine nature of God, both Lamb and Lion. That is a suitable Bride for her Bridegroom Jesus. So now that we more clearly understand what is happening, how can we facilitate this to take place and usher in true unity and peace on earth? Well, each one of us are individually affected by these influences either in our own tendencies or those of others with whom we have relationship. The effect of thousands of years of misunderstanding and misguided pursuits have created a society that suppresses women into a specific role and intimidates men into assuming certain personas to maintain their egos or religious theologies. But we are starting to see things change! Women are beginning to rise up and put on the divine nature of God as LIONS and as holy FIRE burning with passion and zeal. If you haven't seen the movie Wonder Woman, I highly recommend it! It shows in movie form the state of humanity in it's deception and the susceptibility of ALL men into the same sin of Adam that excludes women from partaking of God's divine nature.


This World has had enough of the devastations of man's pride and imbalanced use of God's divinity. It's now TIME for women to rise up to their full potential exercising all of the divine nature of God in both the Lion and the Lamb, but especially as the Lion or the Fire of God. To promote unity, love and peace, men should recognize this and provide the proper balance of the sacrificial Lamb to their female partners. It is this UNITY and oneness with both Lamb and Lion that will allow both men and women to reach their full potential in the extreme expressions of God. I believe this will eventually lead to the crescendo of time where HIStory comes to an end and HERstory begins. HERstory being a world where men like Jesus are trusting women LIONS to lead the way fearlessly into the future. Let each one of us do our part, one relationship at a time. In the movie, Wonder Woman was not able to defeat the enemy (god of war) except finally she was able to 'believe in LOVE'. It was the man in her life that showed her that LOVE is real and made her to believe in it. This is the key. Both man and woman working together in LOVE and UNITY and perfect balance is the ONLY way to defeat the god of war and destruction in this life.



Interesting and thought-provoking content!!
I really love how you play with words (like HIStory and HERstory...) Very creative!

thank you! I feel like most people in some way or the other have been affected by this dynamic between men and women if they take the time to think about it.

This is one of the most ancient interest of ours I guess... It is coded in our genes... :-))))

Very interesting post. Thanks for sharing this with me. I would say, though, that women have played an equal part in shaping society. While men may, for the time being, be given the credit and puff out their chests, and they may attempt to control women and be dominant, this is only a part of the picture. Women are not so rough and abrasive in their touch, but gentle and soft. This may seem like an unbalanced situation, due to how everything is depicted, but it too can be likened to gravity. It is subtle and considered the weakest of all forces, and yet it shapes the cosmos. It is like the careful attention to detail of a meticulous artist. It doesn't really matter what history says about women's role in it; they have played an equal part in shaping society. I'd say it is more of an underappreciation of women's works by men than an actual, tangible lack of women being able to produce those works. Everything is in perfect balance, so much so that the subtlest of changes above or below that balance can bring great storms. Right now, we are in a state where the balance tends towards men in terms of societal perception, and the storm rages. In time, all will be seen as equals and perfect balance will truly be achieved through society giving credit where credit is due. Likely there will be an "overreaction" as we seek that balance, alike to a wave tending back and forth above and below a central equilibrium. In such an instance, women will shine brightly and show their true nature in much the same way as how men have done through force across written history. Venus is the Goddess of Love, and Mars the God of War. In time, the wisdom in the passivity of the feminine spirit will be elevated above the active nature of the masculine. But first it must be appreciated.

Love and unity, really? you think it can work?

Jesus said, "I am the Alpha and Omega" Man loves being the Alpha Male dominant wolf. Not realizing that his lady mate is actually a LION if he would just give her a chance~ The first shall be last and the last shall be first. Let's try it and see what happens! :)

Yeah not if you start flagging people for no reason, why did you flag me on my latest post.

Interesting! Thanks!

Very Interesting post! @cryptosphere

I'm glad you think so! We want to solve all the world's problems, but are missing one of the most basic and original issues that affects every person. Would love to hear your perspective.

I loved reading this! Unlike many I know, I truly have hope in humans and expect/ believe that we can and will, eventually, work together in unity and love to bring the peace that our world deserves and so desperately needs. Great article, my friend! Peace to you

It's great to hear from you another positive outlook! I am a strong believer in the "Butterfly Effect". It means if we each just do our small part, who knows the change the world may experience downstream? Thanks for your feedback! Peace and love to you also~