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RE: Path to World Peace - Man and Woman, Lion and Lamb, Fire and Water, Protestant and Catholic, Masons and Monks

in #life6 years ago

Very interesting post. Thanks for sharing this with me. I would say, though, that women have played an equal part in shaping society. While men may, for the time being, be given the credit and puff out their chests, and they may attempt to control women and be dominant, this is only a part of the picture. Women are not so rough and abrasive in their touch, but gentle and soft. This may seem like an unbalanced situation, due to how everything is depicted, but it too can be likened to gravity. It is subtle and considered the weakest of all forces, and yet it shapes the cosmos. It is like the careful attention to detail of a meticulous artist. It doesn't really matter what history says about women's role in it; they have played an equal part in shaping society. I'd say it is more of an underappreciation of women's works by men than an actual, tangible lack of women being able to produce those works. Everything is in perfect balance, so much so that the subtlest of changes above or below that balance can bring great storms. Right now, we are in a state where the balance tends towards men in terms of societal perception, and the storm rages. In time, all will be seen as equals and perfect balance will truly be achieved through society giving credit where credit is due. Likely there will be an "overreaction" as we seek that balance, alike to a wave tending back and forth above and below a central equilibrium. In such an instance, women will shine brightly and show their true nature in much the same way as how men have done through force across written history. Venus is the Goddess of Love, and Mars the God of War. In time, the wisdom in the passivity of the feminine spirit will be elevated above the active nature of the masculine. But first it must be appreciated.