Woww. What a post. Its been ages since i came across such an engaging post. You are a great guy.
I love what you do now and thats an admirable and important role you are playing in making global change. I really like that you protect yourself from being disttacted from them. The mind really plays a great role in what we produce and the rate st which we produce. Thats why the bible said that we should guard our heart jealously because out of it comes the issues of life.
We have unique abilities, and the fact of the matter is, just one person can change the world. Follow your dreams confidently, never give up or get discouraged, because it is only after you have reached your destination and can look back and see the journey you have taken, that you will be able to understand all the steps that lead you there, and that every single one of those steps, was orchestrated better than you could have ever imagined. And when you do find your passions and share them with others, you give others permission to do the same, and to realize that everyone is important in their own way.
God bless you @humanearl. Keep up the good work. God be with you always.
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And I want to let people know they have the permission to simply LIVE.
Glad you replied me.
I realized not long ago that I’ve spent my entire life waiting for permission. Because I’m a good girl, you see. In my twenties I felt the burning desire in my heart for something more than a go-nowhere nine-to-five office job and the bar on the weekends.
I wanted a career as a singer. Travel. Excitement. Adventure. Heart-stopping moments of bliss.
And I wanted somebody—anybody—to tell me that it was okay, that I should go ahead with it. I don’t mean Oprah or some random person speaking to the masses. I wanted somebody who knew me to give me the green light.
Guess what? It never happened, and it never will. Why? Because nobody can give us permission but ourselves.
Nobody outside ourselves knows what’s going on in our hearts, no matter how we try to explain.