Be One With The Fire And The Fire Will Be One With You

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Stop fighting it! Yes. YOU. You have so much to offer the world. You are talented. You are worth something. You are here on this Earth for a reason and that reason is bigger than waking up everyday just to pay bills. There is something more crucial at stake. Do you remember when you were a kid and you said what you wanted to be when you grew up? Do you remember how excited you were about that? I'm sure we all can relate in one way or another.

                             We Stopped Dreaming

Somewhere between our early childhood and our adult life most of us lost that fire and curiosity. Maybe your parents told you to become something you knew you did not want to become. Maybe you got discouraged from following your curiosities. "You won't make it doing that". "Not many people make money doing that". "That job pays a lot more so you should do that instead". Blah blah blah blah...I've heard it all. Let me tell you this. I was severely discouraged by my mother. She too told me that I would not make money producing music. So guess what? I choked. I backed off to go do something else. I did the exact opposite of what my soul was crying out to do. I know she meant well but not working on my music, which is another creative outlet for me, was probably one of the worst decisions I made in my life. Soon I became burned out from doing something else. But guess what I turned to when I was so depressed and contemplating ending my life? 


It was there all along and I had been ignoring it. Shame on me. What energizes me now is writing/sharing my thoughts about things, helping build God's coming Kingdom, spending time with my family, creating music, investing/entrepreneurship, helping people invest in/learn about cryptocurrency, and coming up with/promoting ideas to help liberate people from this world system. These are the things I live my life around and I do everything I can to protect from being distracted by anything other than these things.

We are enslaved by various things with all but so much time or energy to give to our purposes in life. This is the reality for many people and it hurts me to the core to hear this. That is a major problem and I am livid about this. We all have gifts and abilities to showcase. Every single one of us. I mean just imagine if every last person on the planet followed their energy or what they were fired up about. Just think about that for a second. You think we are advanced now but you have no idea. 


One With The Fire 

Get ready. We are about to take back that which was stolen from us. We are taking back our time. We are taking back our energy. And most of all we are taking back our lives. Live with purpose. Live with fire. Eat fire. Breath fire. Be the fire. Others in this world are depending on you to bring more peace and love with you. Say no to anything that stands in the way of your mission. Your mission may be to provide shoes to people who don't have any. Or it may be to share your creativity with the world as a way to inspire people. It may be helping people with their finances. Whatever your fire is DO THAT. I can tell you first hand that you will be utterly miserable for not following though with the things that you are so excited about. 

Being one with the fire means that your are in sync with the things you really enjoy doing. It means you are actively doing those things that energize you. It means embracing yourself and what makes you unique. Remember this. You don't have to only choose one thing either because you can enjoy working on many different things. You have the green-light to be YOU. 


                   Be one with the fire and the fire will be one with you

People will continue to try to impose upon you what they think you should be doing with your life. Many times it is because they are not doing anything to live out their own purpose. You know exactly what gets you excited and you don't need a commercial to tell you that. You KNOW. I KNOW as well and it's exactly why I'm up at 2:01 AM writing this to you because this is just a part of my purpose. Now I want you to dig deep and find yours and if you already know what you enjoy doing then don't wait any longer to follow through with it. Fire is energy and it is contagious. Once you start living and breathing fire people will take notice and the fire will spread. So be on fire and go share some fire with those who need it. 

Where's your fire? What moves you? Whatever it is, find it, live it, breathe it. 

Images: 1, 2, 3


I remember when i used to create music with FL Studio 11 / 12 , not sure the version.

I was like half a year learning and making great sounds. Not sure why i stoped, maybe because i wasnt one with the fire, but yeah.

Hope you enjoy what you do, and keep following your own way.
Have a good day @humanearl !

I just saw this post was made 2days ago, but the topic of discussion is one that defines my life, that's why I can't help but to say something.
This issue has killed so many dreams, it has killed so many Albert Einsteins, Bill gates, Martin Luther kings, Bob Marley, Michael Jacksons, etc.


Because we don't want to hurt our parents.
There are a lot of us out there who have big dreams, who want to do something meaningful with our lives, away from the safe and forgettable… but we’re worried about what our parents will think.

We’re worried about abandoning them. We’re worried about disappointing them. We’re worried that, if we are to trust our guts and follow our hearts, that we may end up being disowned by the very people we owe our lives to.

From their own point-of-view, they are trying to help us to get the discipline necessary to accomplish our deeds as adults, and to forget the “dreams of a teenager.”

We know these, but yet we can't abandon our dreams. It's like fire in our bones. You telling us to leave our dreams, is like telling us to breathe under water. We can't. It's like living, but you feel like you are dead.
As I write this now, goose pimples cover my body at the thought of leaving my dream. I pray God grants us the grace to fight this fight-the fight to truly live, to live our dreams.

I know parents try to do their best but it just sucks. Not all parents give their kids the freedom to explore their gifts and talents. It like their saying "we don't care how talented or gifted you are. Just make money." We are expected to be cogs in a machine and that's it. For me I think about how meaningful my work is all the time. Literally just about everyday. I just want to honor God with my abilities and complete the work he has for me. That is the highest pinnacle of life one can attain. To know him and complete the work he has for us. It's also funny that people say "dreams of a teenager" as if you were encouraged to even pursue those dreams as a teenager anyway. Most of us were not encouraged to do that at all.

It is definitely a topic to continue to discuss and explore especially for me since I have a family. Often times I feel like people are telling me to give up those "teenager dreams" and just make money. I get it though I at least want my family to have shelter and eat even if conditions are not ideal. But at the end of the day the fire burns. It burns for something way more meaningful than just getting the money.

Exactly. To them, it's all about the money. I love the part where you said

'' I just want to honor God with my abilities and complete the work he has for me. ''

That's what life should be all about. It's not about what our parents want, but about what God has destined us for.

Jesus' mother did not want him to die on the cross. To her she was losing her son, but she never knew he was going to come back to her as a saviour.
If only our parents shut their eyes from what they are 'losing' now, and look ahead unto what we will come back to them as, this world will be a better place.

Thanks for this and God bless you so much.

This is so true. There is no better life than to live your dreams. It's not about the money, but about fulfillment. Money does not bring lasting fulfillment. It's only temporary. It's purpose that brings lasting fulfillment.
Please if you don't mind,ill like to tell a life story that depicts what @humanearl has said vividly.

A friend of mine dropped out of school at sixteen. His mother, herself a school teacher, almost killed the chap. She wanted him to follow in the footsteps of her eldest son, who had finished top of his class in high school, aced all four years at a fancy university to secure a prestigious degree, and landed a damn spiffy desk job before his grad hat hit the ground.
Fast forward a decade, and the eldest had abandoned the corporate life. The big paycheck didn’t compensate for all the uninspiring work and mountains of stress. He found himself much happier helping out his uncle laying hardwood floors, prestigious degree be damned.
And by that time, his younger brother (the dropout) had become highly-successful running his own garage, showing remarkable business smarts while turning his passion for everything on four wheels into an auto repair shop. He’s more artist than mechanic.
So one son did everything momma wanted, while the other listened to his gut and went his own way. They both ended up in their happy place, but the eldest needed a big detour to get there. Gotta be careful who you take directions from.'

This is a true life story to encourage those who are following their dreams, to know that they are on the right path, the path of victory.

Interesting. Thanks for sharing. Everyone's path is different and people need to understand that.

Exactly my point. If the guy who loves to fix cars did not go do what he loves doing, but rather probably followed his parents desire of him being a medical doctor, who will fix people's cars when they get faulty. He probably would cause the loss of so many peoples lives, cause he will handle them like motor parts, and not like a doctor, cause he was nor born to be a doctor.

I really love your stuff. I can't help but to resteem this and follow you, cause your content inspires me to move on in life. I'll love to see it anytime I open my blog.
Thanks and keep being awesome.

Thnks @humanearl for the opportunity to be part of this topic.
In my own case, one of the things that held me back was that we had to 'honor and obey our parents'
I miss interpreted this scripture to mean we had to do whatever our parents asked, whether good or bad.

But I feel my biggest loyalty lies with the world at large, and the potential I have to make it a better place, to reach as many people as possible in my lifetime and leave them better than I found them.

If you want to truly honor your loved ones, go out in the world and live your absolute best and brightest, make the most of that gift your parents gave you. And you have to be okay with the fact that they may always resent you for doing so, and you have to forgive them that resentment.

The alternative is for you to live your life the way your parents expect you to and never reach your dreams. And if you do that, it’s not just you who suffers, but everyone who stands to benefit from the gifts your best self has to offer.

I pray more of post like these will come from @humanearl, so we can be encouraged from time time on this lonely road. All the best.

What you said was a great motivation for all of us in Steemit. We have to be on fire everyday to post a good quality and original contens in Steemit. We are the steemians in fire! Thanks

@humanearl wow!! So,well said! This was a reminder to me knowing i have a calling to bring life to all. I was in such darkness and brought through by grace. Freed from dogmatic religion and its fear bases theology.....I loved this.....Gods Kingdom is advancing and we are apart of the greatest spiritual awakeing manifesting the frequency of love fron within....Our words are power, and fire.....If you get a moment read a couple,of,my first couple post....Blessings,much love😇😇🙏🙏

Thanks brother. I will def check your page out. And God's Kingdom is advancing indeed. It feels unreal and it is humbling to take part in changing people's lives through love.

hey friend @humanearl
I appreciate your post.Great tips as always.good topic in life and
i think,every person purpose should be one.i mean,
"No more internal power struggle;
We come together to overcome the little trouble.
Soon we'll find out who is the real revolutionary,
'Cause I don't want my people to be contrary." - Bob Marley

Love Bob Marley.

oh,really friend i support your comment.. loving for you and love for Bob Marley
download (7).jpg

"I did the exact opposite of what my soul was crying out to do."
Yeah friend, I also experienced the same feeling a lot more times and still suffering by it! I never wanted to be an IT guy in my life, but at the end world pushed me into that corner and I was helpless. Now dealing with codes and systems! I love nature, I wanted to do a job related to wildlife!
But at the end my life becomes a wild by that wrong move!
Anyway as you said we have time, I think I can't revert it! But I am trying to manage things as it is! Hope it will work!

This article fired me inside out! I never thought to tell about this to anyone! But here I decided to take my feelings out! Thank you dude!


I really hope you follow what you really want. You can do it! I'm humbled by your words and I am glad that it really helped you. I think you will feel more encouraged once you start moving in the direction of your purpose/interests.

You know, after reading the post of @humanearl and the comment of @theguruasia, I felt I should be a source of encouragement to @theguruasia.
You are not alone. Just like @humanearl said in his post, he followed the wish of his mum, but later traced his ways back to his calling, and now he is living the best life he could ever live, the life he was wired for.
I too derailed when i was growing up. I wanted to be an engineer, but my dad wanted me to be a doctor. After two wasted years, I finally got back to what I loved doing, and I feel like am on top of the stars. Your dream might not fetch you as much money, but there are just certain things money can't buy. Money can't buy the satisfaction you get from following your dreams. It can't buy the joy. It can't buy the impact following your dreams will make on the life of others.
So please my brother,it is never too late. You can still make a u-turn. You must not necessarily leave you job, but you can start by following your dreams after you are back from work, and gradually you'll continue to increase until you go full time.
As long as there is life, there is hope.
All the best, and hope to see you in the land of dream fulfilers.

Yeah very true, i was just reading the while post saw really thoughtful comments and how people are taking this seriously and thought i should contribute to the change of mindsets for the greater good.
No dream is easy to fulfill – otherwise, it is not a dream, but an ordinary task. Dreams stretch your boundaries and tests your limits, and will even lead you to your breaking point every now and then. Through all this, you will emerge with an even stronger character, polished to perfection because of the heavy beating and grinding that you’ve been through

Living out our purpose means we will also be tested. This is a good thing

@humanearl - Inspiration to find the true meaning of the life contains in those few words....
'Where's your fire? What moves you? Whatever it is, find it, live it, breathe it.'
Hope we all can archive our dreams & goals in this life time..... Nice post Sir.... Wonderful topic for a fantastic discussion....


I hope so too

I again friend @humanearl ,, i hope see to and i follow your advise.thanks.

@humanearl - Sir I hope you will archive all your goals of past, current & future & life will bring joy with success too... Music is a great meditation Sir..... Nice to hear you love it by soul....


am new user i read your post is intresting meaning ful on life thanks for share.

"We are taking back our time. We are taking back our energy. And most of all we are taking back our lives. Live with purpose." - The child has reborn..... those who never let that curious and dreamy child die - only they live life to its fullest. that's the secret of keeping life alive. we all die with our inner child - but it's never too late to resurrect it and start living like what it actually means to live. I'm lucky that my parents never pressurized me to be something i don't want to - and i'm really grateful to the almighty Allah to grant me with such parents. Every parent should understand that bringing a life into this world doesn't mean owning that life. every spirit is free - if someone try to cage a spirit they actually cages the life itself. And we should never let anyone and anything do that to us.

thank you for the inspiring and eye opening post my friend :)

And I can recall many times in my life growing up where I felt caged. It was very hard for me because my parents expected me to go get a "real job". The whole 9 to 5 thing is just not me. Never was. So now I spend my time sharing my life and giving people hope and encouragement. As well as creating art. Thanks for your insight I really appreciate it.

i'm glad that you couldn't be caged and living life as per your will - keep encouraging us mate - May Allah bless you for eternity :)

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Somewhere between our early childhood and our adult life most of us lost that fire and curiosity.

That reminds me of the speech that Rocky gave his son in part 6.

Many lose that fire because they want to fit in. They work 9-5 for someone else calling them boss without shame.

They live their life for someone else. Willingly enslaving themself.

It takes courage to live.

"That job pays a lot more so you should do that instead". Blah blah blah blah...I've heard it all.

Fuck those sheeps. You might find yourself at a point where you can not relate with anyone in real life anymore. I know I can't and I know the fire is responsible for that.

You have to be extreme to be extraordinary. Lust for success ain't something that you can just stop. Most don't have it.

You are absolutely right that music can helps us. When I feel down (and I rarely do nowadays) I just listen to hardcore gangsta and viking metal (which I do all the time anyway).

Something like this:

I know you get it. So many don't though. We are anomalies.


We can not live any other way tho.

Spirit too strong to be enslaved.

Your words and paintings are so beautiful!! I feel the fire and I hear the calling. My only fear is not answering. Thanks for sharing your love and your passion with us!

How I wish more people can hear what you outlined here, they would have their lives saved - their real lives.

Most parents always want to tell is what to do. Yes they do it out of love, but it's an uninformed love. When your dad tells you to take that entry level position at the local law firm / IT company / engineering contractor, I’m sure he was telling you what he thought you needed to hear.

They wanted you to be happy.They wanted you to be fulfilled.They wanted you to feel powerful, in control, and valuable.
The only problem was that they didn’t know how to give you everything they didn’t have.
They gave you the life plan they followed. Sure, it didn’t work out AMAZINGLY well for them, but they’re happy enough.
Surely, you just need to follow the same life plan as them and with a bit of luck, you’re going to be confident, strong, happy, fulfilled, and free. Right?


Unfortunately, no. Happiness doesn’t work like that.

Living someone else’s life plan is the fastest and most consistent path to an unfulfilling, unrewarding, and frustrating existence.

You only have to open your eyes and walk through the financial districts of any major city and watch the frustrated, robotic ways people struggle through their life.

Or pay attention to the disappointed, sad, and angry guys trying to forget their pain in the bottom of a beer bottle to see how well living someone else’s life plan works.

But if seeing the pain and frustration that everyone else is going through isn’t enough to get you off that path and convince you to start walking your own journey, then you need to re-read and re-read this post made by @humanearl, until the message sticks.

Wow. So many soundbites and nuggets of wisdom. That's the problem is that people continue to make others live the life plan they followed. It doesn't work. I feel unstoppable now and it wasn't because I went and sat in someones office for a paycheck. Its because I have finally taken back my life and I follow my interests

You know I like the part where you said you've finally taken back your life. This gives a lot of hope to alot of people, making them know that yes, you might have made the mistake of following the plan of others, or succumbing to the pressure of status quo, but you can take your life back - your true life God created you for. You can do it right again as long as you still have life in you.
You can still live your dreams. It's such a good feeling knowing you can still get back.
Thanks a lot. You an inspiration.

Love this post, this was my favorite and most inspiring part:

Being one with the fire means that your are in sync with the things you really enjoy doing. It means you are actively doing those things that energize you. It means embracing yourself and what makes you unique. Remember this. You don't have to only choose one thing either because you can enjoy working on many different things. You have the green-light to be YOU.

So glad this moved you.

After reading this post, i thought i was the only one that loved that part @khaleelkazi stated out. These forces are attractive.
It’s just what humans do. When everyone around us is running, we unconsciously pick up the pace to keep up with them. That’s what I mean when I say these forces are attractive, we gravitate towards them–away from what we were doing.
The problem this creates…What if different people are running for different reasons? What if there is more than one race going on?

Or, hey, maybe it really isn’t that much of a race at all.

See, you set the terms of your life, only you should render judgement, and only you should set those terms.

when you ask any successful person about his success and he will tell you that he planned for it long ago.
Before he became a made millionaire he had that goal written in a plan on his computer few years earlier. You will never achieve your life goals before you have them clearly written. There is a big difference between just wanting something and having a clearly written plan to get it

'The biggest adventure you can take is to I've the life of your dream' - Oprah Winfrey

'success is not about how much you make, but the difference you make in other people's lives' - Michele Obama.

Thanks @humanearl for this lovely post. This topic is at the core of my being. I live for making people understand they need to truly live. I wanted to show two quotes by women who lived their dreams. These women are examples to the world, and especially to women.
Don't allow those who have settled for the status quo make your live anything short of your dreams. Like Michele Obama said, it's not about the money, but about making the lives of those around you better than you met them.
Thanks for this post, you sure are saving dreams with it.

Two great examples indeed. Thanks for also wanting to see people live their purpose as well. Words can't express how much I agree with you.

It's really a pleasure. There is no greater joy for me than to help people around me fulfill their dreams. You know,when you are a person living his dreams, it's like you are in another world different from that of those around you. And this makes you desire for others to feel and live the way you do.
This is what drives me, this is what I breath, I eat, I sleep, I think, I dream. This is my everything.
If only I can just make one more life each day actualize their dreams, then life would surely have been worth living.
Thanks again for this lovely piece, it sure was a joy reading, and also a big encouragement.

Props to you for wanting to see others live a more meaningful life. You are doing wonders for people just by encouraging them. So thank you!

I really respect you for this. I enjoyed allthrough. Its been long since i enjoyed a post as this.
I totally agree with you.
When you have a big dream for your life, people like to tell you that you aren’t being practical or that you need to be realistic. However, you do not need to know the details of how your dream will manifest. I think that when it comes to having a dream, practicality and realism should take a back seat. These are simply limitations that we have placed upon ourselves. And when we experience a challenge, it is not an obstacle or detour, it is part of the path itself; otherwise, it would not be there. Every step you take is one step closer to your dream becoming a reality. The important ingredient for realizing your dream is hope. Hope is belief — belief in yourself and belief in the power of possibility. It can change the world. Hope manifests dreams; practicality does not. Whatever moves you, find it and live it. I agree with you. Exceptional post. OK
So i like your mindset and wish to see you at the top

"Hope manifests dreams; practicality does not" Love it. Love it and love it again. Can I use this phrase? It has so much power.

Yeah i agree with you. You can use the phrase my friend.
Imagine a world in which you know what your dream is and know that you can achieve it. You’re taking steps actively towards reaching your dream and even with challenges on the way, you know you’ll get there in the end. It can be difficult and there may be moments of doubt. But deep down, it’s the belief in yourself that will keep you working towards your dreams.

Ya buddy it is indeed inspirational and only we could get the support from the first hand and most importantly it is necessary for our life & heart to follow our dream and i am glad you got to do that now :)
I wish everyone could do that !!

Wow this is phenomenal. I really like this topic alot. I have had some past experiences and i understand you when you said your mum discouraged you. The heading has its own inspiration. Talk about the post
You have, like no other person on this planet, certain contributions that you are to make to this generation. Make no mistake about it, you are here at this particular time because the world needs you. You are the only expert on you; therefore, it is you who must make the solid declaration of who you are and how you wish to express yourself.
Many will say that they are afraid to do what they really love to do, or that they don’t have the time. To them I say, you are more capable and incredible than you give yourself credit for. Never be afraid to follow your dream no matter how “out there” it may appear to others. Do you think people rolled their eyes at all of the inventors and visionaries or artists and musicians who drastically changed our lives for the better? Of course they did! But, those same folks can’t deny the fact that it is the dreamers who are the harbingers of positive change in the world. So if somebody doesn’t support or understand your dream, just smile and think to yourself, “Don’t believe me? Just watch!”
I really enjoyed reading all through and had a lessons to take away with. Resteeming wont do the job i want to be done. Still thinking of a way to share this to the larger populace.

Share away!
The feeling of being misunderstood is definitely there but it fuels me actually. I've grown up constantly being an outcast, overlooked, counted out. I'm used to it now though so I embrace it.

Very very glad it fuels you.
One of the hardest burdens to bear is being misunderstood by other people. All of us at one point or another experience looking into the eyes of another person and realizing that he or she simply does not see us the way we see ourselves, and probably never will. How you respond to being misunderstood will be the difference between spending a good deal of time trying to correct other people's misperceptions or being free to carry on with your life no matter what others think of you.
I really respect you friend for not letting it weigh you down

Awesome post @humanearl.This post is personal to me because it's like you are narrating my life's story.
We all have a choice to make. We can choose to accept our circumstances, or we can choose to make the effort to rise above them. That choice usually starts with what you believe about yourself and your dream.

Everywhere you look there is bad news. Every day there’s something in your life that doesn’t work out the way you wanted it to. You can let those circumstances make or break you and too often we’re broken. Despite what you’re going through and despite where you are, you can live a life most people are only content to talk about.
You can choose to live your dreams. Along the journey to your dream life, you’ll encounter doubt, fear, and self-limiting beliefs. There will be people in your life who don’t get it and will make their opinion known. If you listen to any negativeness, it will convince you what you want is impossible, and you won’t take the necessary steps to make your dream life a reality.
Don't settle for less, rather live your.dreams.
Thanks for this post.

The biggest hurdle people have to overcome is themselves.

Well said truth. Just as said,
'You can go as far as your mind let's you-don't limit yourself' - Mary Kay ash.
We are the only ones that can limit ourselves. The moment you choose not to be limited by yourself, and back that choice with hardwork(very important because most people choose, but don't put in the hard work to make that choice a reality), the stars will surely be just your stepping stone.
Thanks a lot for this feedback. It's well appreciated

Woww. What a post. Its been ages since i came across such an engaging post. You are a great guy.
I love what you do now and thats an admirable and important role you are playing in making global change. I really like that you protect yourself from being disttacted from them. The mind really plays a great role in what we produce and the rate st which we produce. Thats why the bible said that we should guard our heart jealously because out of it comes the issues of life.
We have unique abilities, and the fact of the matter is, just one person can change the world. Follow your dreams confidently, never give up or get discouraged, because it is only after you have reached your destination and can look back and see the journey you have taken, that you will be able to understand all the steps that lead you there, and that every single one of those steps, was orchestrated better than you could have ever imagined. And when you do find your passions and share them with others, you give others permission to do the same, and to realize that everyone is important in their own way.
God bless you @humanearl. Keep up the good work. God be with you always.

And I want to let people know they have the permission to simply LIVE.

Glad you replied me.
I realized not long ago that I’ve spent my entire life waiting for permission. Because I’m a good girl, you see. In my twenties I felt the burning desire in my heart for something more than a go-nowhere nine-to-five office job and the bar on the weekends.

I wanted a career as a singer. Travel. Excitement. Adventure. Heart-stopping moments of bliss.

And I wanted somebody—anybody—to tell me that it was okay, that I should go ahead with it. I don’t mean Oprah or some random person speaking to the masses. I wanted somebody who knew me to give me the green light.

Guess what? It never happened, and it never will. Why? Because nobody can give us permission but ourselves.

Nobody outside ourselves knows what’s going on in our hearts, no matter how we try to explain.

This should be the best post I've read today.

'The worst thing that can happen to a person is not death, but living a life without purpose' - Myles Munroe

Taking your gifts and talents to the grave is the worst thing in life.

I cringe when people tell me they’re doing jobs they hate, or slugging through daily routines that drain their energy and make them miserable. I think you can make any life possible with the right mix of persistence and patience, and I can’t wrap my head around even the thought of waking up every morning to a life that’s not right for me.

When I ask people who are not living their dream life why they’re not living it, they offer up a slew of excuses. It’s as though a laundry list of reasons roll off their tongues and out the door. Before I can reply, they’ve convinced themselves for the umpteenth time that that dream life is unrealistic, impractical, and totally far-fetched. It’s the life reserved for their imagination — not a reality that they have the power to create.

Excuses are just excuses, though. They’re not truths; they’re only as real as you make them. They’re artificial creations that mask the real fear and doubt lurking underneath your skin.

If only you can trust your dreams and have the patience to follow them, you'll surely see them come to pass.

Thanks so much. We are responsible for how we use the gifts and talents we have. What a shame if they go to waste.

It's a great pleasure. And thanks so much for replying. It gives me the satisfaction that someone appreciated and saw some sense, no matter how small in what I wrote.
You are correct. We alone are responsible for how we use our talents. It's just so unfortunate that the grave yard is filled with so much unused talent.
We alone have to decide to put them to use. It might not be easy, it might hurt some people, it might cost a lot, but we will be happy. And that's what matters most, living a happy and fulfilled life.
Thanks again for this reply, it's much appreciated.

Great post there @humanearl. You are really influential. You have sparked a plug inme and it will really get me thinking for days. The title of this post is the most appropriate i have ever seen for a post. You made really good points and i agree without a doubt.
A lot of people go through the motions in life, not doing what they love. They end up constantly looking back, asking themselves, “What if?”
Whether people support you or not, do you really want to look back in regret one day down the line? To not know what could have happened if you tried to do what you really wanted to do?

This love of yours is one of the most important things in your life. Follow your heart, and not the words of others just to live up to their expectations. So we should all breathe and live what moves us. Great post again. I am really humbled.

It's humbling to know this has helped you to start thinking about things. The "what if?" life is not me. In faith I go and Do even if it's outside of my comfort zone. Most people can't get passed being comfortable which is why they dont choose their purpose. Living with purpose is hard.

Thank you. It’s necessary to make a commitment to what’s important in our lives and then pursuing those areas relentlessly.
Hard times are a reality that we all have to face at different points in our lives. We all struggle through dark moments, situations, failures, obstacles, trials, and tribulations. We all have periods of time when we try our best to our best to succeed, but we fail anyway. And we all pass through moments when we try our hardest to make things right, but they still go wrong anyway.
The hard times are unavoidable. You can’t escape the struggle.

But what you can do is use your Purpose to comfort, guide, and support your through the storms. Because when everything falls apart, Purpose will be the support system that helps you piece your life back together.

many people will not become what they want or what they dreamed of, due to many reasons. That's the reality of life.
But what I believe is that what ever you do or who ever you became, we have to be happy what we do and enjoy it so that we will have the encouragement to go forward in life.

Love it! I feel many just need to find their matches to ignite their fire!

Yeah exactly.
Each dream has it’s own timing, which may in reality have nothing to do with your personal timing. Trying to force anything will typically only create stress in your life. Allow things to unfold naturally ‘through you,’ rather than ‘by you.’

Know that when the timing is wrong, nothing you do can make things happen, but equally, when the timing is right, nothing you do can stop your dream from manifesting!

thanks for inspiring n eye opening post love to read your post.

verry good post..i like it...
thanks for sharing....

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let the fire be beneath you !!!

Good job men
Have a nice day

suuperb writing. great article. images includes in this post are really awersome.

Nicely said!