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RE: Be One With The Fire And The Fire Will Be One With You

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Wow this is phenomenal. I really like this topic alot. I have had some past experiences and i understand you when you said your mum discouraged you. The heading has its own inspiration. Talk about the post
You have, like no other person on this planet, certain contributions that you are to make to this generation. Make no mistake about it, you are here at this particular time because the world needs you. You are the only expert on you; therefore, it is you who must make the solid declaration of who you are and how you wish to express yourself.
Many will say that they are afraid to do what they really love to do, or that they don’t have the time. To them I say, you are more capable and incredible than you give yourself credit for. Never be afraid to follow your dream no matter how “out there” it may appear to others. Do you think people rolled their eyes at all of the inventors and visionaries or artists and musicians who drastically changed our lives for the better? Of course they did! But, those same folks can’t deny the fact that it is the dreamers who are the harbingers of positive change in the world. So if somebody doesn’t support or understand your dream, just smile and think to yourself, “Don’t believe me? Just watch!”
I really enjoyed reading all through and had a lessons to take away with. Resteeming wont do the job i want to be done. Still thinking of a way to share this to the larger populace.


Share away!
The feeling of being misunderstood is definitely there but it fuels me actually. I've grown up constantly being an outcast, overlooked, counted out. I'm used to it now though so I embrace it.

Very very glad it fuels you.
One of the hardest burdens to bear is being misunderstood by other people. All of us at one point or another experience looking into the eyes of another person and realizing that he or she simply does not see us the way we see ourselves, and probably never will. How you respond to being misunderstood will be the difference between spending a good deal of time trying to correct other people's misperceptions or being free to carry on with your life no matter what others think of you.
I really respect you friend for not letting it weigh you down