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RE: A Birthday Observation - and a Passage

in #life8 years ago

I guess the thatch roof cottages are mostly a Danish/Southern Swedish and certain parts of the UK thing... it was a nice place to be, pretty much unchanged since it was built in 1938. My wife and I will be spending a few weeks there in the summer of 2018; looking forward to it.

Your dad (I take it he is still in Australia?) sounds a bit like my stepdad... active, no-nonsense, mostly no-frills life. My stepdad was a "nice enough" guy, born and raised in the UK, southern Africa and Australia, from a generation where men didn't "get close" to anything, or anyone.


It definitely is an idyllic looking place there. It will be nice for you to be 'home' for a bit again I am sure.

Yes, definitely a no frills kind of guy but not standoffish either. Just a focused artist when I was growing up. Probably the friendliest ,open and thoughtless person one could ever meet :)