Knife Sale - #00 Is it Time? Let's see...

in #life7 years ago

Hello dear Steemians!

As all of 800 of you (almost) know I make knives. Now, I don't make them for a living but as a hobby.

During the last half a year or so I've shown you some of the knives I've made, some of the ups and downs I had, introduced you to that aspect of my life and generally did all I could to get you interested in both me and hand-made knives.
Well, maybe not all I could, but all my lazy ass allowed me to.

As I've mentioned, I don't make my living by making knives, but I do sell my knives. And from the very beginning, the plan was to promote my craft and sell my knives to the good people of the Steemania.
Selling a hand-made knife is never easy. People who love them, generally have an idea what they wanna buy, and can be really specific of what they gonna spend the money on; and people who aren't into hand-made knives tend to get intimidated by a lot of things that come into play with them.
Such as price, size, the type of steel, knife care and the rust issues on high-carbon steel etc.

I've actually cowered some of this issues in my Knives (handmade) 101, so if you read this post all the way to the very end and want to learn more, you can check them out.

Anywho, the situation that happens from time to time happened - a client who has reserved the knife is, now that the knife is finished, giving me the silent treatment and has obviously had a change of heart.

And even though it's a drag, because I now have to spend the precious time to promote the knife and try to sell it, it had given me an opportunity to see if the time is ripe to offer you guys a swing.



Gyuto with a saya for sale!!!

I've actually made a post on this knife, so if you want to check how it was made you can do so here

The knife is made in 1095 steel, with differential heat treatment - which can be seen in the beautiful hamon line.
It is ground super thin with a convex edge and is super-duper sharp.
The hardware is in natural materials - ferrule is Golden Phoeby and the body is in European Walnut, with a brass spacer in-between.
The knife comes is with a really nice Saya made in Sucupira wood and a cool looking Walnut pin. Saya has a flat bottom so it can be used as a display stand.
The blade is 245mm long with an AOL being 375mm.

The advertised price on the usual channels is $350 TYD (that's to your door - meaning that the WW shipping is included).

Since this is my first such offer here on Steemit I'm giving you guys a $50 discount!!!

Acceptable payment is PayPal and, naturally, Steem.

If someone is interested, you can drop a comment down below or PM me on Discord - DocSmith #2734.

I'll just leave a few pics below to remind you all of how beautiful this gal is.


That is a very beautiful knife. I’m not currently in need of any new ones, but I resteemed this so maybe a few more people will see it and you can find a buyer :) Owning a hand made, one of a kind knife is something really special.

Wow, first boobs and now this - you are really making this "me liking you" easy 😉

Thank you, I really appreciate it!

Boobs, what boobs, I have none! 😇 but you’re welcome, hope it helps!

Look, I'm a doctor, if I say you got boobs - you got boobs ;)

I feel like we’ve had this fruitful conversation before 😅

Plain beautiful! Amazing hand craft!

Thank you :)

Great work give you reward but there is a strategic planning which convert your goals into dreams ....

Oh man your comments are the best: bordering on spam but each one gets my brain juices going ;)

wow, looks realy amazing.
excelent work ....

Thank you - much appreciated ;)

Auguro tanto successo!
As a knife maker I can guarantee that this knife is made very well!
Un saluto, nicola

Grazie mille!

Ovaj nož izgleda genijalno i drška i futrola također!

Nemam potrebu da kupim nož, ali imam jedan za restauraciju... Radi se o lovačkom nožu marke Famipa, Prizren. Vrlo je kvalitetan, ali pošto s njime puno radim pa sam ga jednim slučajem zaboravio na krovu od auta, a onda je, čini mi se bio i pregažen, drška je u poprilično lošem stanju.

Da li se baviš i restauracijom?

Ne primarno, ali tu i tamo uleti nakakav takav projekt. Ajde stavi sliku da vidim o čemu se radi.

Evo ga:


U principu, nije uopće jako oštećen. Oštrica mu je super očuvana i dovoljno oštra.



Ali drška je oštećena i rasklimana:


Ovako sa slike, čini mi se da se bolster (balčak) okrenuo - on bi trebao biti na vijak pa možeš probati stisnuti ga (nož) u škripac i s vodoinstalaterskim kliještima malo ga stegnuti.
Ali postoji mogućnost da bi mogao puknuti.
I gard je spigan. A ni oštrica baš nije u nekom reprezentativnom stanju.

Ja bi ti za tako nešto uzeo 100 eura, a iskreno za tu lovu možeš kupiti bolji nož.
I teško da bi to mogao napraviti kak spada, morao bi trgati dolje, a onda nemam tih materijala niti znam gravirati da bi se teško upuštao u tako nešto.

Pazi da ti ne pukne dok nešto režeš pa da ti se ne zabije u neko nezgodno mjesto. Ako se drška klima onda ima lufta i može vlaga/voda ući unutra...

OK, hvala na savjetima i iskrenosti! Služi on mene dobro i stegnuo sam već balčak i više se ne klima. Kad bude se još dodatno rasklimao i popucao, onda ću ga restaurirati jer je taj nož bio poklon i ima mi neku emotivnu vrijednost, a osim toga jako me dobro služi!

Nice craftsmanship!

beautiful hamon!

Thank you!
Also, that's some serious beard ;)

Nice live mate. This hobby of yours is an inspiration many people out there on steep and outside. Even more impressing is that you ve made a cover for the knives as well as your photography.

It is a good life - I don't have much to complain about ;)
Thank you

You seem to know what you are doing! i love the walnut handle. look at my knife... it is a disgrace i know.. i can hardly use ist to cut some bush in the garden :)

Still fun to make it.

Happy to see other people with passion for knifes!

Lol, you should see my first one ;)

It's kinda hard to see from the pic, but I think if you refine the edge on the stone or sand-paper it will cut much better. Are those file marks I see?
If you don't have stones, just take sanding paper stick it on some flat surface and go through grits - starting from 220 or something close, and taking it up to 1000. It will cut your bushes like a champ.

What steel did you use?

Oh yea! it is a good advice! I guess it is a pity to leave it in this state...
Well, the steel is just tool-steel no Damascus, i believe C15 or something similar. It still need to be hardened as well.
(and yes that are file marks you saw XD, I said it is a disgrace.)

Thanks again for the advice! It is motivating to see other doing such a great job!

Oh man, you have to do the heat treatment - until you do, it's not a knife but a knife-like object.
So, NP on the advice but it won't help much unless you do the HT ;)

Right, i need to fire up the Oven!

Some really nice work there. I will surely repost for more to share.

Thanks, much obliged :)

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Such knife will be of help to us in African for cutting dog meat.

That's not funny. The thing about being funny is you kinda have to be smart first...

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