After one month the results have been amazing. The results:
Previous picks:
Pick 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26

Having a look back at all my daily pick of hidden gem posts. I noticed the huge improvement, not just in the format and layout but also in the content and quality of my posts and the featured posts.
The birth of the daily pick.
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Quite literately it was a mistake. I had been chatting to my father about all these amazing posts that are hard to find and hardly get and reward for their hard work. Days later I had asked him if there was some way to tell or show people about these amazing posts.
That is where we stumbled upon the idea of the daily pick. My father works and doesn't have the time to look through posts. That is where I came in as I am 19 and was pretty much wasting my days away doing nothing constructive(as most my age) while waiting to get enrolled into varsity.
The start of the daily pick.
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Well the daily pick was started to get these posts noticed and at first(up until about pick #5) no one who voted for the pick actually took the time to go and read the posts I had in it...
I was ready to give up.
The layout was starting to mould into something better after each post. The content that i featured started to get better and better, but still no following on the featured posts. Everyone was great full for getting featured but nothing was happening.
The end of the daily pick(or so I thought)
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Spam flooded steemit making it much harder to find posts and the time which it started taking to find post was just not worth it... I had given up. I was not going to go trough all that trouble again, to just see that the posts I love so dearly get $0.40... I went to bed early that night
Oh boy did I get a slap in the face the next morning. Bernie had upvoted all the posts I had in my daily pick. The excitement filled me, finally my effort has payed off!
The positive/negative of the daily pick
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Well there is opposition in all things and boy was I not ready for what was about to happen. Some people started to hate my daily pick(reason unknown at the time) where others loved it and thanked me for what I was doing. Others were so glad and excited about the fact that I would help them get their article noticed.
Well being happy about the fact that I can help people out, well you can guess the opposition to that as when I saw that it was helping some days and other days it wasn't at all. Make no mistake, I got really sad about that.
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Between reading amazing posts everyday and all your lovely comments and support you have change my life and I want to thank everyone for all the support and help they have been in this work of mine. My life has changed because of you and one cant put that into words or put a price on it. The value of a changed life is priceless and I hope that we will all help each other to better each others lives. Keep going strong and never ever give up.
Don't mind any negative pushback. You're doing a great thing for the community, so just focus on that. Keep doing you're thing!
Yes in this community are very much negative people. :( But also motivating people too, like you @jedau keep going with such positive comments, the writers need it for insipration!
thank you. I didn't know if anyone ever noticed, it's nice to be known for being inspiring, even if it's through my comments and not my posts. I just literally finished writing a post about my comments not getting any responses and then your response came along haha! I literally lol'd. Might have to take a few paragraphs out and modify some statements. I can't believe a response to my comment could be so gamechanging haha! I really appreciate the notice, you don't know how much it means :DOh wow @future24
I love what you're doing, and hope we can cross-pollinate our projects!
I just launched the Lost Content Digest, where I dig up articles that missed their first payout. If an issue of my Digest features 5 articles, then each of those articles get a 5th of the SBD proceeds of my Digest.
Check out issue #2 here:
keep in contact with me if you want and i'll gladly do a weekly wrapup with some of the top creators (with special emphasis on blockchain service devs).
Sounds great. Are you on
Always here for the people hell yeah @officalfuzzy
My name on is fuzzy. :)
what is your name?
I up-voted this early today, because I believe finding lost content is a good cause.
I've been working on a similar idea of summarizing content of authors with a lot of great stuff. This helps newcomers quickly see what someone is about and how they positively contribute to Steem.
One is @complexring who does much to benefit Steem. Just go to #complexring to see it.
Nice one Biophil - thanks for doing what you're doing!
I will be following you now after reading your post of helping find lost content. I think that's a great idea, so many good things on this site get over looked or lost In the overflow of information being posted. Or overlooked by whales who's only out for the few people they vote leaving the minnows lost in the seaweed
really great!
I thingk @dragonslayer109 is doing great work and upvote most/all of the selections. Thank you!
Again, great findings, thank you for sharing! Namaste :)
Thank you.
It will be better in the future.
Organizing the content on categories, not tags. When a newcomer will arrive he will choose his categories as points of interests and areas of expertise.
Also rethinking the distribution of rewards for authors/curators it will be a great step forward.
Personal projects like anti-spam, downvoting plagiarism, hidden gems will bring value to steemit.
Of course.
not quite sure what you mean by this?
steemit is in continuous development. It is desired to improve the user's experience so some work should be done in the rewards algorithm, organizing the info, etc.
that will be so much better :)
I am new here but I gonna have to follow your "Daily Gems" looks interesting!
Your are doing a great job!
I even got picked in your Daily pick of hidden gems #22 with my Expect Nothing And Publish Your Content Because You Want To Do It. - My full in-depth steemit story! and I truly appreciate it. It was an honor to be featured in one of your daily gems but even so, I can still see why some people "hate" these gems.
It's no secret that most of the gems doesn't get as much attention as the actual hidden gem post and that's probably why most "haters" so to speak, hate these post. However, I just want to say, don't listen to them. Not even once.
You deserve the earnings from these posts for all the work you do and even if we all would love to see even more rewards to the gems you feature, that's not up to you. That's up to the readers so it's not your fault.
That being said, berniesanders upvoted all the gems inside one of your hidden gem posts, and that should be enough confidence to keep you calm and just continue to post these gems each and every day.
I appreciate your effort and I know there's a lot of others who appreciates them too. Thank you!
thank you for your kind words and I won't ever stop doing my gems :)
Wow, you're 19? That's pretty early to be interested in cryptocurrency. When I was your age, I was just looking through nintendo magazines trying to find cheat codes for Goldeneye on the N64.
Have a look at my blog if you're interested in having a laugh. I'm a struggling comedian.
I put about $50 of my own money into this post here.
Have a great day.
You're doing a great job! Don't let the naysayers get to you! You are helping a lot of people out there. And we are all grateful for it! Keep rocking :)
thank you for all your support
Your GIF matches to my latest picture from my holidays lol
Thank you for the work bro
hahahaha nice lol
Hey @dragonslayer109, if you don't mind could you check out my new Steemit tool ( and see if it's worth putting in your daily gems? Thanks!
hey I don't have a proper pick today but the tool could be a lot of fun to use for some steemit users
Cool no worries, any help is greatly appreciated!
You know, you didn't HAVE to do this---how wonderful that you chose to think of helping others and in turn, you feel a sense of pride in your accomplishment. Don't ever change--and have fun in college!
thank you and yes I will try my best to have fun and make the most of it :D
Can I nominate somone elses post to be included in your series? I read this first installment of a story the other day and really enjoyed it:
While I'm here, I wonder if you would consider this post of mine for inclusion?
You are the proof that persistence pays out. It's kinda funny that you almost gave up. Although there is a lot of shit-talking about berniesanders is always knew he was a good guy and is here to help the community. Starting last few days I read all posts that you promote and upvote on them. I was doing same discovering created content but wasn't promoting it. Honestly, I don't have the will to do it anymore, because its hard job. Now I just read what others find. There are still lots of good posts that get buried and that is a sad story.
Why people are having bad reflections on your work is their frustration on the platform, since you often earn more than those posts you promote combined. They should not hate the player but the game. Yesterday I saw that whales upvoted posts that were promoted by you also and that is the best thing you did. It's something great to put value in others work.
I did notice that yesterdays pick the posts in there were upvoted and i was super happy about that. the same thing happened with the previous days pick. bernie is a great guy no matter what people say as he is here to help us out and he is usually(always) the one to upvote the posts in my pick. others do the same and i also thank them for doing that and the help and value that they bring to the pick is far better than the votes which they give pick post.
Thanks for doing what you are doing dragonslayer109 : )
Who is Bernie?
berniesanders hope I spelt it right
ah okay yeah thanks, great post by the way
this very nice
Thank you for the opportunity to help change your life. It's that notion that keeps me working at this everyday. Keep doing the daily picks!
I hope that others lives will also be changed by this as I want the same joy that I have felt for other people too
I love your Hidden Gem updates, I cant spend too much time on Steemit and super curators like @dragonslayer109 really help me catch some awesome stories that I would otherwise miss out on..
Keep up this great work.
You deserve any Upvote rewards you get x 10
thank you and I am glad they help you out :)
Thanks once again.@dragonslayer109 thanks for your daily work, it is truly appreciated. I just submitted a post, and I am hoping it will qualify for and be added to your daily pick of hidden gems. It is at
hey I don't have a proper pick today but tomorrow I will have a pick again :)
Thanks for your response @drangonslayer109. No problem at all. Will be looking forward to tomorrow.
Hello @dragonslayer109, Wondering if you picking the hidden gems for today. If so, my article at might just qualify. A lot of bots have invaded the post but I hope true curators find it. Thanks
I don't care what the naysayers have to nitpick about. This is an awesome thing you and your dad are doing, and you should definitely keep it up. Pushing content to the front page that you personally enjoy or think is worthwhile helps everyone, both authors and readers.
Keep up the good work, boss!
thank you and I am so happy with your content as reading through these articles I have changed and I am sure that some of them have change you too
Hey man, glad your life was changed by the experience so far. :)
I /thought/ about doing a daily pick, or weekly pick type post, but you actually went ahead and did it before I got around to it. You win. :) Keep it up.
i enjoy your daily picks... thanks for finding quality post. I like finding great post and saying something to the authors. Even if it makes them feel good for the work they did, even for a few minutes, gives me a little joy. Just because they are not getting recognized does not mean it's not good. I am not a writer, I like to read great content thou. I am still attempting to find out what I can do here at Steemit, but right now, I will continue to read, upvote, keep users motivated and comment on great posts. Thanks again, for what you do..... PK
Hola, yo no pierdo las esperanzas de mejorar para lograr objetivos a traves de Steemit, se que mi esposo y mi hija tienen cada dia mejores intenciones y les deseo la mejor de las suertes a todas las personas que estan participando cada dia. Yo por lotanto estoy ayudando a m hija . Y espero poder ayudar a una amiga que se encuentra en desagradables momentos dedibo a la crisis queestamos viviendo. Yo se que ella tiene mucho para dar! Gracias por tu post. Felicitaciones!
Hola , yo no pierdo las esperanzas de lograr v Mejorar el párrafo Objetivos traves de un Steemit , se que mi esposo y mi hija Tienen cada dia Mejores intenciones y les deseo la mejor de las suertes un TODAS LAS personajes que estan Participando cada dia . Yo estoy por lotanto Ayudando a m hija . Y espero Poder Ayudar a una Amiga Que SE Encuentra en momentos desagradables dedibo a la crisis queestamos Viviendo . Yo se que Ella Tiene Mucho para dar ! Gracias por tu mensaje . Felicitaciones !
oy thankl por su comentario y estoy muy contento de que usted no ha perdido la esperanza sin embargo, mantener la publicación de gran contenido :)
Great work @dragonslayer109. You're doing a real service to a lot of high quality content creators, with these hidden gems. I have found excellent work, through these posts. Thank you :)
Hidden Gems, Golden Nuggets, Lost Content Digest, Jacor, and others ... So much good content slipping through the cracks but peeps like you are helping to bring it back up on the radar. Kudos.
I can see both sides. What you are doing here is extremely good and when whales jump in it helps a lot. But some minnows have been ignored for 50-100 posts and seeing that they haven't made this list feels like another burn.
The little burned minnow may need to just keep working hard and ignoring the tips, but for minnows who love their tips it reinforces the feeling that they are being overlooked.
Either way, you are doing a good thing. I can't believe you are 19! wow. Thank you!
Yes it is true that lots of minnows don't make it onto this list which is sad. They must just keep going strong and things will get better for them
Thank you for sharing and im happy about your visits at my blog too!
I think this is an awesome blog you're running. Keep it up and don't listen to those who get angry out of envy.
Thanks for giving credit to all the images. Setting the bar as high as possible for others to follow is awesome!
Thanks for digging for these gems too.
Also, big thanks to everyone that is doing similar to bring attention to forgotten and unseen quality posts and especially those whales that are consistently giving to the lesser known but equally valuable posts strewn all over the Steemit landscape. We need a lot more of that attitude!
That's really nice of you to help out the minnows. I'm doing a "band of the day " post everyday. I haven't seen anyone else doing it but I think it's something g a lot of people will enjoy. Check out my posts if you have the time.
Please have a look at this Choose Your Own Adventure I wrote -- it looks like it might fly under the radar, but I know it deserves better!
I will have a look thank you
Let's look ahead , so success depends on us.
Nice post, good inspiration... keep up ur great writing a gem right here?! :)
hahaha very true :)
how do i add pictures to my blog posts
Potential gem? :D
How I Made An Award-Winning Film with No Money, No Ideas, and No Camera
I read and liked it when you first posted it!
Ah thanks @freewill :)
I appreciate your hunting.
Is there a way we can submit a post that we think has gone unnoticed?
I wrote another post ( which didn't get much attention although it looks like my followers are very very slowly growing.
Very Good
Some great posts. Looking forward to seeing how this progresses long term.
I think it is a great idea to have daily pick in good content that is not getting much attention. You provide great value in curation. As a newbie steemer who has almost made nothing yet (maybe $1 with 10 posts or so), I can only hope someone gives me some attention some day.
I imagine in time there will be "reader's digest" style, but more specific list curators in the future. "Anarchist's digest", "fiction writers' digest", "travel/photography digest" etc...
Will be following you and your daily picks. :D
You're doing good job, mate! Keep going!
I love upvoting late. It makes me feel whaley to increase the payout with 20-50 dollars instead of 0.02 dollar :)
Great work dragonslayer, keep it coming and shrug off those h8ers.
lol thank you love your attitude :)