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RE: The Daily Pick of Hidden Gems #1st month

in #life9 years ago

Don't mind any negative pushback. You're doing a great thing for the community, so just focus on that. Keep doing you're thing!


Yes in this community are very much negative people. :( But also motivating people too, like you @jedau keep going with such positive comments, the writers need it for insipration!

thank you. I didn't know if anyone ever noticed, it's nice to be known for being inspiring, even if it's through my comments and not my posts. I just literally finished writing a post about my comments not getting any responses and then your response came along haha! I literally lol'd. Might have to take a few paragraphs out and modify some statements. I can't believe a response to my comment could be so gamechanging haha! I really appreciate the notice, you don't know how much it means :DOh wow @future24