What really makes you happy? If you not happy what do you think would make you happy?
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For ages now people have been asking themselves, why they not happy? Why is everyone else happy besides me? Why can't I find that one thing that will make me happy? Many asking these questions are confused and very lost.
How does one find happiness?
Some believe that you find happiness when you are super successful, when you have everything you need and want. This is always depicted as true happiness. Once you have all that you need and want you will be happy. Is this really so...?
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How many people that have everything say they are empty or have a "hole" that they can not fill. Where does one find happiness? Well everywhere, the smallest things can change your happiness forever. One just needs to stop, listen, look and pay really close attention.
Where can happiness be found?
Little children always seem to be happy with almost everything. Why is this? They don't have a care in the world yet... nothing to be unhappy with. They don't have much, so where does this happiness come from? Happiness starts with you, it is a decision you make every day.
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Things could satisfy you... but then you just satisfied not truly happy. It is within yourself, one can go about life unhappy for the rest of your life if you are relying on things to make you happy.
The long road to happiness
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You don't just become happy overnight or wake up and say you are now happy. It is a processes or search(pursuit) of happiness, the road is long and hard. During this search for happiness you will receive a taste of what happiness is, treasure that moment, that feeling as the road will challenge you and bring you down.
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I was always a really unhappy child at a stage of my life. It is not a good place to be and I hated everything and everybody for no reason. My life had a huge change almost a 180 turn and now I am glad that I have changed and I am a happy person with what I have and with life in general. I have learnt to be happy within myself but it is still an every day struggle as life can get you down at times.
Decide today to never let things, that are out of your control, make you unhappy. Keep moving forward no matter what!
Force Choking makes me happy.

hahahahaha nice
There is no such things as happiness. Only moments when we are not miserable. This is why everyone is trying so hard
Your mind is like your muscles. You have to train your mind to be happy.
Just as you can't change from having the muscles of Pee-Wee Herman to the muscles of Arnold Schwartzenegger overnight. You won't be able to change the chemistry of your brain overnight.
With practise, you can become Happy.
The more time you spend doing things the better you become at doing them (successfully)
Agreed. I have had a very hard life, and have very little materially, but consider myself happy. I try to focus on gratitudes- things i'm grateful for rather then things I don't have. There are so many things to be grateful for. Getting in the habit of redirecting your thoughts to those of gratitude really impacts happiness.
We are lucky to be alive every day as many friends and family around me is dieing. I want to die happy
We Chose Our Happiness
Not Others
Keep Steeming On!
Its true.You have to make the decision for yourshelf."I m going to be happy no matter what.I deserve to be".
The positive thinking helps towards this direction.
Love is pretty close with hapiness.
Being gretfull for what you have in your life .
Once you realise the true meaning and your hapiness starts to show others will follow.It is contaigious!
And i am so happy it is contagious as many people what to be with a person who is happy. That way you make more friends learn more and that increases your happiness
Exactly.I catch my shelf alot of times trying to avoid some mizerable people I know.Their point of view brings me down.I dont like to be rude and I try to change the way they see life but if a person doesnt want to help himshelf what can you really do?
It is for them to decide to be happy. you can give them everything and they will still be unhappy
Was recently listening to an interview with Tony Robbins and he spoke about achievement vs. fulfillment.
It's why you see super successful people that are still miserable. Because they have an achievement mindset as opposed to fulfillment. They achieve something, have a moment of happiness. Then it's, what's next? I need my fix.
It is also hard to find real love and friends when you are successful as they either want your money or are jealous of your success
This is true...... because I'm jealous of the success of your posts! haha. Nah, I aspire to have your success. :-) I just keep grinding out value add quality content, eventually it will take off.
But yeah, this is why a drive a 14 year old car, don't want a girl dating me because she thinks I have money, not that I do. But enough to have a higher end new car if I wanted to waste money on it.
Just keep at it. It will get noticed someday and well Im sure you will be really happy when that happens
Great post. It gave me a some sort of pleasure while reading your post. Like your work @dragonslayer109