It's ridiculous when parents throw a fit over that, if their children are repeating it the problem is on their end- case in point: My kids grew up around sailor mouths and all it took when they were young was being told "That's an adult word, you're not allowed to say that until you're grown up"...Zoe still doesn't really swear and she doesn't even live at home, lol, and Ethan... well Ethan started swearing this year, but he earned it ;)
My mother hates the word fuck but she would never reprimand a stranger for it, that's just stupid.
Thanks for the tip!
My eldest daughter, she said 'shit' not so long ago and I noticed right away. I was like that's the first time you ever said shit around me. At that point it's a sign they trust you enough to be themselves around you. I know damn well they use those words when they're out cruising around or partying or doing what teens do. I'm not a moron.
Nobody wants their little ones to use the words. They don't do it right. They yell one word, it's always in public, and they repeat it over and over while laughing. That's still better than the kid who runs away every two minutes to go knock something over and won't listen to a damn thing their parents tell them though.