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RE: -_Saying Goodbye To The Blackbird Chick_-_Despidiéndome Del Polluelo De Mirlo_-

in #life8 years ago

Hi Ivy!
Do you have blackbirds in your garden? So you have to have a good melodic awakening by their singing then.
What did you mean with "that sucks"?
He's already in a wild birds protective association and they're close to set him free again.


yes I do
on mornings I get up at 5 am they're on a concert
I love their songs
when they're hunting snails during their meal time and I am in the garden
I hear them make a sound like that of a wailing dog

i get attached with animals I take care of in my garden
one time with 5 baby sparrows in a conifer in the nest
so I thought that sucks to be separated with them
but nature is a lot happier in the wild - free