Nice people are cool. Nice people rock. So why are so many people determined to be rude all the time?
I've been encountering a few people lately who come across as rude, abrupt, uncaring.
Insensitive. Petulant. Self-obsessed. Arrogant.
You probably know the type.
They are so removed from reality, or perhaps so convinced of their own self-importance, that I'm pretty sure they don't even notice what wankers they are (wankers is an Australian/NZ/UK term for people who are rude, abrupt, uncaring, insensitive, petulant, self-obsessed, arrogant or haughty).
I don't think I'm a wanker. I certainly try not to be.
And the good news is that there is a solution for these people. It's called being nice.
You see, I've been struggling with the idea of how to confront these people. I don't want to just call them a wanker - it seems counterproductive (and rude, dare I say).
I've thought about saying, for example, can you try to be a bit less arrogant and self-obsessed? It's a bit off-putting and doesn't paint you in a very positive light.
Or perhaps I could say, you are very insensitive and come across as crass and rude.
Where what I really want to say is why do you think it's cool to be rude? Can't you at least try to be nice sometimes?
I know. I'm sounding my age I think. But I don't care. Nobody enjoys being around people who treat them badly. Not even wankers. People like being around nice people.
Ask a little kid if they like nice people. I know the answer.
So, I ask again: why is it uncool to be nice?
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I'm a total wanker - I've been aware of it for sometime and my New Years resolution was to be less of one in 2018, but I don't think I'm doing too well. I've now referred to myself 6 times in two sentences :|
You on the other hand @DrWom, are a great guy and I hope I haven't wankered myself into your wanker box!
It takes dedication to be a total wanker,
half a wanker will aways feel like you left the job unfinished
we know how unsatisfying that can be
never hold back, pull out all the stops
total wankerhood is a possibility
why argue with just one person
when you can be a Mass - debater?
I see what you did there 🙃
This post was brilliant and insightful
Love the way you posed it from a place of curiosity, rather than righteousness
a pleasure to find you on Steemit.
its the content that makes the platform
the people that make the content
the appreciation that gives it value
blah blah ha ha
I don't think you're a wanker, Bulleth. You just tell it how it is. S'good.
Its ok to shine, we won't cut you down brother :)
Maybe being nice seems like a predictive behaviour and people tends to see those set of people as only simple, inexperienced and don't know about life kind of person. That seems to drive the reason why they are treated in such a bad way
I try to remind myself that everyone is doing the best they can at that moment in time. And a moment of wankerhood does not equal a lifetime of wankerhood. They could just be having a bad day. I don't know what their dealign with in life or the situation that has led them to become a master-wanker, if they are particularly consistent. (You can tell I, as a Canadian, I am enjoying using your term.) If I am really present I choose to lead by example and be the change I want to see and all that. But most of my time, I choose to place my focus on that which brings me more contentment. Being nice feels good and it is its own reward:)
😂😂😂😂😂😂Bro.. Next time while posting ur post try to reduce ua text n minimise it bcz i can't read this much of matter😁 bt however keep it up
Really nice story bro... 😍
I think people that are rude often times feel they are above you and would rather not acknowledge your existence but they have to so they are come off as arrogant and rude. Being nice to them only works sometimes.
Nice post.I respect you very much because you contribute to steemit.I will do activities like you.I would like to extend the steemit..
good post mate. Sadly its true though. Being nice is a rarity. Seems the only way to get ahead these days is to be a wanker though :(
Nice writing keep it up.
awesome cute photo.
In the current reality of life, if your nice everybody will take advantage of you. I learned that the hard way. Get everything they can squeeze out of you. In their eyes your life a deer from a lion's eye.
I think people do not want to be close someone because of they afraid to get hurt.Being rude seems cool on their eyes but they do not want to behaved themselves like that.Selfishness is the key of rudeness..sadly..
Nice people don't answer back, they don't seek revenge. They treat arrogance with politeness and thus become the obvious soft targets for wankers. Because as you said wankers also like nice people, so who else can give back kindness in response to arrogance, The nice guys right.
Rude people tend to be the ones that hate life witb every fiber of their being so they let their misery expand through everything they come in contact with. Or the entitled ones, too busy sitting on their high horse , staring at their phone to even realize theyre being rude. I think reminding them is needed sometimes (: a simple sarcastic "your welcome" tends to work for me. It gets really fun when you have a full on conversation with yourself in front of them "oh thankyou! How kind!...oh youre very welcome sir have a beautiful day!" You may look crazy but they'll pay attention long enough to get the message (;
If such people negatively treat other people, they are rude, cruel, arrogant, so they, too, will receive such an attitude to themselves from surrounding people. Such rude people no longer need to prove and explain that they are bad. They still do not understand anything. They appreciate themselves so highly that they consider themselves unique.
I can certainly relate sir :) Sometimes people seem more involved in their own hubris than anything more. They have their ideas and beliefs of life which leave no room at all for others, their impatience and shortness reveals this accurately.