It's only harsh if you feel it. I never feel like age catches up with us, until it does. We'll all wake up at 90, and not remembee how we got there! Ha!
Nobody in my house has gorren it yet. Lucky? Now we all wonder when... if... it really has aged everyone!
We used to wonder when we would get it. Then it came!!! But I appear to be immune. King of the Clean!!
Haha! You get to care for them all. You probably are immune, you brought it home!
Lol. Maybe I did. Maybe I had no symptoms and had it and passed it on. That cheers me up no end!
Especially on your birthday!!! What are the birthday plans?? What will be happening on the big 5-0?
Now you get to hold it over their head like a punishment. Nope
No sense getting smited for being a smart alec.
But I love the smiting and holding over heads!!
That's what life is all about!! Nearly ;0)
Then use it to your advantage, like punishment!
One more bit of backtalk and It's Covid for you!
They shall call me The Dispenser!
Did I forget to tell you?
Why, I think you did say! But I like hearing it!