Trouble Not The Trousers Be

in #life3 years ago


Those are interesting trousers?

The Good Lady, at her own considerable risk of an eye-doinking, leaned down and tugged at the leg of my breeks.

Interesting as in sexy party interesting, babycheeks?

I struck a pose but hopefully not in the hot-fish-yoghurt-cat-attracting way that Madonna was famous for doing.

Hmm, I am not entirely sure on that one.

She stood up and rubbed at her chin before stepping back and eyeing me as if I were some big-eyed, muddy something that needed milking.
Call me cowish but perhaps I did?

I cocked a leg out to the side and did a small jig.

They have many pockets. Many many pockets. Would you like to try one?

I twitched a back pocket at her alluringly.

Um, you are right. They do have a lot of pockets. In fact, how many pockets do they have? Is that an actual pocket on your shin?

She frowned and again dived down into the danger zone to give the shin zip a little tug.

Oh no, that one is a fake.

She hauled herself back up before my cruel sethropod broke free for a spot of lunch.
I mean seriously, could they have come up with a salty beast that looked more penile?

Yes yes, woman. There is the odd fake pocket. I suppose, in that respect, my trousers are an allegory for life itself in which we all have to face the odd 'false pocket'... hmm?

I made air quotes because it had been a while since I had last done so and I felt that they were overdue for a return to the mainstream.

But only if used in the right way of course...

Jesus, sometimes you are full of shit.

The Good Lady chuckled and jabbed me good-naturedly in the belly.

Before she could blink, I had pulled my top up and exposed a sea of gently rippling abs.

Hey, I wasn't ready. Come on, do it again.

I jutted my belly at her menacingly.

Come on, poke them. Poke them hard!

I jumped up and down at her like a daft punk from the eighties trying to impress their peacock friends at a gig.

Put your belly away!

She swatted at my sea-abs causing them to swoosh back and forth like waves in a harbour.

Then she stopped and looked at me harder than she could punch.

Oh. Ooooooooooh... I know what's going on. Oh, baby. Come here. Come for a cuddle.

She held her arms out, her hands twitching on the ends of them like dying fish.

Huh, whatcha mean?

I pulled away suspiciously from those gaping limbs and skipped from foot to foot like an Irishman drunkenly readying to box his missus after his horses failed to win that day.

Oh come on, Daddy-Bear. It's ok you know. It's just another birthday.

She made that face that Veterinarians do when they pretend to you that your old cat still has many years of life left.

I stood stock-still as if listening for a Badger snuffling at the entrance of his sett on a brisk spring evening in the woods.
*(not a euphemism, although now I think on it, it would be a damn fine one.

How very dare you?

I snarled as if having eaten feta.

What? Oh, is it because it's the big Hawaii Five-O..? Come on, it's just a number!

The Good-Lady amused herself by doing a strange dance that looked as if she were mashing potatoes whilst singing that insanely catchy tune from god knows when.

I stood there and stared my most powerful stare of fury at her, willing her to melt into slobbery nonsense on the ground so that I could feed her to the foxes and not have to fess up to the Feds that I had furious superpowers and murdered those who displeased me.

She resolutely failed to melt.

I snorted. My powers were weak today.

She might not be so lucky tomorrow.


Your powers were weak today? Are you sure the Good Lady doesn't have a superpower of nullifying other people's superpowers? D:

Happy nearly half century XD

If she had that super power it would go a long way to explaining the last 20 years or so!! lol.

Half a century, eh? Its fucking ancient. I should be living in a cave with a long beard telling the young uns that some of them wont come back from this war!

So you can vogue to top Madonna, minus those eye poking pointy cups, with much more style and glam?

I dare say I’d love to see a video clip of you dancing a jig. My Irish heart warms at the thought of that vision.

Do you know the deal about fake zippers and what that’s called?

I see many pointy teeth but only two claws in your sethropod. Trade you a couple claws for a couple of those teeth. I’d say something more about appendages and teeth in another jurisdiction, but I’m censoring myself for good reasons.

skipped from foot to foot like an Irishman drunkenly readying to box his missus after his horses failed to win that day.

You are aware, lol, that Irish women are the ones to be scared of, eh? 😏
(censors stories of Scottish men trying to tangle with me and losing badly)

Hawaii Five-O? 😂 Happy Birthday, it's all downhill now. Stiff upper lip and extra jigs will assist in reversing that, at least outwardly. Oh yes, also laughs, many of them, such as I had reading your entire post, you're too funny for your britches, well almost, the fake pocket provides extra space. 😉

Hahahah, I had clean forgotten about those pointy cups of hers. How could anyone forget that, that is what Madge in the nineties was known best for!

My jigs, whilst bringing all the girls to the yard are a deeply personal thing. Unless someone slips me a couple of Tequilas or a fiver. hell, maybe even both... Double jig!! :OD

I am always baffled by the fake zips. I mean, I am not sure I would want pockets in some of the places theyput them but I am the kind of guy that if I have a zip I want it to lead somewhere!

Oh that's right, Irish women can be doughty and fierce. My dear Mum was half Irish and she was the fiercest woman I knew. I shall remember that for the next time ;O)

I will try to laugh extra hard in future knowing that it is all I have left, LOL!

Those cups left a pointed impression stain in my brain, lol.

Performance of a jig with a fee paid for thee, but a tequila for a Scot?

Be glad you're a guy and the zips are only in strange places. Women's clothes these days, with or without zip, it would be lucky to get to the first joint of a finger. I thought I had that solved until you stated the zip with fake pocket has migrated to men's clothing.

LOL, your mom is half Irish, you know the experience! That explains the word weaving story telling gift 😉, or am I giving the Irish too much credit?

Add story telling also, laughter isn't all you have left. Since I haven't known you long, can't add other aspects, but I have a cat whisker inkling there's a lot more layered in there. 😸

Aren't cat whiskers the most amazing things? I used to collect them when I was a lad. Between the cats we had, I amassed a great collection much to my mammy's dismay! :OD

I think that might be a good explanation of where the storytelling comes from.

And the exasperation on the zips! I hadn't known they had started out on the lady attire but now I come to think on it I have seen some odd zippery which didn't look as if it was ever meant to ho anywhere on some girls clothes! Now I know! haha

Aren't cat whiskers the most amazing things?

Yes, they are, what a good story, lol! I didn't know they shed whiskers until I found one, then more. I saved them. Here's where I admit that I recently fanned them out and sealed the ends together in a strip of folded black leather (being placed into the sheepskin tunic I'm finishing off for an extra special memory. Post to arrive some point, sadly I will have to model for the pics, paper bag time).

Decrease cost of production, increase revenue, voila! I've sewn forever, my lucky ex had custom whatever he wanted made, including buttons. Yes, I spoiled him. He's never forgotten, LOL.

A sheepskin tunic? That sounds blummin magic. He was a lucky man to have someone wise in the ways of the sewing! My family rely on me and I can barely sew two bits together.

I am sure you will boss level that tunic modelling :OD

In days of yonder
I could not falter
Young and tender fingered
With needle well threaded
I sewed up a storm
Nimble not forlorn
Taught well and true
Learned and patience grew.

I couldn't resist. I daresay you're quite finely talented in areas I'm not aware of, nor will I enquire, best I read instead.

I'll wait upon your assessment once I get the durn thing done and visually presented. The modelling, ugh, ugh, and triple ugh. That says it all, lol.

He was a lucky man

I have a tendency to spoil those I care about. Never a waste of time. 😁

So you'll meet Abraham soon. At least that is how it is known in the Netherlands for those men who become 50 years of age. While women tend to meet Sarah when reaching that age.

There seems to be some special reason to celebrate it. While there also has to be a kind of mocking to be done.

Overhere it is not considered just another birthday. While turning 16, now that was a nice birthday, or 18 and 25. But fitty...!?

Ah yes, one tends to become a wee bit more grumpy, after turning that fifty thing. Or so I was told.

Things not to listen to when your inner voice tells you after you turned towards the ever so getting stronger 'near death experience':

  • "Come on, buy that Harley, you've always wanted to, you're a real wild one."
  • "Let me grow a pony tale, that'll make me look young again."
  • "See, she smiled at me, men do get more sexy after fifty, let me talk to her."
  • "Hah, I'll show these young men I am still as fit as they are, let's run those 10 miles!"
  • "Hm, maybe I shall tell these young people some stories about why it was better when I was young."

Have a great one though. Whisky and beer, having an awesome party together with those who matter. 🥃🍻🥳

In the end it ain't half bad mate. 😁

That's funny as my missus might already fulfill that although not in age ;0)

I will happily avoid that inner voice although a Harley... Wouldn't that be grand! Then surely the ladies would actually think I was an attractive catch of a thing. Lol.

I trust ya, I am sure it will all be fine. If the presents are half decent. Otherwise there will be hell to pay!! ;0)

That's funny as my missus might already fulfill that although not in age ;0)


although a Harley... Wouldn't that be grand! Then surely the ladies would actually think I was an attractive catch of a thing. Lol

See, there you go already. 😄 But true, owning and driving a Harley would freaking rock!

And for a special birthday extra ordinary gifts are to be expected! 😁👍

My mate got one of those big goldwing jobs for his 40th. I have always preferred the real biker ones though and not the touring sort of bikes. It would be splendid!

Speaking of which, I saw some of Picard at long last and I am jot entirely sure I liked what I saw!

Got Amazon Prime, with the chance now to watch it too. Somehow haven't come around to do so though. Maybe because of the idea I might have had too high expectations up front. Will give a shot one of these days. Might be a good reason to publish something different on Hive. :-)

Posted via D.Buzz

Did my cognitively challenged brain read this delightful trouser-filled missive right? Tis it truly your birthday MB?

If that is the case I’m currently donning a massive happy birthday smile that is derived from hoping there’s some birthday beer and cake in your future! Happy Birthday good sir!

And thanks for letting me know I’m supposed to snarl when I eat feta, I swear I learn so much from ya!


I think it is his birthday! I'm trying to read between the lines though hehehe...

Oh no. It is not my birthday yet!! But it is coming at me like a freight train in less than a week!

I thank you in advance for the kind greetings, I will probably be curled up greeting on the floor in the day.

Is it just me that snarls after eating that muck? :0D

Oh and !PIZZA !!

Ah! It’s like a quadruple lesson in learning things with this post, I swear MB, you should be doing the opposite of greeting on the floor when your birthday hits, for in the face of a wordsmith such as yourself a freight train would be fearfully inclined to take a dirt road! Your age and surplus pockets makes you fierce my friend!

Um, I like feta on Greek salads, but now I’m gonna have to evaluate my facial status while eating it, it might not just be you…😂

I am sure on the day I will be fine. My missus did says that was 50 was the new 40. Which didn't help because I though 40 was bad enough!

The last time I had it on a salad I was in France and the waiter is probably still wondering what happened?

Do you have any idea how long it's going to take to get that "catchy tunes" out of my head?

I've eaten (a bag of chips) at Kamekona's Shrimp truck. I was an extra in one of the wide beach scene's in Hawai'i Five-O. But ... I've never been able to find myself in any of the shots. I guess there was just too much sexy in the frame.

Congrats on the big 5-0. Think of your age like you think of video games. it only gets better as you level up!!!


I've eaten (a bag of chips) at Kamekona's Shrimp truck. I was an extra in one of the wide beach scene's in Hawai'i Five-O.

You are bloody famous! Yo have reached the pinnacle! Thats funny that you say that as I did a bit of extra work in my youth and there was this big British drama that was out many years ago and I was angry shouter number 3 outside the court and I told everyone I was going to be front and centre and did they use the footage I was in? Did they feck!

Levelling up! Normally that would be a fine thing but our prime minister has ruined the term but taking it. I think I will take it back!


I had to look up breeks because I thought you were wearing britches - with pockets? Now, I am intrigued. I love the riding britches/breeches/breeks... they fit snugly against the curvature of things. Pockets would have definitely ruined the effect.

Then, of course, COVID happened and it seems like I aged at least 10 years, maybe even 15. I don't feel older, but feel like I'm aging.

You are going to be the big 5-0? Wear it proudly! I felt that way at 40 and when I got to be 42, wished I could revisit the 40 thing. I say you celebrate it!

Forever young. You know it! Happy Birthday, Boomie! We !LUV you!

  1. It'sa harsh one. Today is the day in fact. I must say I do not feel much different. Apart from all the grey hair and shouting at kids throwing things on my lawn, lol. I actually don't feel that old except for the COVID thing you mentioned. It has genuinely made me feel about 5 o 6 yers older! Bloody COVID. Everyone in my house has it. It is like a waiting game.


Lol. Thank you Missy!!! :0D

It's only harsh if you feel it. I never feel like age catches up with us, until it does. We'll all wake up at 90, and not remembee how we got there! Ha!

Nobody in my house has gorren it yet. Lucky? Now we all wonder when... if... it really has aged everyone!

We used to wonder when we would get it. Then it came!!! But I appear to be immune. King of the Clean!!

Haha! You get to care for them all. You probably are immune, you brought it home!

Lol. Maybe I did. Maybe I had no symptoms and had it and passed it on. That cheers me up no end!

Especially on your birthday!!! What are the birthday plans?? What will be happening on the big 5-0?

Now you get to hold it over their head like a punishment. Nope

No sense getting smited for being a smart alec.

But I love the smiting and holding over heads!!

That's what life is all about!! Nearly ;0)

Then use it to your advantage, like punishment!

One more bit of backtalk and It's Covid for you!

Heheheh. What I get from this is that you've just turned 50. Isn't that right? Congrats and happy belated birthday. I'm just sorry to tell you that if you can't make people melt at 50, then forget it, you would never be able to do it again, ever! It's just (Which means she'll be lucky tomorrow too).

I have finally come to terms with neither being able to make people melt anymore and indeed being half a century old. It's all downhill from here!

Apropos of nothing, but when I see breaks (which I read in my mind's pronuciation as BREEEKS) I thought of my riding days. The jodpurs were called breeches breeks and all sorts, tho I have to admit, no pockets, they were not for fashion but for contact with horse flesh, a very important part of a young girls breeks when she is horse mad, tho I have to admit there was a lot of preening in breeks and tweed in stalls in between mucking and shi*...dung covered that I've gone down THAT tangient,

Lol...I'm not sure a super power is needed to curtail the advances of a lad in faux pockets LOL, but keep trying one never knows, eh? I always loose track of you on here @meesterboom and then I recall, "oh what is he up to" and I'm never disappointed :)

My ex wife was a mad rider and she had many a pair of breeks/breeches! They did make quite a fetching sight and I think I have admired them ever since!

Hopefullymmyself and my fakr pockets will never disappoint! But I always say, never say never!! :OD

Interesting piece! I’m sure you must be so tired of hearing the “you write so well” compliment ; Well, it is a matter of fact . Best regards!!

Well, thank you very much. I think I write well enough to get by so I never really tire of it :OD Cheers!

More fuel to your thoughts engine . Best regards!!

Likewise to yours!

Oh my goodness it has been too long since I dropped in. "how dare I leave the dust to settle on those who make me laugh". Happy early b-day Mr B. Hope you are spoiled well that day. Stay strong. Stay healthy.

Hola!! Long time no see! It's not my birthday yet, I am just suffering from the existential dread :OD I hope you are staying strong and healthy yourself? The last while has been hell of a time for us all!

Lol, I hear ya. I'm stunned I made it as far as I have (strong-ish but not so sure about healthy anymore, lol) . Times have for sure been a challenge for all these last few years. I'm half expecting the zombies to start popping out. Maybe we can feed them to the bears? On second thought, that may turn horrific. Either way, it's always a pleasure to make the crowsfeet (dang evil things keep growing) show around my eyes, while cracking up at your stories Mr B.

Aw thanks! I know what you mean. Zombie apocalypse it has felt like at times. We can only hope the worst is over and we are about to enter a golden age where even the crows feet do not dare to tread :OD

If you mean the Greek cheese by feta, then it couldn't have made you snarl 😁

Hahahaha, that be the one! It doesnt have to be special to make me snarly. Most things are :OD

Well, happy birthday! May you have !BEER and !PIZZA even if you lack a sympathetic spouse!

Thank ya!! I am sure she will be sympathetic on the day which is but a few days away. If not, I shall throw her in the bin!

A hugHi @meesterboom ,reading about your abs I imagined you equal to Alexander O'Lachlan, his abs brought out more than sighs in women ha ha ha ha ha, I remember my aunts saying, I let myself do what that man wants, and I a little boy did not understand , now yes, innocence or ignorance ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, childhood ha, ha, ha, ha, then you say that the Good-Lady dances as if she were doing mashed potatoes, I imagined her jumping, you are to blame ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, but I guess he dances well

When it comes to dancing I am the man in the know. I learned everything from people watching on Hive 😃😃

My abs are nonexistent these days but I can still dream!

Thank you for your support in my last post, I hope you had as much fun as I did with your jokes, VALENTINA knows that I respect her, I just wanted to make her smile and she kicked me out of her house ha ha ha ha ha
A hug

You never have to thank me!

Making them smile is what it is all about. Well, at least till they kick you out! Lol

You can never have too many fake pockets. You got to keep the pit pockets guessing.

I find the best time to use air quotes is when you're saying you're sorry.


So it's your birthday soon?

It is very soon, it is almost upon me. I am gamely fighting off the depression with a combination of beer, wine and whisky and a week off work. :OD

Yes indeed, those are the best use of air quotes!

Yeah there is something about birthdays that are depressing. It's not like that when you're a kid. I wonder when the switch takes place? I'm guessing it's at 30. Sounds like you're self medicating nicely though 👌

If you don't post again before the big day - then happy birthday!

30 was the big switch for me. I didn't give a hoot till then. Well, there might have been a minor frisson of worry at 29. Lol, seems so inconsequential now!

And cheers! I shall try to squeeze one in, no doubt a weeping woe is me nonsense. Lol!

Glad to see you're still posting about your adventures. You could probably publish a very long book at this point. Hope you're doing well.

Hola!! Yes indeed, I am still posting although not as much these days. Perhaps it world make enough for a medium/long book! Hope you are doing good these days?

I'm still kicking around so that's about as good as can be expected these days right? Good to hear from you.

Kicking around is just about the best we can hope for these days. But hanging in is a skilland an art in itself so it is splendid that you have!

Damn you're getting old. Damn old.

I am. I blame COVID. Once it seemed like I was a young buck running through the fields with dew gleaming on my rippling flanks. Then two years of lockdowns and I'm am old old bastard.

I'm complaining to them in charge. I've been robbed.

I'd go straight to the root of the problem and blame the environmentalists if I were you. Sure that would create confusion but they should be used to that by now.

I will lay it on their doorstep. That will show them, trying to save the planet. Save my bloody swansong years. I demand it!

Now where did I put Greta's number?

Well, everyone knows forest fire smoke kills COVID and the world was trying to tell us something; but what did they do? They poured fresh water on it! The stuff people drink and poop in!

I know the older I get, the less stuff I get. These lockdowns are just the start. Soon they'll have us shitting in the woods. "That's why they're trying to save them."

I remember people used to say that bears shat in the woods..I was like hold the fucking bus, this is fake news shit.

I have been taking the forest fire smoke intravenously with my ivermectin. So far so good, although I think I shat out my left lung last night. Gonna have to go to YouTube and see what's recommended.

I've been huffing Lysol as directed by my memes.

And you know, they only ask, "Does a bear shit in the woods?" ... so that you do your own research, and check, then end up getting eaten by that goddamn bush menace. They print, "Don't feed the bears." Fake news!

I use my Cruel Sethropod up front too, damn useful! Now I want to leave the UK and go live in Hawaii after switching that tune on.

I awake to grow a 'tache and hang out of helicopters shooting guns over those golden beaches!!

Lol, it's a good card on many levels 😃😃

lol the mrs sure knows how to push those buttons.

Happy birthday in addy Boom, you're really one of a kind

I have been assured that I am one of a kind and that is in no small part thanks to my amazinghunt down others like me and killing them stone dead policy. It has served me well! :0D

that bad lol#notafanoffeta and #bringbacktheairquotes are two of my favorite hashtags! I wish you happy birthday in advance and I hope the good lady fills all of those pockets with birthday goodies. Don't worry....50 doesn't hurt

They are my favourite hashtags too now! And I know it wont hurt that bad when it hits but the run up is hurting me big style. Icant even dress without worrying I look ancient!

awww...don't let the run up get you down. Coming from one who is ancient you look splendid and I'll wager the Good Lady thinks so as well. You will have a wonderful celebration. just have to get through the next week lol

Fortunately, I did take the week off work as I like to do it in style so I can drown my sorrows a tad! :OD

The 3.50 at Kempton came in for me today so the wife is safe for now. Forrrrrrrr nowwwww. untitled.gif

Foooor nooooooow!!! Lol. Thank feck for the horses! ;OD

One of the worst shows I've seen was Madonna. Her insanely catchy tunes were terrible that night. But I got a free lobster.

Is that a euphemism? Did Madonna make you eat from the jetty? Uuuugh, Although, don't get me wrong, I too would have participated. I have long been a fan of the spiny devil that is lobster.

Those insanely catchy tunes are terrible but insanely catchy. I will be humming them to the grave

Euphemism! That's funny.

Staples Center LA, 2002'ish.. Damn dude this is a long one. You know how I get all nervous around long ones.

2002? Wow, is crazy to think that was 20 years ago.

It is a longy, I don't know what the heck is wrong with me tonight. I shall have a word with myself and return forthwith!

Long time ago huh? Crazy. I was married to an Asian chick back then. It's a good one Boom, thanks for the reminder, I should probably share the not short version one of these days.

LA. Sound echoed terribly at Staples, I couldn't handle it, "I'm outta here" by the second song. Staples is for basketball. My then wife, "I'm staying." I took off to the smoking section on the roof but when I got to the double glass doors a great big giant fat chick had her boobs out, they're smashed against the glass doors and she's got her tongue out like woah!!!!

I urgently skipped right past those doors which I wasn't aware was the smoking section and out the next set of double doors before anyone noticed. I'm in VIP now. Man it was dope! On top of Staples Center, overlooking DTLA. All the lobster and good food and beer I could drink. I stayed there the whole show.

Ha, that sounds awesome man. I think you should do a non short version. It would make a bad sounding concert bearable.

I know that feeling when places that are not music venues hold his and the sounds is atrocious. There is a place in Glasgow which all the big artists used to book but it was a conference hall not a music venue and was echoey as feck. Thankfully, it's long gone so they don't torture us.

Free food and beer and smoking. Raar, that's how to do it!!

I take those things into account too. When it's a big name like Madonna (Elton John, Prince) I rely on them, trusting they wouldn't perform anywhere with shitty acoustics.

I was just rappin with Cmplxty about this how when I get to telling these stories after however many years I've been here now I feel braggy. We were just talking about this the other day. Growing up in LA raised by a single mother who was a nurse on night shift. Shows are just what I did. So many venues there's no way you can hit'em all in 1 weekend.

Then multiply that by LA which I was unaware at the time every musician who wants to be someone tours through. It's just where I grew up. I really don't know how many performers I've seen dude.


I just love how you have your face on the cover photos of your posts! Dunno how you do it but they would sure make some good NFTs, if you haven't thought about the idea...or at least they'd make a good set of desktop wallpapers!

What do you think geeza?

Greetings from England btw! Do you like card tricks? I do card tricks. I will trick you. Bah!


Yo! Thank you! Putting my face on my pictures in a movie poster style kind of way is my thing. I am quite proud of them, they take ages.

The only thing is for NFTs I am not so sure people would want to see my face all over the show, lol!!

Card tricks are cool!

Believe me when i say your NFTs will work! You already have a grand loyal support base here, give it a shot man, and you will thank thyself for thine good judgement!

Nasty Fungi Toenails here we go!!!!


Lol. I will have a look and see how they work relative to here. I think it's NFT showroom. :0)

And aarrgh, keep away the feegy toes!


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