So you'll meet Abraham soon. At least that is how it is known in the Netherlands for those men who become 50 years of age. While women tend to meet Sarah when reaching that age.
There seems to be some special reason to celebrate it. While there also has to be a kind of mocking to be done.
Overhere it is not considered just another birthday. While turning 16, now that was a nice birthday, or 18 and 25. But fitty...!?
Ah yes, one tends to become a wee bit more grumpy, after turning that fifty thing. Or so I was told.
Things not to listen to when your inner voice tells you after you turned towards the ever so getting stronger 'near death experience':
- "Come on, buy that Harley, you've always wanted to, you're a real wild one."
- "Let me grow a pony tale, that'll make me look young again."
- "See, she smiled at me, men do get more sexy after fifty, let me talk to her."
- "Hah, I'll show these young men I am still as fit as they are, let's run those 10 miles!"
- "Hm, maybe I shall tell these young people some stories about why it was better when I was young."
Have a great one though. Whisky and beer, having an awesome party together with those who matter. 🥃🍻🥳
In the end it ain't half bad mate. 😁
That's funny as my missus might already fulfill that although not in age ;0)
I will happily avoid that inner voice although a Harley... Wouldn't that be grand! Then surely the ladies would actually think I was an attractive catch of a thing. Lol.
I trust ya, I am sure it will all be fine. If the presents are half decent. Otherwise there will be hell to pay!! ;0)
See, there you go already. 😄 But true, owning and driving a Harley would freaking rock!
And for a special birthday extra ordinary gifts are to be expected! 😁👍
My mate got one of those big goldwing jobs for his 40th. I have always preferred the real biker ones though and not the touring sort of bikes. It would be splendid!
Speaking of which, I saw some of Picard at long last and I am jot entirely sure I liked what I saw!
Got Amazon Prime, with the chance now to watch it too. Somehow haven't come around to do so though. Maybe because of the idea I might have had too high expectations up front. Will give a shot one of these days. Might be a good reason to publish something different on Hive. :-)
Posted via D.Buzz
Hehe, I am sure it will give you food for thought. I mean it is worth a watch but it is quite different from what the trailer led me to believe!