
Well, everyone knows forest fire smoke kills COVID and the world was trying to tell us something; but what did they do? They poured fresh water on it! The stuff people drink and poop in!

I know the older I get, the less stuff I get. These lockdowns are just the start. Soon they'll have us shitting in the woods. "That's why they're trying to save them."

I remember people used to say that bears shat in the woods..I was like hold the fucking bus, this is fake news shit.

I have been taking the forest fire smoke intravenously with my ivermectin. So far so good, although I think I shat out my left lung last night. Gonna have to go to YouTube and see what's recommended.

I've been huffing Lysol as directed by my memes.

And you know, they only ask, "Does a bear shit in the woods?" ... so that you do your own research, and check, then end up getting eaten by that goddamn bush menace. They print, "Don't feed the bears." Fake news!

I think one of the better things to have come out of the latter years is the rise of the meme-doctors. I for one, would be lost without my daily dose.

It's all fake news, especially anything bear oriented!!

Apart from bear meat. I saw on a meme that it can cure cancer in large enough doses.

Look at this evil shit!

Damn operatives are just rubbing it in our faces the whole time!

They dont even try to hide it!! Whatever it is...

That is a bear of nightmares, lol!

Nightmare indeed. Much like this train wreck of a conversation.