Go work for the government, like the Pentagon, State Department, or even ...everybody is in and that can be quite annoying or a hospital. Even worse. Some places here (on the opposite end of the spectrum) didn't renew their leases for the buildings! They found people were working better from home and looking at the savings! Of course, that stinks too. I don't want my kids growing up at home. Ick.
I have to admit, it is weird even to go into stores and shop. I went into Macy's last week and I was the only customer in this huge store! Even the employees were limited number. That is sad. I hate shopping for clothes online. :(
Can't we have a redo on this shiza?
Wow that is quite bad. It is mostly back to normal here apart from all the office workers now working from home so the town centres look a little tired and empty but shops are mostly busy enough.
My place let their lease go for my old office. We are in the original main building again which is small compared to the old place. They are building a new fancy dancy one. We move in next year woot woot!
I painted you the worse scenario, as life is mostly back to normal, but, honestly in this area, shopping is not like it used to be. Maybe because summer is over? I don't know. But, life is off, although they are calling it like normal.
There isn't anything normal about it.
Unless you wander off into the wilderness and the calmness of Mother Nature surrounds you. I must need a vacation. :) A new set of digs for the empty office. Mazel Tov!! Tell them you want a corner office!!!
A vacation always soothes the soul!! I could do with one and I am not long back!!
The thing I hate worst about the after effects of the shenanigans is that low of places I looked closed down from coffee places to clothes shops. It's altogether a more bland experience going out for a shop
Haha! I need a permanent vacation! :) None of this part-time vaca stuff!
Yes! Many of the unique shops that are not backed by big biz are gone, sucked away, never to return. Even many of the big stores filed for bankruptcy, only to be saved by a buyout from a lesser company with more money and less debt. They threw up internet sales, but, the merchandise is of lesser quality.
Anyway, I am sure this will all get sorted out someday. It cannot go on forever, right?