I never use we! No lie! That is not straightforward and would never fly. I actually ask straight out if I want something done.
Do you still have that fish tank? Ewww! Who puts their hands in it to clean it? 😮
Slobberchops had a good point about the bins being stolen. Especially when they charge for replacements.
I say you probably cleaned the fish tank and brought in the bins. Anything more, you should have been paid overtime for.
I much prefer being asked straight out. That way I can grumble about being asked properly without it seeming like I am somehow not on the team! Maybe that's it, she is deploying management speak against me.
I did it all. Hurt my shoulder slightly painting the darmned roof. And it needs a second coat, grrr!
I don't think anyone would steal the bins in my street. It is rather a genteel area! Our house is a bit shit but it was the price we paid to get in that area if you get me. We could have got a massive mansion somewhere less lovely. Glasgow, much as I love it can be a rough old place still so it is nice to live in a happy place :OD