Nobody to talk to.

in #life5 years ago

This is a confession of mine, that also brings a little bit of shame from my side, but i do not care anymore, and i will just throw this out in the open.


i have no friends in real life

And therefore, i have nobody to talk to

I did not really care very much about that, because i thought i was happily married with my wife, with whom i have been together with for nine years.

We never really had fights or big arguments

But about two weeks ago, my wife told me, all of a sudden & out of the blue, that she wants a divorce, and that she is planning to leave on the first of June. And that she is also (because of a job opportunity) going to move to the other side of the world


The last couple of weeks i have tried to talk this over with her, but she says she made up her mind, is very persistent And so there’s no turning back to what once was.


I was, and i actually still am quite shocked.

I am not only losing my wife, but also my best friend, my buddy and my partner in crime. It is feeling like a huge part of the foundations that my life is build on, have been swept away right underneath my foot. And i feel like i am falling down the spiral.

thank you for listening dear blockchain


I'm sorry brother. I've seen that struggle but from a brothers perspective. It's rough. There no advise that really helps in that situation. Or world is confused, and many times outside forces just confused people. Though I will say the same advise as I just recently found myself giving. In this moment your mind can be dangerous. A quiet comfortable place can be a blessing. Somewhere to collect your thoughts, and connect with what's important to you. Your mind becomes flooded with why, how's, I should haves, and that stuff is toxic. Not sure how much time has passed from the initial shock, but just be careful. When you mind is storming decisions made can be powerful, and words said can't be taken back. Self reflection and prayer, can help step away from the confusion. Once your mind settles, it'll be easier to see things clearer. Good luck .. You got this.

Thanks for your reply, i really appreciate that you took the time 😉 ... and also, that is some good advice, not only for my current situation, but for many other situations out there also.

People often tend to forget that certain words said or actions taken, they can’t be taken back. Sometimes these words and actions are like poisonous seeds, and once planted, you can only hope they never sprout, because when they do, there’s even more and often bigger problems.

And for me, at the moment, i look at things day by day and i’m old and wise enough to know, that even though sometimes you want and wish things go in another direction, time heals everything

That's good to hear @elektropunkz. It sucks when an unexpected situation is sprung on us. I've learned that a listening ear can be more effective then a bombardment of advice. Stay strong, I hope you find your peace.

Thanks, i also hope i will find my peace again, though i know these things need time