Thanks for your reply, i really appreciate that you took the time 😉 ... and also, that is some good advice, not only for my current situation, but for many other situations out there also.
People often tend to forget that certain words said or actions taken, they can’t be taken back. Sometimes these words and actions are like poisonous seeds, and once planted, you can only hope they never sprout, because when they do, there’s even more and often bigger problems.
And for me, at the moment, i look at things day by day and i’m old and wise enough to know, that even though sometimes you want and wish things go in another direction, time heals everything
That's good to hear @elektropunkz. It sucks when an unexpected situation is sprung on us. I've learned that a listening ear can be more effective then a bombardment of advice. Stay strong, I hope you find your peace.
Thanks, i also hope i will find my peace again, though i know these things need time