It's not big and it's not clever.
He preened a little, no doubt proud that he had set me on the straight and narrow.
Unlike my penis.
Hahahahaha 🤣 His comeback was so shite considering how good a joke that was actually. I am surprised he conceded to your good judgement in the end. Still sounds like such a tool to have to deal with though. I'm glad he went back to the cumstained pigeon table. Sounds like a whole handful of wankers lol.
I was surprised but also a little disappointed. I had a while day of fun planned out in my head!! :0D
Don't worry, he seems like the jock like type that will give you plenty of opportunity in the future for more.
He has done in the past so I am sure he wont disappoint. Obviously at some point it will all come back to bite me on the arse and he will be promoted to be my boss or some such nonsense :OD
Oh my word, I can just imagine that! It would be ironic but not in a funny kind of way. Enjoy the ripping though while you can 🙂