Don't mind grandma, I've never seen her talking any other way, everything is expensive in her sight... Lol
Everything you want in life has a price tag on it, if you can't pay for it, you can't have it, that's the principle of life.
Like my dad used to say that you can't say something is expensive if you can afford it and it can serve the purpose for which you are getting it.
Experience is a valuable asset we should pay whatever it required to get. What you know you know, and what you don't know, you don't know.
Just yesterday, when someone came to my farm to see the new pen we constructed, he confessed that the pen was a standard one and a quality one, but when he asked about how much I paid for the service of the bricklayer before could construct such a standard pen for me, he exclaimed that the price was too much and he cannot pay up to that amount for the service. Lol
My simple answer was that, when you came in and saw it, what was your response? He said he like it and that it's a quality and a standard one. So, I told him that that was what I paid for. I paid for quality and I got it, you yourself can testify to it.... Lol
Thank you @olawalium and @communitycoin
Absolutely. To get the best in life and what we do not know, we have to pay for it. It has to cost us. When the table turns and this same person needs it, he will definitely still pay. You were able to go for the best based on the experience of the last one, which was valuable. Well done brother, always proud of you.