In the last post, it was discussed that as we journey through life, we gain experiences and no matter your age, you keep learning to gain more experiences, either through shared experiences or personalized ones. The bottom line is, whatever you want to gain in life, it will have to cost you something.
I remembered the story of a professor that was driving to another state. On the way, the car developed a fault and he knew absolutely nothing about cars. He stood there, hoping for any kind of help. A man on the bike moved closer to him and asked what the problem was. He explained the best way he could and this man told him to wait for just few more minutes that he would send a mechanic to him as one wasn’t too far off, and he was also rushing somewhere.
The mechanic came after few minutes and checked. He noticed the problem and picked a big stone, hit the head of the battery and asked the prof to go inside to start it. The prof did and the car started. The prof was surprised and thankful and asked the man for his bill. The mechanic said #10,000 (naira; our local currency). The prof exclaimed and questioned the mechanic why he would request for that. The mechanic simply said, 1,000 naira is for the energy I used in lifting the stone, and 9,000 naira is for knowing where to hit with the stone; my knowledge.
Knowledge also gives us experience. The truth is, if the prof had known what to hit, he wouldn’t have requested for the help of the mechanic. In life, we always pay for what we don’t know, which in turn gives us a valuable experience needed as we go through life.
I recently contacted a furniture maker to do a makeover for some chairs I kept in a spare room. He charged me a certain fee and I have no problem with it because I know the work he has to do there. When my grandma heard how much he charged, she told me the price was too much. I told her all the man has to do, she still insisted. I kept quiet, at least I am the one to pay for it, not her, so why drag it with her. I know the price isn’t too high, compared to how much they sell a new set of chairs out there. I paid gladly for what I didn’t know how to do. He has the experience based on learning, something I didn’t go through, so I parted with my money to use his own expertise. Like I said earlier, gaining something in life has to cost you something.
I also called a generator repairer for servicing and she said the same thing. When the guy was done, I had to go back to her to make her see what the guy did and all he bought. This was the one she finally agreed wasn’t too high. She confessed she heard people say the guy is expensive and I told her, the issues that made us call the repairer might be different. The point is, if I knew how to do it by paying the price to gain the experience, I would have saved a lot of money in the long run. Because I don’t have interest in knowing it, I still have to pay for it.
Things we get in life will cost us, more so the invaluable experiences we gather along the way. Even if someone shared their experience with you, they already paid for what they are offering you for free, and still, you sacrifice your time too for it. Pay the price that you can pay, and live and learn as you journey through life. We should only pray never to pay a price too steep for a bad experience.
In life, we might not get what we paid for, but we will surely pay for what we get, one way or the other.
May you get more out of life than a cup of tea.
Thank you for your time.
My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.
Still me,
My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.
Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.
With all things in life, there is no guarantee that you will always have a good experience. You may very well return from your epic vacation to the Brazilian rain forest with saber-toothed monkey lice, shit happens. But nine times out of 10 you’re better spending your money on experiences and other people than on yourself. You’re much more likely to have genuine, fulfilling happiness as a result. So remember: You want be happy? Stop buying things and start buying experiences!
Start buying experience. Investment in learning/experience pays the best dividend. I like this. The more experience we have, the better placed we are. Thanks a lot brother.
i can't give a sensible reply to this.
I really enjoyed this post.Life didn't come with a set of dos and donts, so we live as we learn.Having to learn in life must cost us. If it doesn't cost you,you might not know the value. Free food is not really free.Somebody paid for what you have free.
I really enjoyed this and i commend your wisdom.
Thank you @communitycoin and @olawalium
Very correct. Thank you sir for a wonderful comment. Duly appreciated.
He always presents new things that never before. There is always a new story to be listened to and played. It looks easy. But actually it is quite difficult to do.
Like a drama, life is so. He is not as easy as we think but also not as difficult as we imagine. God, the Real Owner of Life always makes a new story in his script script. He will bring new figures that will be part of our story. We never know with whom we will meet and compete. All we know is to run the role as well as possible.
In the drama there must be a protagonist and an antagonist. So it is in life. If anyone asks, then the question is what role are you playing? That's about. Keep silent for a moment to answer that question. Sometimes even someone can not answer.
Life; learn from him. Which is always a lot of new stories without having to repeat with the same story. Which can be our best motivator, because there are many valuable experiences that are pity to miss. Being patient and grateful, is one of the life formulas that everyone should have. If not, then do not expect him to live life with a strong heart. He will become vulnerable and easily discouraged. And if it is so then he will have difficulty in taking wisdom or lessons from every teaching that is told by life.
Brilliant!. Thank you for another lovely comment.
tomo una dosis
Hehe... Yeah true
Your pens doesn't bleed, it writes fact.
I was corrected once that knowledge isn't just power but power applied
Though it's true that we might not be masters of all trades but a little know how can help in the long run
Absolutely. Thank you so much for your kind words.
Gaining something is not easy at all, we need to pay some price before we can gain. Eg, here on steemit, one need to spend time to think of what to post, money to buy data and some stress during typing just because one need to learn, gain and earn. In fact, it's not easy. Some people have learnt here and it has add value to their life just because they pay for the price. Thank you @communitycoin for the lesson and my mentor too ( @olawalium)
Absolutely. It has to cost us something. Thanks a lot brother.
Don't mind grandma, I've never seen her talking any other way, everything is expensive in her sight... Lol
Everything you want in life has a price tag on it, if you can't pay for it, you can't have it, that's the principle of life.
Like my dad used to say that you can't say something is expensive if you can afford it and it can serve the purpose for which you are getting it.
Experience is a valuable asset we should pay whatever it required to get. What you know you know, and what you don't know, you don't know.
Just yesterday, when someone came to my farm to see the new pen we constructed, he confessed that the pen was a standard one and a quality one, but when he asked about how much I paid for the service of the bricklayer before could construct such a standard pen for me, he exclaimed that the price was too much and he cannot pay up to that amount for the service. Lol
My simple answer was that, when you came in and saw it, what was your response? He said he like it and that it's a quality and a standard one. So, I told him that that was what I paid for. I paid for quality and I got it, you yourself can testify to it.... Lol
Thank you @olawalium and @communitycoin
Absolutely. To get the best in life and what we do not know, we have to pay for it. It has to cost us. When the table turns and this same person needs it, he will definitely still pay. You were able to go for the best based on the experience of the last one, which was valuable. Well done brother, always proud of you.
Another way to look at it - it's a form of leverage and leveraging on other people's experience as well as knowledge will save us so much pain and time! Well written!
Yes, leveraging on other people's experience will still cost us. it has to cost us something. Thanks a lot for this.
A Literal real like example would be learning how to be a pilot, because of the amount of money and time you spend on reading books and flying planes costs quite a bit of your life really.
And also the price of things evolve with time, things that cost us cheap back in the day don't necessarily cost us the same right now.