He always presents new things that never before. There is always a new story to be listened to and played. It looks easy. But actually it is quite difficult to do.
Like a drama, life is so. He is not as easy as we think but also not as difficult as we imagine. God, the Real Owner of Life always makes a new story in his script script. He will bring new figures that will be part of our story. We never know with whom we will meet and compete. All we know is to run the role as well as possible.
In the drama there must be a protagonist and an antagonist. So it is in life. If anyone asks, then the question is what role are you playing? That's about. Keep silent for a moment to answer that question. Sometimes even someone can not answer.
Life; learn from him. Which is always a lot of new stories without having to repeat with the same story. Which can be our best motivator, because there are many valuable experiences that are pity to miss. Being patient and grateful, is one of the life formulas that everyone should have. If not, then do not expect him to live life with a strong heart. He will become vulnerable and easily discouraged. And if it is so then he will have difficulty in taking wisdom or lessons from every teaching that is told by life.
Brilliant!. Thank you for another lovely comment.