you always have this thing where you make simple ideas into an amazing post.
Thank you very much for that! I really appreciate that!
That application sounds like it can help you a ton! Awesome!
Having that regular plan is very important! Keep at it.
Ahh thank you for you kindness my friend. How are you doing by the way?
Yeap. It's lke app. I got very busy with the group that I failed to do my daily post. Talking about consistency😂😂😂. Post guides, house rules, and tutorials so it is easier for them to start at steemit.
I think I made enough to keep them busy, I maybe able to concentrate on doing my 30%. Only done the 70% this past few days. Hope for the best.
Thanks for asking my friend. I see and feel your passion these past few days. You're on fire! Keep doing it. I'm following your footsteps. 😉