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RE: ...

in #life7 years ago

It's easier to hide the dark side within a digital realm like here than in real encounters. I've heard a sentence:

"One cannot not communicate."

I met a woman who thought of herself as anxious, although she flirted only with this expression so as not to realize that she was not afraid of inconvenience at all, but just a strong aversion to making necessary changes in her life. She came into my counseling because she equates herself with those who have nothing and hardly speak our language and need all the help that is given to them. This woman, however, has no problem in recognising her legal rights or the loopholes to escape her duties. She acted like someone who wanted to wash but not get wet.

People in a rich environment learn to use expressions like "I'm so scared" to get what they want. Today, it has become fashionable for people to get trauma and always feel wrong.

Moments like that with this woman bring out my dark side in me. A wish to send her to hell. In fact, it has taken all my skill and artistry to give her a moment of insight to realize that she is not poor and helpless, but that she is taking advantage of the places where the poor and helpless get free support.

To a certain extent, I succeeded in doing so. It would have been even better if I could have met her with more equanimity inside. This moment was a moment of training for me with my inner beast.

Would I have told her "Fuck of" she would have easily taken on the favorite illusion that I am just another self-righteous person.

My most dark moments happened between my son and me.