7 years ago in #life by rok-sivante (77)
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Every one has a dark side but the way individual manages theirs matters and differs. There’s no way I can say anything on this topic without talking about myself. Cause if anyone should talk about my two sides then I know the sides better than anyone.
I try to portrait my good side, my sweet and friendly side. Cause I’m quite aware my dark side should be a secret to me and me alone , showing it would either make me a monster than the human I want to be.
The true nature and some facts of an individual is hidden in the light of truth.
I work everyday to make a better human of my inner man, I try to cover my bitterness with some smiles and I believe most do exactly like me. Everyone does have two sides but the management I mean the better management of the other side determines what kinda human one is
Thanks for sharing, this is some deep knowledge
Your welcome.
And your sharing is appreciated - as it brings excellent further insight and context to the matter... 💓
I’m more than honored. Thanks for enlightenment and impacting knowledge
You’re much appreciated.
Well spoken!
I have to say that I am the kind of person almost everyone who crosses my path finds very unlikeable, at least as far as the majority of people is concerned, whether it is strangers or friends of my family. It is simply that energetically I cannot help but balance the others' imbalance. Or in other words, the more inauthenticity my psychic antennas perceive the more authenticity I display. Which of course doesn't mean that I am becoming inauthentic when my interlocutor is authentic!! :)
On the path of Love, the more aware we are of our shadow side and accept it, the less the likelihood of acting from this position. Why? Because being aware of our dark aspects means that when others try to emotionally trigger us we won't lose control over ourselves, for we don't take the offense by the other personally. :)
This comment is GOLD. ⭐️
Really relate with this here. I CANNOT act disingenuously. I cannot put on a smile if I don't feel it. There are a lot of people who don't like me, too. They don't know what to do with me because I don't do the social face so they don't know how to act or what to do with me.
When it's come to showcase our self in real world sometimes we cannot open up completely because there can be many reasons but the most common reason is low self esteem and low self confidence. If we want to stay as completely truthful in life and want to express in external how you are from internal then first of all you have to accept your innerself because there are many internal aspects and many behavioural aspects which we restrict to closed room and in external world we act and acting after period of some time becomes frustration so it's good to be yourself and accept yourself completely no matter if you think you are good or bad, if you can accept yourself completely then you can enhance your goodness more and you can improve your bad aspect but you will express truly in external world.
Most of the time we play an script which is stored in Subconscious mind means we play different role at different places and some people analyse us in that particular role but know one knows our true self because sometimes we are not aware who we are. So deep dive into your inner self and understand yourself because you are your own discovery.
Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
You know it's funny that you shared this just a day after watching @kevinli's dtube video that was leaning towards the same. He was talking of how differently would we behave if the money aspect was no longer there? I'm pretty sure so many ppl would camouflage over night. It's funny how money tends to tune ppl.
Personally speaking, I find myself having to constantly remind myself to remain true to myself just as I am on other centralized social media platforms. There's a vibe about steemit that tends to make ppl abit hypocritical and always "polite" even when you clearly want to scratch some people's eyes out, for the fear of being flagged or disliked.
I really appreciate ppl always speak their mind out no matter the consequences. It says alot about a person's character.
You can watch the video here of interested
It's easier to hide the dark side within a digital realm like here than in real encounters. I've heard a sentence:
"One cannot not communicate."
I met a woman who thought of herself as anxious, although she flirted only with this expression so as not to realize that she was not afraid of inconvenience at all, but just a strong aversion to making necessary changes in her life. She came into my counseling because she equates herself with those who have nothing and hardly speak our language and need all the help that is given to them. This woman, however, has no problem in recognising her legal rights or the loopholes to escape her duties. She acted like someone who wanted to wash but not get wet.
People in a rich environment learn to use expressions like "I'm so scared" to get what they want. Today, it has become fashionable for people to get trauma and always feel wrong.
Moments like that with this woman bring out my dark side in me. A wish to send her to hell. In fact, it has taken all my skill and artistry to give her a moment of insight to realize that she is not poor and helpless, but that she is taking advantage of the places where the poor and helpless get free support.
To a certain extent, I succeeded in doing so. It would have been even better if I could have met her with more equanimity inside. This moment was a moment of training for me with my inner beast.
Would I have told her "Fuck of" she would have easily taken on the favorite illusion that I am just another self-righteous person.
My most dark moments happened between my son and me.
This is why I'm not popular on any of the social media platforms. When I make a video, I don't do the youtube voice, and I don't put on a face. I value rawness and realness above all else. And I'll never sacrifice that to make myself have super appeal. I watched this woman who friended me on facebook. She was making these astrology videos. They weren't succeeding. Then she got all these lights and made herself look all pretty, and she put on the fake voice and boom. Popularity. Like night and day.
Those who shows their bright side only, in a way they hide another half of their personality, just want to keep people away from asking them into deeper.
Just like how people ask "how are you", and someone gonna answer " thanks", and that's all. If that person answer differently, then ...you know what gonna happen
Just my 2 cents btw 😀
Rightly said boss, i see alot of inpiration in you. Your creativity is above your imagination
I dunno if I could rightfully claim either the creativity or imagination as “my own,” as much as it might rather be “I” am merely a channel for it to flow through... ;-)
Wow you are bursting my brain right now, i think you should write inspirational songs and motivational stories, because there is a lot the world has to learn from you.
They is more to life than what we see every day of our lives! Great psychology and philosophy post you got @rok-sivante perfect for the evening. I will definitely sleep over this thought 💭!
the reality of our lives closes the dark side and reveals the bright and good sides, the truths that we never really want to know about people is so sad sometimes ...
Our lives are not judged by what we give, but in the value of a benefit we give around us.
A picture is where we show the real personality we are experiencing, everything that happens in life to the world.
Your post is very useful ..
the life that we live today depends on how we do it, if we do it properly according to what is ordered then everything will be beautiful, may we be part of the person who lives this life the right way. good luck
Highly rEsteemed!
This is epic... What a great post... Thank you for sharing this epic story about ourselves...
a closed life by manipulating a life that is lacking in trust for the advancement of success so that many of us fail and do not want to rise to their failures. In the case of failure is a key to being successful. the sign has created a great content. hopefully you can help my activities in my post in advancing steemit to the community. please visit your friends. best wishes for you @rok-sivante
Wow, it's a great idea, 2nd pic is very awesome. 1 circle 2 fox white and black its too good. Thanks @rok-sivante
I am happy to see and pay attention to the development of friends in steemit, many of my friends you support from Indonesia.
it is a luxury award.
I follow your development.
Nice meet brother :)
This really..
Thank lot for sharing Is amazing yor post @rok-sivante
Honest comments is the way to better communication with the author. Prepare yourself for opportunities
Very nice ,
Up voted .
Honest comments is the way to better communication with the author. Prepare yourself for opportunities
Very useful. Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed
Useful how?
I’ve flagged this comment because it is apparent on your comments page that you’re copy-and-pasting this exact same comment on multiple posts.
This is considered spam in my book.
Nothing useful provides by the comment, zero customization, absolutely nothing in it that speaks to the post/conversation itself. Disrespectful by just duplicating something that adds no value and gives no actual recognition to the content. Empty. Superficial. Not a great strategy at all.
Not something I care to take up space in the middle of my blog, distracting readers from actual commentary relevant to the topic.
Right action I must confess.
Honest comments is the way to better communication with the author
And thus, the precise reason why your Wallet is steadily growing in size while those begging for votes and attention - whether directly or covertly-manipulatively - is not.
You are setting a fine example, I must say. Continue contributing and paying forward these small lessons as you have been, and success is the destination... 😇💖
I’m so honored I could contribute to the society as a whole . One cannot make it on steem it if one doesn’t take it as real life so said a friend @mistakili . This is a new life I’m ready to live to the fullest. A life that adds value unto others