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RE: DOGE Offense Bypasses Deep State Defenses

in #lifelast month

That there is a deep state within the state is, in my opinion, due to the fact that people prefer to be lied to rather than truthfully experience a government that does not conceal its hostility towards other states.

Someone who is a child of the mind that one should not show such things, i.e. open hostility, is incapable of recognizing that it is only the open unloved word that could cause the addressed to counter this open hostility by wanting to and being able to resolve it by means of the resulting possibility of talks (diplomacy, dispute resolution). Only when a conflict is publicly acknowledged can one begin to resolve it.

Let's take a married couple as an example. Husband and wife separate. There is a lot of resentment between them. The wife, however, claims not to harbour any such feelings. On the contrary, she denies the conflict.

She tells her mutual friends that she only has good intentions and is only trying to help her ex to improve. She sells her true intention to take revenge on him as a good-hearted concern for their children. She uses the children's loyalty to her as leverage - even in court - and says that she has no ill intentions towards their father, but that the children are afraid of him. She wants him to undergo a violence prevention programme so that everyone will be better off in future. She speaks to her friends with great compassion about her ex's psychological problems. She is involved in social organisations such as ‘Violence in Marriage’. When asked whether she hates her ex, she either reacts with indignation or is ‘very sad’ that she could be misunderstood in this way, etc. etc.

By denying her hostility, by denying that she is capable of this hatred, she builds up a wishful construction of herself as a good person. In doing so, she deprives her ex of any opportunity to resolve this conflict, as she is in no way interested in the conflict ending (!). She needs her ex as a permanent enemy so that she can continue to live out her projections and experience herself as a victim rather than a perpetrator.

The ex-husband is condemned by her to keep her in his attention for the rest of her life.
In doing so, she damages all relationships with the ex-husband, her own, those between the children and their father as well as those between him and the family or circle of friends.

In the same way that the wife enlists others to harm her ex-husband, that is, to use her ‘government’ covertly rather than publicly, and if she manages to keep the ex-husband unaware that his ever-increasing difficulties are the result of his ex-wife's actions, without her ever coming out publicly and admitting that it is she who helped for friends breaking up with him, him getting into trouble at work, etc., she has managed to procure proxies to fight her battle for her. But saying "What? There is no battle."

The woman squares the circle by completely cutting off contact with her ex-husband and never speaking to him herself in person, even making it impossible for her friends to stay in touch with him (through begging, crying, luring = emotional blackmail) and instead having them expressing open hatred towards him as her proxies. So that she needs not doing that and have her vest polished in that regard.

This example between man and woman shows that it is of course much more difficult to organise a proxy war on her part and to conceal her involvement in it than it is with the deep state. It was only for illustrative purposes.

So when Trump shows his obvious hostility to heads of state or governments, this is a nasty openness for people who prefer to be lied to. But only this openness - as nasty as it comes across - is an occasion and opportunity for the recipient of hostility to analyse/react to it. By enabling the recipient to meet prejudice diplomatically. To reduce the emotional party's fears and paranoias, to meet its insecurities through giving reassurances that the addressed does not harbour the very exact emotions themselves.

Now, if the recipient is as insecure or insincere as the sender of hostility, problems really pile up.

To end corruption, the people below (using this term for a lack of a better one) need to become truthful to themselves and to see their own deeply rooted corruptible character. If someone invites you to dinner and then talks all evening about the ex, you better pay for your meal yourself, and tell the person that he or she shall come to peace with themselves, instead of fighting a war against someone onto whose life one has voluntarily ended ones influence by separating table and bed.

The officials, like Trump and Putin, better say to the public that they are aware of the deep conflicts they had been either promoting or denying themselves, and that the future relationship between them will be a tough challenge to both of them. That it will be difficult instead of easy, but that they are welcoming to learn from such difficulties and come out cleaner than they entered. That none of them needs and wants proxies.


"It was only for illustrative purposes."

Not for me. I'll be single from here on out.

"...none of them needs and wants proxies."

All of the present conflicts I am aware of are certainly, or may be, depending on how you look at them, proxy wars, and this dramatically proves your point. Turkey has HTS acting as it's proxy governing Syria, while Israel seems about to take over backing Kurds from the USA as it's proxies against Turkey, while the US is about to take possession of Gaza from the Palestinians and develop it for it's proxy Israel... or is the USA Israel's proxy there? After a while the incestuous nature of proxy wars makes it hard to properly identify who's whose proxy.

You have well put the point to the matter, and I agree with you that issues which are openly discussed by the principals tend to be more easily resolved. The USA and Russia using the Ukraine as their proxy could hardly better illustrate the principle, as the EU factions involved seem close to shattering Europe over it, with Thierry threatening to coup Germany (and France) as they did Romania, seem to have done to Poland, might have tried to assassinate Robert Fico of Slovakia over, and turned Meloni for, while Orban of Hungary decries the war, and is determined not to be dragged into it, which all the peoples of all these republics actually vehemently agree on, regardless of their politics - none of them want to die in ditches over it. Odd that the EU turns out to be the deadly enemy of Europe because of this proxy business. Best to follow Trump's lead, DOGE the EU into submission, and send migrants back to fix their own countries while ya'll tend to yours.

I reckon Trump will move Zelensky off to the ~$40M mansion in Miami that Volodomyr paid for with military aid swindled from Biden for the purpose, carve up the Ukraine with Putin, Tusk, and Iohannis, and puts an end to the matter by summer. Perfidious Albion will do everything in it's power to bollux the deal, because they want to profit from weapons sales, and Trump will convince Starmer (if he lasts) that selling weapons to the KSA (supported by Indian troops and US mercs) to slaughter Iranians with is even more profitable than killing Ukrainians, because there's oil in it. That'll leave Israel to handle Erdogan, which needs doing, frankly, keep Russia fixing up the Ukraine and Putin off the IDF's back long enough to turn Syria into Greater Israel along with Gaza Lago Trump Resorts and Casino, where the new King of Israel will redomicile.

Or maybe the whole thing goes off, adds China in Taiwan and N. Korea tackles S. Korea, Pakistan and Afghanistan jump in on Iran's side, N. Africa pops off because the Palestinians really don't want to become Egyptians, Libyans, and Cypriots, but mostly because (((they))) really want to kill us all anyway. I read it on the internet. Why would anybody lie on the internet?


Not for me. I'll be single from here on out.

HaHaHa!!! :D I like your humor!

After a while the incestuous nature of proxy wars makes it hard to properly identify who's whose proxy.


Odd that the EU turns out to be the deadly enemy of Europe because of this proxy business. Best to follow Trump's lead, DOGE the EU into submission, and send migrants back to fix their own countries while ya'll tend to yours.

Very odd, yes.
Since there is no EU identity and Europe is not one big nation state, unlike the USA, where a large proportion of the people see themselves as patriots, this patriotism does not exist here in Germany. We are too ashamed to be German. It looks like the locals in Western European countries feel the same way. That's why - at least in Germany at the moment - it's not possible to achieve the kind of majority you have, the electorate doesn't get over fifty per cent.
As always, the realities will decide later on.

I think you are overestimating Israel's ability to go it alone with the US and underestimating the alliances that are forming against it. Iran - again quoting the analysts - will not be defeated by Israel and Turkey seems to be positioning itself as its enemy, which has its own plans in the region.

They will all grit their teeth at the fact that they have created a non-Syria and not a real change of government, as was probably the actual intention. Now the country has no government and it functions according to anarchist rules. Yes, HTS has no nationalist interest, they are bought mercenaries and don't care about cultural identity and an orderly run nation. Anyone trying to establish their means and military there now seems to be facing a rapidly changing dynamic.

I don't see a Mara Gaza nor a great new Israel. I repeat what others are sending out as interpretations and estimations of the geopolitical happenings. So, I am just a parrot. LoL

Why would anybody lie on the internet?


You may be interested in this:

I was watching materiel production during the last couple years, and Russia produces more artillery shells in a month than the rest of the world produces in a year. I haven't seen anyone besides Russia ramping up production of war materiel, and most of Europe lost a lot of it's artillery, cavalry, and ammo in the Ukraine.

I think France literally has no artillery shells left, or very, very few.

Since you can't get all of Europe set on a national policy, Europe really needs to shed the EU, because it's a worthless layer of parasitism on production that no nation in Europe today can afford, without providing any useful services the majority of Europeans need - and it's couping your nations to turn them into cash cattle for NATO, and Europe won't long survive that corral.

The economic resilience of Russia has vastly outperformed EU states, and they weren't at war. I used to troll Poles by telling them 'You're next!' because they were all in on the NATO propaganda about the 3 day conquest of Kiev and were falling for the propaganda that Russia was losing, which, of course, they weren't and aren't. I was mad for a bit that Russia had actually got to Kiev in a couple days and the war was effectively over, but somehow Kiev talked them into withdrawing and BoJo talked Zelensky into reneging on the surrender he'd negotiated. That has cost ~1M lives, and that made me mad.

I do expect Trump to be able to resolve the war by parting out the Ukraine to end the problem that the USSR created when they cobbled it together out of bits and pieces of their neighbors. I think the neighbors would be happy to get their clay back they lost in WWII in order to leave Russia what it's won fair and square, and Trump has the power to make NATO do it.

IMG source - 4chan

The EU is backing off the Romanian coup now. Iohannis has resigned and Georgescu is really looking like he's about to become the President, and he'd snap that deal up in a hot minute, which signals the direction the EU is going to fall. Too often bad people succeed in concentrating power they've always dreamed of having, like Von der Leyen just has, and when they do they so undercut the entity they conquer that it loses what made them want it to begin with, and that's what I think has happened to the EU since Von der Leyen consolidated power.

She's so concentrated power over the EU in her hands, the EU is losing it's grip on it's member states, and Romania is just the first to slap her dirty mitts off. Germany and Poland are next. The people of Europe don't want to die in ditches, and I think they know if they don't break free of Von der Leyen's control, they will.

to end the problem that the USSR created when they cobbled it together out of bits and pieces of their neighbors.

What do you mean by that? Is it, that after the fall of USSR those parts of mixed speaking countries like Ukraine and the Baltics, who always had a high number of Russian speaking folks found themselves misplaced then and there?

It's quite a difficult situation, given the history and the long dating back of mixing people. My own ancestors were amongst those Westerners (Germans), invited by Katherine the Great, to settle in the vast lands of Russia, which for us was Ukraine. My mom and dad both were born there, as well as the grandparents from my moms side (my fathers side I am not sure about). They lived there for more than a hundred years before they were robbed by the Bolsheviks and chased off their property and the mill, my grandpa was running at that time. Which happened around 1929.

If it was not for these petty thieves, backed up by the red army and their revolutionist atrocities (murdering the Tsars family and killing whom they found to be too wealthy), calling it the "rise of the proletariat", while in fact all who took advantage of such allegedly grass root movement were lazy greedy thieves and murderers themselves, things may be different.

In my view, the revolution had nothing to do with our race but with low character traits of those who took advantage of unrest and chaos. Not seeing that my family and their fellow German people were not associated with aristocrats but as much peasants and hard working people as the Russian peasants. But no brotherhood is to be found between creators and thieves of such creation.

It doesn't fit into my brain - coming back to the present time - that my German fellas cannot make such distinction and even defend the existence of the EU. I guess, we Germans will be the last, not amongst the first, to break away from it, once we will be very close to the ditches, and only the bravery of the Eastern European nations will show us that it can be done. ... Maybe, after our total defeat in WWII, we Germans became a cowardly folk, wanting to cozy up with our victors in the West (the good daddy) and fearing those in the East, wanting to besiege them, after daddy told us they are evil. I don't know. I never had such negative emotions towards the US and Russia, since I think of people and not of terms.

Thank you for the archive excerpt.

"What do you mean by that?"

Lenin created the Ukraine in the 1920s.

"Thank you for the archive excerpt."

Dmowski was a prophet.

Germany has suffered more than I can conceive, honestly. I see the rise of the AfD against the will of the 'seasoned, rational voices' as indicative of Germany's recovery from the incomprehensible wounds it's been dealt for more than a century. It is because the EU cannot abide the AfD that I see it as preferred option of the Machiavellian masters of manipulation seeking to implement not the EU, but the NWO.

If they don't accommodate decentralization they can't achieve global technocratic totalitarian tyranny, oddly enough. Imperial polities like the EU and the US need to follow in the footsteps of the USSR, IMHO.

Not sure if I understood:

If they don't accommodate decentralization they can't achieve global technocratic totalitarian tyranny, oddly enough. Imperial polities like the EU and the US need to follow in the footsteps of the USSR, IMHO.

Can you explain? Do you mean we have to hit the ground hard before we can leave La-La-Land? I would agree, I am afraid.

Yes, AfD is the option which will maybe get things changed. There is a need for new kids on the block. They first have to deliver though, and I would be curious if they could. At least, give it a chance. All else means non governing and being over rolled by reality, as McGregor puts it.

"Can you explain?"

If a big gang wants to take over a new neighborhood, but there's some smaller gangs already holding that turf, the big gang must first get the smaller gangs out of the way. If one of the smaller gangs refuses to be folded into the larger gang, but can't be taken out by violence easily either, then the big gang can either give up, or turn to harder violence. What they cannot do is succeed at taking the new turf with that smaller gang in place.

The NWO is taking over the world. The US and EU need to either be absorbed into the NWO, or destroyed, for that to happen. Several states member in the EU, such as Hungary and Slovakia, are quite intent on resisting certain of the EU's policies, such as unrestrained immigration. The AfD's stated policy is against such immigration. Poland's PiS also has a strong anti-immigration streak, as do others. These Eastern bloc polities may well break the EU, but if not will make it considerably easier to break, with their concerted policies, and this will make the NWO's job easier, because a weaker EU will be an easier EU to absorb or destroy.