Phone It In Friday!

in #life7 years ago

It's Friday and basically I want to shut it down. This week has been crazy busy for me. From now on, Friday's article will be something that I don't have to put a lot of thought into. Today I want to talk about physical fitness.

I wake up every morning at 4:30 am. I arrive at the gym right around 5 am. This morning, while working out my shoulders, a lady walked up to me and asked me a question, "You look like you know what your doing, can you help me?" I smiled and replied, "Sure, what do you need help with?" She moved in close to whisper, "I've been working out here for months and I haven't noticed any changes." The conversation from there was me tearing apart everything she thought she knew about weight loss, diet, and fitness.

When I said the words, "Exercise is a shitty way to lose weight.", she could not believe it. Once I explained how hormones are responsible for weight gain or loss, and that exercise is just a way to get stronger and faster. I let her know that I do not eat grains, sugar, or potatoes. I took her through what I typically eat twice a day. The amounts of fat, protein, and carbohydrates that I consume. (65% fat, 20% protein 15% carbs from green vegetables) I summed it up by saying, "You lose weight at the dinner table, and get stronger in the gym."

I am by no means a personal trainer. I know what generally works for me. She agreed to give it a try and see what happens. I think she agreed because what I was saying went against what she had heard from others. After that, we got to work at an upper body work out. Next week I'll work with her on Zone 2 cardio training, and keeping her motivated.

Thanks for reading!


I’m at a healthy body weight, but I haven’t completely cut out refined sugars, although I do eat a lot less of it than I use to and I’ve lost a lot of bf since. I probably don’t get enough vegetables though.

Cutting out a lot of the junk out usually is a big help. I probably get about 2 cups of broccoli a day. It’s easy once you do it strictly for 3 weeks. I really don’t crave junk food now. The few times I have cheated made me have bubble guts for the rest of the day, that can be motivation enough to stay away. lol