Oh man, will the brilliance of corporate management never cease? I mean what better way to let the employees know they understand their plight than beanbags and little rugs!
When I was still in corporate America one year our division more than doubled earning projections. Raises/bonuses were shit because of "tough economic times" but management played up this spectacular gift that we'd be receiving. What was the gift? A sterling silver plated cup from Tiffany. I have no idea what it was supposed to be used for, it held about two ounces. Maybe it was for our tears because we had to figure out how to make our salaries stretch during "tough economic times". SMH.
Holy shit!! At least it was sterling silver! I genuinely have a cardholder and a mug from my company that I got on two consecutive Christmas's. The mud is a straight up white porcelain job with the company logo on it. I was like wtf will I do with this!?
It was big enough for lots of tears though, maybe that was their point!