I've got something to show you...
El Jefe sounded very chuffed as he tugged at my sleeve to get me up from my desk. His face was red and shiny with happiness which was at stark odds to the rest of the IT monkeys in my department who were being worked until they died of javascriptitis.
I raised a demonically handsome eyebrow at this Elephant Man who purported to be my boss. Didn't he know I had lots and lots of work to do? I mean, he fucking should, it was all his work that I was doing.
He exhorted at me like a fifteen-dollar hooker whose arm was tiring after the first two minutes of pumping the ham piston.
Alright, alright. Keep your hair on man.
I got up and followed El-Jefe, groaning inwardly as he lolloped toward the stairwell. That notorious place of dark deeds and vapes. A cleaner had run out screaming once when she found what looked to be a shit in a condom between the fourth and fifth floors.
Say what you want about the felons that worked in my place, they were fucking imaginative.
I caught the door before it slammed and roused the shouty ire of Sheena Ribena - a random manager of something who seemed to be paid solely to have a purple rage face and shout at anyone who crossed her path.
Slipping through the doorway I stopped abruptly before I ran into El-Jefe who was lurking on the landing waiting for me.
Idly, I wondered if he was going to pull out a condom and demonstrate how to shit in it.
Right, you know as well as anyone that there is a lot of grumbling about not getting a pay rise last year?
He barked questioningly at me as if I were a penguin and he optimistically had a haddock in his pocket.
He couldn't resist a little chuffle of delight as he followed up by prodding me with a finger that Thanos would be proud to own.
What, have you bought me out here to slip me an envelope with a couple of thousand bucks in it?
I perked up, I wasn't above a dirty bribe. As long as he didn't want me to get the Tutu out again.
An envelope? Oh. Ha. You mean like the Mafia? Badabing badabang.
He mimed gunning me down like a dog in the street.
Now it was my turn to chuffle as his attempt to mime a gunning made him look like a dwarf masturbating a man on a massage table.
Well, no. Not quite a brown envelope but... I am here to tell you that the management have been listening. They are aware of the complaints about pay and working conditions.
He paused for dramatic effect.
And I can tell you... They have acted.
He looked at me expectantly.
I looked back and tried not to make him explode through sheer mind power.
Come. I will show you.
He gamely tried to race up the next couple of flights of stairs but only managed two steps before his pendulous belly started threatening to break free of his shirt and start its own band called Loose Meat.
Eventually, with much huffing, he led me to the door that led to the East wing on the seventh floor.
Are you ready?
He placed his hand on the door handle to the office beyond and pushed it open.
The office beyond the door appeared to have had all of its desks removed. In place were lots of colourful, circular rugs and beanbags.
It looked like a mash-up between a sex-room for Google employees and a nursery for psychotic children.
I made a boak noise.
Boss, what the fuck? We want more money. Not fucking beanbags?!
I waved the beanbags away as if they were tall skinny men trying to sell me sunglasses on an exotic beach.
There is no money. This is it. I tell you what though. You could have that blue one?
El-Jefe squeaked hopefully, pointing at a perky looking blue beanbag.
I tutted and turned to head back to my desk whilst it still existed.
For fuck sake, fucking beanbags!?
I don't see what the problem is. If you head to roof and throw them at traffic, those explosions are awesome. People even stop to watch. Good publicity stunt and free marketing is hard to come by these days.
I think in that case that the next stop has to be the roof!!!
They wouldn't fire me or arrest me or anything like that would they? Not if I say I was just having fun?
Keep some on the roof then just say it was windy and they should be happy you managed to save that pile.
A splendid idea. I could be a hero again. Maybe they would let me back into the cafeteria and everything!
Cheers mate!
You got this homie.
Beanbags, amazing - I picture a cross between that Life Invader place on GTA and where I used to work a place far from the wellness stylee of G called uFindus no not the fish people a division of Iomart, a sight from the M6 heading North at Lancaster North...web designerdom, it built character - El Jefe would be proud
Hehe, I know the life invader place! Lol, it is quite a sight. Turns out they are just being sneaky again and its for the new office in December but they got them in last years budget. Cheeky buggers!
Sneaky so and so's - How i miss web designing and all the politics...actually no, that reminds me I need to budget for an aerial runway and zorbing bits and bat.
Oh no, dont get into budgets, that way lies madness!
You're right, I'm going to try Budgies, they seem a safer alternative
You can never come to harm with a budgie!
Those are some wise words
Nothing says I appreciate you as beanbags. These guys sure know how to keep employees happy! We can all learn from them! Disrupters of the industry i tell you! !PIZZA
They really do. I wonder what kind of gifts their partners get on valentines, LOOOL! :OD
Did someone say !PIZZA !
im thinking nothing but the best! The classics. You know, ties, socks, scarves, kitchen appliances, vacuum cleaners. Nothing says I love you more than these personal type items!
Clothes irons!! People love a good Iron!!
When I was young and naive I asked my mum if she would like one for her Christmas. I nearly never survived to adulthood 🤣🤣
Lol! Might as well have said my clothes are wrinkled. Do you need a new iron!
I've bought my mom kettles though, those porcelain ones. She was always appreciative of the weird stuff I gave her. Bless her heart.
You didn't get a raise.... but you got a new play room ??
I would say something clever here, but I can't quite wrap my mind around how that would be consoling to unhappy workers that didn't get a raise, from any point of view.
Somehow it still made me giggle the way you tell it, but then, I'm not the one that did not get a raise. My next is due in July. If they were to come up and say "uh oh... our bad... .no raises".... that would go over like a lead balloon. The company I work for is huge and they already can't keep their positions filled on nearly any level since the pandemic, so pissing off the ones that are currently there I think, would not prove very beneficial to them. Of course as we know, common sense doesn't have a lot to do with decisions most big companies make. You know, lets just throw some shit at the fan and see where it goes. LOL!
I know! Its shit isnt it! Its not even ours for long as they are just holding them there till we get the new office!
I hope yours goes well this year! We didn't get one last year but there are mutterings and vague promises of making up for it this year. I am fervently hoping that the the beanbags is really not it! :OD
We got a raise last year. Our departments have to rate us and not everyone gets the same amount. Last year, I exceeded the requirements and qualified for the top amount. About the same time our company totally changed the HR systems they were using and hadn't quite got it right yet (ie, didn't know what they were doing), so with apologies, all the sudden everyone was getting the same amount, which of course wasn't top rate (but wasn't bottom rate either). I think they would have had to manually go into each one (thousands and thousands) and put in the rate we had earned, but couldn't make that work for the time the raises were due. Gah!! It was good for those that didn't meet expectations or only "met" them, but for the exceeders, it was shit. So much for incentive to not be a half-ass worker.
Lemme know if that job for purple faced shouty person opens up, please. I have enough experience to make them proud 👍🏻
I want the blue bean bag, though. I'll arm wrestle you for it!
It would be a fabby job! Sit near the stairs and shout at everyone in the vicinity! lol!
We can wrestle for the bean bag but I like blue, I will give you a fair contest! :OD
But not the stairs with the shit filled condom. Please?!
Not sure any amount of regular income would cover that.
Okay then. Blue is my favorite color. Get your game on, buddy. 😈
Yeah, you don't want them stairs. At some point someone had to either go in there with something they prepared earlier in their pocket (yikes) or take the raw ingredients and make it in the spot 😱😱
Blue is mine too 😀😀 this will be an epic rassle!!
Now I'm just scared of your work place. 👀
Except the arm-wrestling part.
Fine with me, Daddio. Bring it!
I think it will have to be a mental arm wrestle given the distance. But I'm game!!
Well then...
I win! 😆
It's your beanbag and I shall not challenge you for it. Sounds as though it's the least you could score at your workplace.
I'm gonna knit myself a beanie, wait for more tales from the office and thank the gods I don't have to go in there :)
Happy Monday, M 🌼
If you want to please people who are working for you and have been working for a long time, then instead of giving them gifts, we should give them money. Will be very happy. Because when a person who has been working for someone for a long time becomes like a member of his household, then there should not be any injustice to him.
I agree, people want money. They can do what they like with money and they will be happier for it. Giving them anything else is shit!
I've tried it, people only love money, they don't care about the relationship between you and them.
That is true, some let it rule them
The story is quite funny. I even wonder how the condom got to the toilet
I dread to think. I hope that someone wasn't moving it about with their hands! lol
Have you ever muffled someone to death with a beanbag? If not, might I suggest you pop your beanbag muffling cherry with El Jefe, he deserves it after that poor showing. Fucken beanbags. Well, at least he didn't resort to shitting into a condom...or did he?
I havent muffled anyone to death with one but I could see the benefits of doing so! For a moment when I read that I thought it said muffed to death with a beanbag and I was like, well, you live and learn!
I bet he was the condom shitter. He looks like the sort! :OD
Being muffed to death wouldn't be an altogether bad way to go I guess, but I said muffled. Slight difference...both have their merits.
Fucken condom shitters everywhere bro.
It is amazing the difference a letter can make. Like when I shout CUT when the kids are playing at movie directing and always have to be careful not to throw in an N!
They are everywhere, they walk among us with their dirty pockets full of nefarious intent!
Oh yeah, I've left the 'o' out of country when typing on occasions.
You know, there was a news reader on national television who mispronounced the airline Qantas and said Cuntus live on air. It was hilarious.
Hahaha, oh there is nothing better than someone saying that live!
I cant remember what it was but someone on a show kept saying contagious with a heavy emphasis on the cunt - I laughed hard!
It can be a funny word. Half the world's population fucken hate it though. Lol.
Hmm...your own beanbag?? What an inducement that is...are they hiring?? LOL
Just think of the struggles to get up out of the damn thing, lol!!
hahaaa I couldn't use one unless there was a chiropractor on site!
I cant wait to see some of the glam office ladies clip clop up to one and try to sit regally :OD
lol position your own bag strategically and you might just get a beanbag peep
I mean not like I would do such a thing. Oh no, definitely not but I definitely will by accident perhaps... :OD
A soft play area? Where I work used to have an employees' 'club' with a bar (for after work drinks), pool and snooker tables. That got demolished when they built new offices with much grumbling from the staff. It seems it's not thought proper to have a bar on site these days. I have been in a couple of BBC bars though. Another company I worked for moved us into a shiny new office and we were promised a 'play room' with pool, but that never happened. Maybe your management have seen pics of places like Google who provide some chill-out areas, but they also expect you to be in the office for 15 hours per day plus they make masses of money.
I'm all for making the workplace better, but it needs to be done in discussion with the workers. We have talk of increasing the time we spend in the office, but everyone is used to working from home now, so they need to make it more attractive.
Enjoy your beanbag.
Although we didnt have a bar, a good number of years ago we had an area that was used as a drinking, night out kind of section. I have no idea why. They eventually banned that kind of thing when some people got smashed and were sick in bins and someone was rumoured to have had a shag under a desk of a boss. Lol!
Its all a bit kak. We are moving office and have found out that the beanbags and fancy rugs they have bought which he was showing off are for the break out areas in the new place. Must have cost a fortune as there are loads of them!
I wouldn't have minded a snooker table! :OD
Im scrolling through the comments here, and I see you used the word "kak"! I thought this was a purely South African term! Has it spread across the world? Is everything just kak now?
We have used kak for ages!! I thought it was Australian! It must have spread! We will have to have a fight to see who started it!
The Ozzies! Now you really talking kak! LOL! No fight is needed! That's a Saffer term through and through! KAK is the Afrikaan's word for shit! Afrikaans is spoken in like 2 countries and the Ozzies know shit about Afrikaans! Makes sense, though, because loads of South Africans have immigrated to the UK!
I'm super impressed by its reach! Now I want to know what other profanities from our land have made it worldwide!
I bet it is because of South African people! If that is the case then we want more South African terms in the lexicon!!
Hahahaha I should start a series! My mom would have my head and my dad would turn in his grave lol! But it would be fun! !LOLZ
Sounds like some office parties I've been to. My last place had some Xmas parties in the office to save money.
Work life has changed a lot. I remember when people could smoke in the office kitchen and I have worked in places where people could smoke at their desks. Now they have to go to the 'Shelter of Shame'. The current place is pretty old and things like a workers' bar used to be more common. The new offices has things like 'meeting pods' and I think there may be beanbags, but we are stuck in the 1950s block where you have to go down 2 floors and then up one just to get to the loos. Keeps us fit anyway.
I remember there were ashtrays right up until the ban practically in the offices I worked. I am trying to remember how many years ago, I think roughly 20 years ago maybe? It was on its way out but was till a thing, especially if you had to work the weekend. It is crazy to think of how far we have come. As someone said recently, we wouldn't vote to allow smoking indoors again. This can only show how good a decision it was despite the militant lobbyists and the like trying to tell us that such freedom curtailing was the end fo the world!
My place got rid of their shelter of shame and imposed a smoking ban on the immediate area around the office. It has kinda backfired as the diehard smokers now walk further afield to smoke before coming back and spend a substantial amount of time away from their desks!
But why pay the employees more money when they can waste it on stuff that nobody wants instead XD
That is the first thing they teach you in Business College... I presume! :OD
Maybe they are magic beans?
Oh mate! You have cracked it. That must be what they are! Beanstalk time!! :OD
Cut them bags open, there must be a fortune worth of magic beans in there! It has to be, no other explanation possible. 😄
I can't believe I missed how kind they have been. The bags are obviously filled with golden doubloons. I should apologise to them for my unbelief!! 🤣
Yes, they must have put a lot of effort into hiding the real surprise!
First having you believe this is some get ZEN just by sitting on a bag of beans mumbo jumbo. And then the: "Hahaha, you did not really think we would fob you off with such rubbish, right? Well, go on then, slice your bag open and see what's inside!"
And for a huge blue bag filled with shiny golden doubloons an apology is in order.
What a generous gesture! 😄
Never let it be said that they are anything but magnanimous generous employers...
Oh wait, that's bollocks! :OD
Best get that tutu ready, because if beanbags are some bigwig's idea of a benefit, you'll have to start dancing for more than El Jefe to stay afloat.
Yikes, dancing for the board! The Good Lady will be wondering why I come home exhausted and smelling of fish and cursing the fact that we have a mortgage! :OD
Well, after so much waiting, I finally read you again and I feel you in good shape!
I think our anti-reptilian justice squadron should raid your offices…they are probably crawling with reptiles and long-snouted horses disguised as executives.
But maybe I'm wrong... in any case you know, just a signal from you and I'll unleash hell!
I am in good shape although theey are working me like a dog!
I command that someone gives the order for the anti-reptilian justice squadron to attack!
It can be the only reason the place is such a state!
Consider it done... there won't be one left!😈
I cant wait to see their faces!!
What exactly are you to do with the bean bag?
Perhaps grow some magic beans... The fuck??
Laughs I have to ask, were you serious about the shit in the condom? It is certainly imaginative 😂😂
Maybe it's a test!! The ones who do nothing or just sit on them will lose same the rest who do something imaginative will be pulled up into the light!! 🤣🤣
There is much conjecture about the shit in a condom. I never saw it and some who do say that it was all over it, in and out. The idea fills me with horror!!
Hahaha the idea of it is awful 😂 imagine how the person's hands looked afterwards... Dear shit
I will have to keep an eye out for the person wearing gloves indoors!! 🤣🤣
What the actual fuck lol 😆
What are you supposed to do with them?
It's like they made a comfortable place for people to go and cry.
It probably is where people will go to cry! Whilst the management bods slap themselves on the back for another job well done! lol!
They will definitely do that. 💯
I wonder if the executive team got raises and bonuses?
I am quite sure that the bonuses and cash all for fingered upstairs this year. Which is ironic in a so called cost of living crisis we are going through that they would device to do it this year!
Yeah that figures 🙄
Seriously I was hoping it's gonna be something Goood but didn't have a beanbags in my imaginations like how could a person spend hours working on it.
They knew the complaints and pay rise issue should've worked on it to give a better environment... Wuts the positive side of beanbags tho?
It doesn't help when the brown-nosing folk all fawn over them and say it's amazing. The rest of us are literally standing around with our hands out saying where's the money!?
That's bad... I hope they'll do fair with everyone.
This year I have high hopes, otherwise I'm outta there!!
Hope is a Goood thing.. wish so you'll get it sooner than expected.
Amma wishing!! :O)
Beanbags are so late 20th century.
No ping pong table?
I love ping pong! I would be over the moon if they had a table. We had one in the place I was staying up north and me and the missus played every day!
I played pingpong as a 'sport', with my dad, 2 decades ago. Always loved the game but never owned a pingpong table.
When we were young we had one but it was massive and took ages to fold up and put away properly. It was fun though. Never got to the level of the insane Japanese players but loved it none the less!
I can't believe it, why would a boss go and buy beanbags to make his employees happy? Who would be happy with those? The only thing that can be done is to raise the salary and all the employees are happy 😎
Everyone is always happy with moahhr money!
Beanbads, pfft. Its nuts!
At BT in the 80s and 9os we had bars in the office buildings for a quick lunchtime snifter. Only the bosses used them though, the rest of us just went next door to the pub. I guess the idea was that we couldn't have a 3 hour dinner break every Friday if we were still in the building! As for the telephone exchanges, any spare floor space was taken up by badminton courts and table tennis tables etc and a few of the lads used to brew their own beer and keep it hidden in the battery room. After work parties. No problem, get your head down in the bomb shelter, another good hideaway where various acts of malfeasance could take place.
Get you guitar out, get the team sat in a circle and belt out a few chorus of Cum by ya. Enjoy your brain breaks!
PS Bean bags retain water, even if the exterior has dried. If someone accidentally urinated on one...
I always preferred sloping off to the pub next door. We had a big wetherspoons across the road from us but it didn't survive lockdown. One of the unintentional perks of the job ruined! Its a shite pub but it is cheap and did craft beer so that worked out well.
I will remember that wettening tip! ;O)
Weatherspoons going bust? Covids like this weird distant memory now that no one can quite believe happened. They get some bad press but they sell cheap ale, decent enough food so I don't know why people take the pias so much. It's not a place you'd take the missus for a night out but for daytime drinks they're perfect!
Dont worry they have only closed some of their pubs. We always liked going their for the cheap bev and the curries on their curry night were remarkably not bad!
Hello Sir, at least hope is the last thing that is lost I would say my grandmother, a new space to work maybe it will be a good place for work and rest time on lunch break with blue pufs to sit.
Definitely, waiting for the increase in metallic and that it reaches your pockets is still a reason to move forward with the attitude of doing the right thing because it is our responsibility and this makes us better people.
In my country that is yesterday's newspaper, zero increase in wages and salaries in the public company, bringing serious consequences for the private.
Have a nice day, my dear friend, and a big hug.🌞
I am all for a good space to work but I do like them shiny pennies more!
I hate this no increase in wage phenomenon that seems to be happening everywhere. Eventually things will just become really awful and badly done but no one seems to care anymore!
So it seems no one cares, I was protesting this May day for the socio-economic disaster that there is about it, I made a post that I already published.
That day I shouted at the top of my lungs "Down with chains" as the lyrics of the national anthem say in my country. Imagine my pension increased to $20 per month after a lifetime of work contributions.
And I agree with you, I prefer money because, with it, I can stock up on food and healthy family space.
Protesting is key but it seems that even that is getting harder, here they are cracking down on it with prison sentences like you wouldn't believe!
It has to be done though
Here too, my dear friend, the repression by the government is terrible, they throw tear gas at us and water with trucks that call whales and many people have died, other political prisoners and thousands fleeing the country. Strength, faith, and hope that this coming year in 2024 we will have free elections.
A big hug from this Caribbean woman who still believes that we can go forward for better living conditions and well-being in all areas.🤗🌞🙋
A big hug back atcha sister. Fingers crossed that somehow things get better!
Yessss, so fingers crossed that with work, protest, discipline, and rowing all in the same direction the situation in the country improves for the well-being of all. Thank you for adding your energy to my longing for freedom, my dear friend.
Hugs for you🌞🤗
Perhaps, someone might have put the condom into toilet after finish, that may be why it was filled with shit :)
Och, thats just boring logical thinking! How much better to imagine someone trying to delicately aim a plop into a little tube!, LOL!
What do they want you to do, use it for a break room? And you have to climb the stairs to reach it?!?!
This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project
It is an odd one. We found out later that it is only temporary as they are going to dot them about the new building we are moving to in SIX months! Thats agrs, they obviously thought they could fool us into thinking it was a perk!
A stairs climbing perk! Who needs a gym?
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It's like getting a level bonus in some kind of game!!
Yeah, with no option to decline it if you want to use the break room!
Never give em options, thats how you win!
Two things made me chuckle:
and that the text to speech thinks "For fuck sake" has something to do with a Japanese drink.. 🤣😂🤣
Thanks for starting my day off right!
Hehe, that text to speech is quite hilarious. I have tried it out on several posts including my own and it doesn't like a lot of my words! :OD
🤣 I dare say!!
One day AI will be able to swear as well as the rest of them! :OD
Had a beanbag figary back in the 00s and purchased a massive bean bag called a Buddha bag. Set me back around 2k during the celtic tiger. It was this actual one below. In fact I think thats the wife in it. I had many a great time albeit sweaty back in that bean bag and I shan't have you slantering the name. Granted when we moved out of the apartment and tried to sell old Buddha ,it would have been faster getting rid of aids but that's not the point. It slept 4 on it.

Bloody hell. Thats a proper beanbag! I wouldn't mind one of them although feck knows where anything else would go!
Oh man, will the brilliance of corporate management never cease? I mean what better way to let the employees know they understand their plight than beanbags and little rugs!
When I was still in corporate America one year our division more than doubled earning projections. Raises/bonuses were shit because of "tough economic times" but management played up this spectacular gift that we'd be receiving. What was the gift? A sterling silver plated cup from Tiffany. I have no idea what it was supposed to be used for, it held about two ounces. Maybe it was for our tears because we had to figure out how to make our salaries stretch during "tough economic times". SMH.
Holy shit!! At least it was sterling silver! I genuinely have a cardholder and a mug from my company that I got on two consecutive Christmas's. The mud is a straight up white porcelain job with the company logo on it. I was like wtf will I do with this!?
It was big enough for lots of tears though, maybe that was their point!
Beanbag chairs lack the support that an ergonomically correct chair offers, possibly causing long-term problems with your neck, shoulders, and back.
Oh, I smell disability claims going up!
I can see it now, we will all have a claim in!! They would never pass our desk health and safety assessment!! Now, if they gave us them to take home what would be different, they are quite big and awesome! :0D
Shhhh! Keep that one to yourself!
Oh yes, I know how to keep a secret!!! 😀
Are you shitting me, I know there's exaggeration in your 'Tales' but this is taking the piss? It's the 'working conditions' that's being focused on.. obviously.
The unnamed place I am working at are rejecting a 7.7% hike. Me being a contractor doesn't come into any of it, of course.
It is sadly true! Although, slightly devious on their part. We are moving office at the end of the year and they managed to buy all this mad soft shit with last years budget (the same one we didn't get a rise out of) So now we are allowed to use that wing to chill out in until they take the stuff to the new building!
7.7% is nothing compared to inflation and the cost of living and all that but I cant see many places paying that. We are hoping that this year we will get a rise but even then it will be lucky to be 4% tops. There is always the chance of a bonus. Sometimes it takes the sting out of it!
You can keep counting the contractor doubloons! ;OD
I have been getting pay cuts for 20+ years. Still on the same rate as 2003. Bloody shit!
I have actually found that fascinating. Some of my mates are contractors and have experienced the same thing. At one point you could bank on the rate going up each year especially if you worked for a financial place. But that seems to have largely flown out of the window!
I'm thinking of going permy with my current company, even with a 55% pay cut. Had enough of it all. 18 months of no work didn't help.
I think you should, there are advantages to it as you get on a bit as it were!!
The security does appeal
My company had a similar year once and came up with a similar solution... But instead of beanbags, the brought in a pinball machine, a Foos-Ball Table and a sit down head-to-head old school arcade game (possibly run on a Raspberry Pi, but it's pretty cool) Basically every 8-16 bit game you can remember playing at an arcade is on this thing.
Everyone wanted a raise... but it was a bad year. I'm reasonably sure that all three units came from someone's house - so it was free to the company. But, 5 years later, at least once a day, you'll find 4 folks in there having a 2 on 2 game of foosball.
NOTE: I went to grab a pic of a foosball table in case folks didn't know what it was ... WayFair has this one on sale... For some reason, I thought it might catch @meesterboom 's eye.
Just add a pudding filled condom and you've got paradise.
Lol, that is a hilarious table!
That would be magnificent if they got us something like that. They think they have hit the jackpot by getting us soft furnishings but dont seem to realise we could do with a bit of fun!
They have promised us a terrace on the new building. Apparently it is north facing, which in Scotland is the kiss of death. They cant get anything right!
I'm not complaining (much), but when I started here, we also had a pool table and beer on tap (2 taps). But, once we were acquired by an American firm, the American lawyers thought that beer on premises wouldn't portray the right image..... I agree and disagree all at the same time.
To be fair, the taps were only unlocked if someone who had their "Smart Serve" certificate was in the room.
Its a good post.
It is kind of you to say old fellow
$PIZZA slices delivered:
mimismartypants tipped meesterboom
technicalside tipped meesterboom
wrestlingdesires tipped meesterboom (x2) @meesterboom tipped @mimismartypants
Beanbags are for young sprightly gang, no bosses allowed donning ties in suit brigade, those where the days.....