At BT in the 80s and 9os we had bars in the office buildings for a quick lunchtime snifter. Only the bosses used them though, the rest of us just went next door to the pub. I guess the idea was that we couldn't have a 3 hour dinner break every Friday if we were still in the building! As for the telephone exchanges, any spare floor space was taken up by badminton courts and table tennis tables etc and a few of the lads used to brew their own beer and keep it hidden in the battery room. After work parties. No problem, get your head down in the bomb shelter, another good hideaway where various acts of malfeasance could take place.
Get you guitar out, get the team sat in a circle and belt out a few chorus of Cum by ya. Enjoy your brain breaks!
PS Bean bags retain water, even if the exterior has dried. If someone accidentally urinated on one...
I always preferred sloping off to the pub next door. We had a big wetherspoons across the road from us but it didn't survive lockdown. One of the unintentional perks of the job ruined! Its a shite pub but it is cheap and did craft beer so that worked out well.
I will remember that wettening tip! ;O)
Weatherspoons going bust? Covids like this weird distant memory now that no one can quite believe happened. They get some bad press but they sell cheap ale, decent enough food so I don't know why people take the pias so much. It's not a place you'd take the missus for a night out but for daytime drinks they're perfect!
Dont worry they have only closed some of their pubs. We always liked going their for the cheap bev and the curries on their curry night were remarkably not bad!