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RE: The Last Year...

in #life8 months ago

I'm so sorry to hear how challenging this last year has been for you and I'm glad your mom is getting better! I can't imagine how hard it's been for you not to be able to create. My wife and I have had a similar year. She started getting really sick last November and has continued to get worse. It's dumbfounded all the doctors, even at the Mayo Clinic. As best they can tell it's long Covid symptoms. We went from traveling the world to existing mainly within the walls of our tiny condo and hospitals/doctor visits. I thank God for my writing, it's saved me. I hope the muse visits you soon. Creating will help you feel a lot better. Have you seen Rick Rubin's book on creativity? It's helped me tremendously.


Thank YOU!!
The Book is on order as I write this!
I am also sorry to hear about your Wife. Not knowing is a killer to your brain.

My pleasure! I hope the book helps you as much as it did me. It'll be one I keep with me and reread. Thank you! Yes, the not knowing is one of the most difficult things.