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RE: Thoughts About Friendship

in #life7 years ago

I can be person who likes a hug, it depends a lot from the other person, are they huggable or not.

I agree with the metaphor you mentioned about the food. Now you are talking my language. I think we are given certain guidelines to work with in life, a recipe of somewhat (moral code etc.) but the seasoning we have to make our selves. And even if basic principles are the same every life still is as their user. With seasoning you never can give exact amount, because every step before seasoning effects on this step. So, the recipe can suggest seasonings and amounts but the decision still lays in our hand. Do we like our life with a little heat or not?


What shape do they grow people in Finland anyway? Are they made with all jutting out bits and needles so to hug them imperils your clothing?
Man after hugging a woman from Finland

I am not a cook nor a chef. I tend to add things until my food turns into white noise. The heat is masked by the umami which is masked by the bitter etc. It is interesting that you think about a "moral code". There is a particular word in the English language which not many people understand or use. That word is joy. As a child did you ever make a mud pie? There is a joy in making one. Joy is a different emotion than happiness. Getting drunk might make you happy but it doesn't give you Joy. Maybe that is why moral code has no context for me. I don't do certain things because I don't have a particular affinity for happiness. One moment of joy is worth more to me than a lifetime of happiness.

I suffer from numerous kind of hangovers. And narcotics have rarely anything to do with these hangovers. I admit, occasionally headaches because of too much gin or lack of caffeine are possibilities, but usually the reason is much more irrational.

A number of years ago, I devoted a month to a raw food diet. After a regular cooked meal, your body and mind shut down in order to digest the food. It isn't uncommon for me to take twenty winks (a nap) after lunch or supper. Raw food on the other hand had an innervating effect to both my mind and body. It invigorated me after each smoothie etc. I have no value for narcotics (aside for medical uses) because they would interfere with my clarity. I use a alcohol on social occasions to help overcome my antipathy towards dealing with other people. I use caffeine because "why not think a little faster and clearer". Travel is something to be endured because it is a necessary action to take one to be with a special someone else. I hate cars because they are to take you from point A to point B when really you want to be at point C which is somewhere on a beach. Source

I described my vision of the human psyche in a few earlier posts. Heat falls in line with sensuality.

You have "little" people and "big" people. Little people never stretch themselves. They never challenge their minds, bodies or spirits. "Big" people always work on increasing their "triangles" by tugging away at those dimensions. They read a few extra books, they walk an extra mile, they contemplate the perfection of a blue sky. Focusing too much in one dimension without balancing the rest of their lives leads down a path towards being a smaller person. A person who is a workaholic (materiality) jeopardizes their emotions (love) and sensuality (enjoyment of other things).

I encourage you to give/get a little extra heat but in doing so perhaps love a little more and add to your financial value (write more posts on STEEM).

It's not all Finns, it might be just me and Eve that are extra pointy, like hugging a cactus.

I feel flattered every time you end up using quote from my previous posts. I don't think having a high moral with something takes the joy out of things. Things can be controlled and still it is possible to get joy out from it. I used to make mud pies. But even then i got mad when other kids made them "the wrong way". I'm somewhat extremely passionate person and all the feelings you might consider "negative" are just fuel for my fire.

I keep feeding my fire, sometimes with love, but for me there is also other powerful emotions i can harness to my use, greed, anger, jealousy, bitterness. Taking out of context those feelings indeed are "negative" but when you break off them into little pieces you notice that they are powered mostly because love, and admiration.

So, in a way I totally understand the triangles, I just choose to render them a little differently.

I don't want you to get me wrong ... I don't want to one of your innumerable followers who comment on your pictures... but the image in that post was particularly arresting...

What were you looking at? Were you thinking you needed a new pair of shoes?

When you build a fire ... you do so for different purposes. A bonfire over which you might toast marshmallows is hot and bright giving you fire and fury and a sweet sticky reward. Perhaps that type of fire is made with sticks of greed(?), anger and jealousy (bitterness is the ash that gets on your marshmallow). Other types of fire burn slowly ... meant to keep you warm as enter that long cold night. Perhaps those emotions are logs of affection, empathy, and sometimes sadness of a loss. Each fire has its use but neither is better than the other.

I refute your assertion that jealousy has anything to do with love. When you prepare a meal for someone else, do you do so in order to eat yourself or to feed that other? What if the ingredients were tasteless and non-nutritious. Wouldn't you prefer the person to have a better meal? I have ended relationships not for my betterment but to open up the possibilities for a better life for others. I recognise that for women there is a different level of investment in relationships. It is biological. Being jealous isn't a question of love, it is an emotion generated by your investment in time and emotions are being repudiated.

Okay I will re-render them differently ... are you sure you are not in Australia?

Actually i don't own too many shoes so i kinda need new ones. I can't remember what was i thinking while taking that pic, maybe there was hole in my sock?