Freedom is the ability to take a long walk anytime you want to.
So now..prison is not Freedom..but it has some redeeming qualities (maybe)
I'm too old and fat to walk far so I'm buying a forty year old houseboat. I'll just float awaaaaaaay.
I like people the same way I like small quantities and high quality.
(and I'm the judge)
Haha yes I am glad I am not alone in my semi-anti-social attitude and am OK being alone sometimes. Seeing 19 houses from my front window never really appealed to me either but seeing the stars in Colorado during the Winter out in the middle of nowhere is true freedom to me. And I second that boat. For me it's a catamaran and being able to mosey on down the road (waterway) when I feel like it. About people my Grandma always says "it is better to have four quarters than a hundred pennies." But she doesn't really understand the commodities market hahaha. Followed and Upvoted Sir. Also a Veteran, USMC, 2001-2006.
semper fi buddy. I was in the ChairForce during all of the seventies.

this is the boat that I am getting from my steem earnings. It's a houseboat..
actually that's rather misleading.
the one I'm getting (same make, different model) has been sitting on it's trailer in a field for fifteen years...and it wasn't in that great of shape when it was parked there.
and THAT's OK.( for $2000) was made in 1972..and the way they build boats back then was by hand. Hand Layed fiberglass...almost an inch best thing to battleship armor.
I intend to gut the interior and completely rebuild it...add solar panels and a PADDLE wheel.
It might take me a few years..but what the hell?
I'm going to name it either the STEEMDREAM or the STEEMBOAT...haven't decided which yet.
I was going to say it sounds like a Vietnam-Era Mekong River Delta Boat (I forget the name and the spelling forgive me). And laughing out loud at the Chair Force comment. As a Marine we have this macho pride crap so I always call Navy guys squids, Airmen the Chair Force or businessmen who help officers go to war and the Soldiers get it the worst because they are just angry they didn't join the Marines haha. At least that's what I tell myself. As for the boat how about "Dreamy Steemy"?
I'll consider it.
the first year I was a BB Stacker in Thailand. I drove a bombtruck . I kept the big fat fellows fed (B52's)
for the next nine years I worked indoors (part of my evil master plan)...much of the time sitting in a chair....)
You're right about angry they didn't join the Marines ..but I was married and had an infant son. So that plan was out..but Chair Force basic training was SO easy that it was embarrassing.
The boat you are thinking of is a SWIFT boat...I had a friend who was on them.
Yeah I watched a movie about the boats made with fiberglass for the delta and jnew there were teo types a smaller one that could turn on a dime and a larger one but didn't remember f that was the SWIFT or not. I should have just called up John Kerry and asked him hehe. Steamin Demon? And I was/am a Marine but I was in the Airwing. CH53E "Super Stallion" Crew Chief/Door Gunner. Gotta love the big guns 💪
like I first AFSC was munitions..
Raining hellfire