I Feel Like Running Away

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Ever since I came back from Thailand, I’ve been having a real hard time coping with being home. I feel anxious, jittery and unmotivated. I don’t want to do anything or see anyone.

This is a new feeling for me, the feeling of wanting to leave, right now.

I’ve always been quite happy staying still, alone at home. As long as I had food and internet connection, I’ve been fine in my place. Knitting, reading books, watching tv, taking pics and sleeping when ever, and not feeling remorse when staying in all day.

Even though I’ve always liked travelling and had the desire to see new places, I was happy at home too, my city apartment or home home in the country side. Now I don’t wanna be in either one, but I don’t want to go outside either, or travel anywhere in Finland to see friends.

I feel like I SHOULD BE doing something MORE. Which is insane, because I’ve had a somewhat productive day, just like I had yesterday and the day before that. I have worked, made posts, and I have a lot of material and ideas for upcoming posts too.

Something is just bothering me.

I have airline, hotel and travel agency websites open all the time, and I’m so close to booking something now and leaving tomorrow. I want to go, and I want to go alone.

In principle, I have nobody or nothing holding me here.

The problem is that it is not even the desire to see a new place, but more of being anxious in this one, and wanting to go away. Just somewhere. I hope this feeling goes away, soon, because I don’t think it is very healthy. And it is not healthy to run away from feelings, I’m pretty sure they travel inside your head.

I am going to Budapest with @escapist in a couple of weeks, and I should be able to wait and only feel excited about that. It shouldn’t feel bad to wait just a little, but today it does. It really does feel bad.

Ps. @escapist, is this how you felt all those times before you left to work in other cities? I think I might finally get what you meant all those times you talked about it.


Runaway and save your life !

Beautiful photography.

Halleluja! You get me now! This is exactly the feeling i have had, and have atm too! Quite lovely isn’t it!

The feeling isn’t healthy, nor is running away from it. But that is only thing i know how to get rid off that feeling of anxiety just for a while. So if you manage to come up something that is a bit more productive version of coping that anxiety, please hun, give me a tip!

And now, try to remember how many times i have left? And then lets do the math how long have i suffered from this anxiety of staying put. Welcome to the dark side hun, we are all out of cookies, but lets buy some new one from budapest!

What a wonderful feeling, fucking SUCKS! I know I have tried to reason with you about this feeling, multiple times, never really getting what it really feels like.

I think we need another night of Gin for this one, or therapy, or new hobbies. Let's figure this shit out!

Oh honey i know. Reasoning doesnt do much, you have noticed that maybe in these past almost 10years 😂 not like i didnt know that i dont have to leave. It is totally irrational feeling. You feel that amazing urge to escape . And it’s not going away...

i know how you feel. when i left home (India) to settle in London damn its stuff everyday since over 10years.
Maybe the journey isnt so much about becoming anything. Maybe its about unbecoming everything that isnt you so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.

Beautifull sunseat photography (lanscape) 😍

I love taking photos across the wing while flying :-) That is a really nice one!

It's an obsession really, I freaking pick the seat behind the wing to get shots like this😅

All my flights have been right beside the wing. It has always hidden the landscape and reflected the sunlight of sunrises and sunsets. T_T

LOL me too, family thinks I'm nuts. I did a whole post of these pics back in December from my ski trip.

Nice shot 😊

Run away with me! Kaksin karkuteillä x)

Yksin! Tahtoo yksin!

Voit olla yksinki välillä x)

I'm gonna bitch slap you! Rauhotu!

You don’t do bitch slaps! Rauhotun!

Travel Travel Travel! Do it!

No no no, not today!

It's not healthy to feel that way? I feel like it everyday. I love my family; but I feel like I should be somewhere else, doing something else, with them. It's like I am missing out on living my life, I don't know how to really explain it.

Well I don't know, but I would assume so. Shouldn't we be happy and content and all that zen shit, just in our current life situations?

It must be very different when you have people depending on you, I only have to take care of myself.

I think not being happy where we currently are keeps us looking for new adventures, keeps us young. I am just looking at the end of my life, I am not getting any younger, and I still want to explore. I tell my kids I don't care what you do for a living, as long as you are happy. I want you to be on your death bed and looking back over your life and have no regrets, just the thought I did everything I wanted too. I want that for myself too.

Running from anxiety will only feed the beast, so it’s best to avoid that. But once you’re more mentally settled, less anxious and ready to go exploring for all the right reasons, come to Puerto Rico! @steemed-open and I will show you the town.

That is exactly what I though, I just can't leave everything because I feel bad about some mysterious thing. Puerto Rico is definitely a destination I want to check out, and it would be amazing if I had you guys to show me the best places! :)