It's not healthy to feel that way? I feel like it everyday. I love my family; but I feel like I should be somewhere else, doing something else, with them. It's like I am missing out on living my life, I don't know how to really explain it.
It's not healthy to feel that way? I feel like it everyday. I love my family; but I feel like I should be somewhere else, doing something else, with them. It's like I am missing out on living my life, I don't know how to really explain it.
Well I don't know, but I would assume so. Shouldn't we be happy and content and all that zen shit, just in our current life situations?
It must be very different when you have people depending on you, I only have to take care of myself.
I think not being happy where we currently are keeps us looking for new adventures, keeps us young. I am just looking at the end of my life, I am not getting any younger, and I still want to explore. I tell my kids I don't care what you do for a living, as long as you are happy. I want you to be on your death bed and looking back over your life and have no regrets, just the thought I did everything I wanted too. I want that for myself too.