I could write a whole tirade about this abomination, instead I will just say steer clear of vegetables not grown organically from Mexico; if the narcos knew anything about how to properly launder their money, they'd do a Carlos Slim and create a monopoly on de-salination and solar power.
Fuck getting caught with another HSBC situation--what happened to that money by the way?--, invest in commodities you know will be consumed domestically: corn is a shit crop for many reasons, but chief among them is that it consumes a ton of water relative to its yield and bio-available nutrients yet is staple there, and energy is a no-brainier given its electricity demand and its hot/sunny position in World.
I could write a whole tirade about this abomination, instead I will just say steer clear of vegetables not grown organically from Mexico; if the narcos knew anything about how to properly launder their money, they'd do a Carlos Slim and create a monopoly on de-salination and solar power.
Fuck getting caught with another HSBC situation--what happened to that money by the way?--, invest in commodities you know will be consumed domestically: corn is a shit crop for many reasons, but chief among them is that it consumes a ton of water relative to its yield and bio-available nutrients yet is staple there, and energy is a no-brainier given its electricity demand and its hot/sunny position in World.