Planting Water in Mexican Farms
Here's how some farmers in Mexico are using a special powder to help grow their crops without much water.
Judy P.
I looked up the ingredients and the one article that I read indicated that it stayed in the soil forever ... not sure if that is good or bad or even true ... not sure how it integrates with vegetation. I guess if I want to try it, I better do more research. Has anyone else done any research? I would love to hear about your findings.
Jorge H.
I don't know why others are questioning it but I'm questioning it's safety, one of many questions, because questions are healthy and I've never seen the stuff before. Those that do not question, do not learn.
Also, everyone without question, unless brain dead, judges 100% of the time. We evolved that way for good reason.
Good article. This looks like what is in disposable diapers. I also thought it looks and acts like the little moisture absorption packs (Silica?) in a lot of things these days. This definitely needs further research to determine toxicity to plans and soil. "MSDS" anyone ? Is this "Poison" or "Savior", the implications for both are astonishing.
This is worth further research without a doubt.
I could write a whole tirade about this abomination, instead I will just say steer clear of vegetables not grown organically from Mexico; if the narcos knew anything about how to properly launder their money, they'd do a Carlos Slim and create a monopoly on de-salination and solar power.
Fuck getting caught with another HSBC situation--what happened to that money by the way?--, invest in commodities you know will be consumed domestically: corn is a shit crop for many reasons, but chief among them is that it consumes a ton of water relative to its yield and bio-available nutrients yet is staple there, and energy is a no-brainier given its electricity demand and its hot/sunny position in World.
I hope they do some long term studies to check for any leftover residues, potential contaminants and I'd like to know how it affects the microbiology of the soil.
As someone who is studying #permaculture & organic vegetable production. I'd like to see some permaculture test sites in Mexico similar to what permaculturist Geoff Lawton has done in desert climates such as in Jordan and Australia.Greening The Desert