Diary of a first time father to be - Week 39

in #life7 years ago

Due to being reduced to a one income household, I am forced to asking the government for some money. Just so we can get by until my partner is ready to go back to work. Paid a visit to Centrelink today.

What is Centrelink?

You may have heard of the @austbitbank backed @centerlink welfare office supporting #teamaustralia. Well that's a parody of Australia's welfare office, the Centrelink. That's why I laughed so hard when I found out about it after joining @teamaustralia.

If you want to receive a handout as well from @centerlink and you are living in Australia or an Aussie, hit up the sexy and cool chic @choogirl. She will introduce you to the team and meet other dole bludgers.

It's a really fun team and is growing exponentially. There are different kind of personalities and most of them are friendly. Watch out for @bearone and @ryivhnn though, they are feisty, artsy types and great people to talk and gossip to, he he.

Why are you spelling Centerlink, C e n t r e l i n k?

It's probably the British influence. The Brits colonized Australia after all. We spell lots of things differently to Americans. One of them is the word neighbor, we spell it with a U, neighbour. Sometimes I get confused on how to spell things because I finished Elementary school in Philippines where we got taught to spell the American way.

What happened

Well, I went in there to be greeted by someone standing in the center of the room. This person asked what I was after and I said that I wanted to apply for Parental Leave and Family Assistance. She says I can apply online and it will take months for them to review it.

I was gobsmacked that it takes months for them to review an application. I told the lady that my baby might come anytime soon as her due date is on the 18th this month and the mother is showing signs of labor.

She couldn't do anything, she just says to apply online and wait for them to review it. I was devastated. We could be struggling for the next 6 months.

What else could I have done? Start throwing chairs and demand to be reviewed on the spot? That will probably land me in jail, who will take care of my baby then? So I did what I could only do, apply online and wait.

Here I am waiting for something that I may not need when it comes. I guess I have no one to blame but myself for not knowing how long applications take for Centrelink just to review it.

For the new parents to be and wanting a Parental Leave benefit from Centerlink, apply 6 months in advance.

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog. I need to cool off now. Writing this is making me more agitated. Take care everyone.


O well patental leave could be late but i think baby bonus is still on

Asi es amigo, de acuerdo contigo!

Get yourself a mygov account. Link your Centrelink. Make your claim online and the best you can do is call them after a couple of weeks to give them a nudge.bthe call will take at least an hour of hold time. I don't think we had to wait 6 months.
They'll backpay you if it takes too long

Thanks for the info. Done the mygov thingy. Just gota wait for the word.

Usually they take about 1 month to review all the requests, but you will need to submit some of the documents to the nearest office. When you bring the documents, you will receive a message after 7 days that you have not submitted the documents. Someone in the office lost them, so you have to bring them down again. I've brought the same documents 9 times and I did not want to go there anymore.

9 times? wtf.. talk about not giving a crap about people's files.


Cool thanks.

Haven't come across your page before but must say both very interesting to follow your story but also +1 for taking such responsibility and I needless to say wish you the best of luck with everything.

I think with your mindset you will be a great father 🙏🏼

Otherwise, if you're into travelling, vlogs, fitness, self-development etc feel free to check out my channel, in any case keep up the good work and I'll see you around! :)

you are cut AF though.


That is good news coming from Australia. I hope we have centrelink in my country, however I thank God for Steemit which is a saving grace to me and others. I follow and upvote you.

Yes, I love Steemit.

When .gov needs your money, they are right there.
When .gov owes you money....

Forget about it.