She is 38 weeks pregnant and she looks like a plumped pumpkin. Her feet, hands, even face is plumpy. Well maybe not the face but the amount of swelling on her is just so funny to look at. She's still beautiful though, just in case she reads this.
I made a video of our baby girl moving in there. Looks like she really wants to come out now! Watching this, it makes me think of the movie Aliens 1, 2, 3, 4.
Little bubsy should be upside down now inside her belly doing a handstand. With her head at the bottom and her little tush up. I am bullish of the little one breaking free by the end of this week.
But for now a little tender love and care is needed for the other baby. Sooky, irritable, basically an emotional wreck. Massaging her foot seem to do the trick to calm her down a little when she is about to blow. Other than being constantly terrified of her next emotional outburst, I'm fine guys, I am.
when is she actually due. Wenno agur uray kayo lang en iti oras?
18th January is the due date... But her mucus plug came out last week, yet still nothing.
huh .. baby is coming soon.. lol i think im the one who excited! !!! hahah ..
It's a scary feeling for me. Am I ready? Help? ahahha
hahha... you may not.. but u can do it !!! just be a father and cherish it and pls enjoy and spend more time with baby because they grow very quick !
Hmmmmmmm, I'll take that advice. I'm still scared.
Haha, how does it feel to become a father soon? Are you scared? Nice post btw
i am very scared! big change in my life, very big. can't be a 12 year old anymore. no more parties, no more late nights, no more travels, no more, no more.......
Its the disaster response preparedness that really will make you a man...more than any kind of purity in action. After 2 hours of drunken sleep still being able to deal with a lost dog is the real mark of success. :)
Did you find the dog? Hehe
You know, the other night the roof leaked. From a dead sleep I guess I had it contain in like 10 seconds, and only really recall because cheryl said something later.
I kinda think that once that mindless auto response trigger button is pushed, it never really turns off. Learning to trust it may take a lifetime. Its like the key to it working best is when I'm so out of it that I don't even know to think or question. Use the force, jedi.
I'll be having those coming soon.
Best wishes for her and her kid. I just up voted and followed you. do same for me if you like.
thank you for the well wishes.
Exciting times ahead for you and your mrs. Enjoy the moment as it goes by so quickly.
I hope I don't faint, cheers!
Just before my kid was born the doctor turned from my wife to me and said, "Its this one I'm most worried about." Hopefully by then you'll already be sufficiently sleep deprived and quickly hit the auto-pilot.
ahahah gee thanks, looking forward to it, NOT.
Standing up long enough to cut the cord is pretty special. Trust your auto pilot, its amazing how quickly it kicks in.
And please don't consider to bring your camera into the delivery room, instead just experience this one--the photos will be terrible under the fluorescent lights. Hospitals are designed to be terrible for photography maybe for this reason alone.
Maybe I can ask everyone to be still for 15 seconds.. I'll probably put my camera on a tripod and just leave it recording.
Maybe ask for the lady's approval before you post them? Not sure I need to see any of that, for my own self. The kids look like aliens for the first couple hours anyway. Its really weird.
OH! I remember I got a photograph on day 1 or 2 that was absolutely adorable, but I didn't have anything else in the frame to give a sense of how small his hands were, so it didn't really work. If he was holding a pen cap or something it would have been 1000x better. FYI.
Good tip. Probably put a something in there.
Try carting an extra 10kg and randomly triggering various pressure points for months 😆 hope things ease up for both of you soon and bub isn't too far off putting in an appearance 😊
yeah, I actually was talking to the little one last night to come out already. she obviously didn't listen. she's still in there. I can imagine carrying a 10kg ball with thorns all day, ahhaha.
Wow amigo impresionante vídeo, espero que todo salga bien y tenga muchos éxitos,felicidades:)
Gracias por sus buenos deseos
Le invito a pasar por mi blog amigo:)