When you cried to tell him those words, I cried with you. Saying to let go is one thing and accepting is another. Seeing it is something else.
Knowing what is waiting for him on the other side can give comfort.
He is a hero of a man to fight this fight to be there for you, because of your strength he can. Many of us can see that and the love you both have for each other.
I understand your pain as well. This has got to be the hardest of times for you both. I pray for the best of outcomes for you both.
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Oh @foxyspirit, you have such a kind heart! Your empathy for our 'situation' is really heart warming. I love that you think Brian is
You do really 'get it' and for that I am forever grateful. Thank you for your kindness and well wishes.
Lots of love and respect to you both. Much strength to you as well.
Thank you again...it means a lot!