Good Morning Steemians! :D
My day started off with cleaning the kitchen, making coffee, and my computer crashing, oh joy. At least there was also sunshine, YAY! :D LOL. :D See, there it is. :D
Our pretty puppy mom Karma laying in wait to trip me as I get out of bed. :D
Our lovely grand-puppy Lady with her heart on her forehead is such a sweet girl, most of the time, LOL. :D
Look who I found in her favorite napping spot, my shower, Karma, her upper lip just sagging there, LOL. :D
All our grand-puppies were on the bed together, boys on the left, girls on the right. Shadow jumped off the bed as I took the picture, so this is a picture of Tiny (left background), Mya (right background) and Lady (right foreground) hogging our bed. :D
Princess chasing Joker around outside while my husband cleans the barn. :D
Candy was supervising them, LOL. :D
Our lads Junior and Pinky, and our lass Lil’ Miss enjoying their breakfast. :D
Our beautiful Belle eating her breakfast. She let me feel her baby kicking this morning, without trying to kick me herself, YAY! :D LOL. :D
Lil’ Miss (foreground) and Pinky (background) both have their faces in food dishes, but Junior’s (center) just standing there watching my husband clean their stall, LOL. :D
Our handsome boy Joker enjoying his oats while I take his picture and keep an eye on his water bucket. :D
Pinky (left) and Lil’ Miss (right) cleaning up the last of the oatmeal. :D
Our beautiful Belle enjoying her extra ration of oats with her breakfast. :D
Our pretty Princess enjoying her breakfast. :D
Some of out hens and roosters making a break for it while we’re checking their food and water dishes. :D
Oh look, here’s our pretty Princess throwing her supper on the floor, silly girl. :D Thankfully Candy was well behaved during supper service. :D LOL. :D
My husband hanging out with his other woman, Belle, feeling around and waiting for the baby to kick him. :D LOL. :D
Our handsome boy Buddy enjoying his hay and all the hay Belle keeps dropping into his stall, LOL. :D
Chores are done, and the sun will be setting soon. :D
Sunset 1.
Sunset 2.
Sunset 3.
Sunset 4.
Sunset 5.
Sunset 6.
Well that was our day here. How is/was yours? I hope you have/had an awesome day! :D
Anyone else interested in a badge like this? Contact @daddykirbs for a custom badge of your own. :D
Beautiful sunset! It will be fun having a new calf on the homestead. BTW did you get your washer sorted out?
Welcome back lovely lady! :D
Thank you very much, I think we all get some beautiful sunsets no matter where we are, but I really enjoy ours. :D
No I didn't yet, I totally forgot to look for the ingredients I'm going to need, but as soon as I try it I'll let you know. :D Sending you hugs and positive vibes. :D
God bless you and your fantastic family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D
so happy animal family is growing and are healthy 😍
And you got beautiful sun photos there , love it!
Much love from me and the mini's 😘❤️❤️❤️ miss you dear frosty @frostyamber
Welcome back lovely lady! :D
We are happy with their growth too, its funny to see pictures from the first day we brought them all home and then to see them today. I can't wait until the piglets are all grown up and the boys reach their full height. It'll be interesting to see if Buddy is the same height as Princess once he's finished growing or if he'll pass her in height, its hard to picture him doing that still because he's so small. Joker on the other hand is growing like a weed so I can see him matching Belle's height or surpassing it. :D As long as they are healthy and enjoy their lives while they're here though I don't really care how tall or short they end up. :D LOL. :D
Awe thank you very much. I really enjoy taking the sunset pictures, they are among my favorite things to take photos of for sure. :D
Miss you too my fabulous friend. :D Hugs, love and positive vibes to you and the mini's. :D
God bless you all. :D Have an awesome day my friend! :D
Good to see there's still farms not in the hands of corporations and factories.
Thank you for taking the time to visit, read my post, and make a comment. :D
Yes it is, its crazy the regulations they've put in place to make sure small homesteaders/farmers have the most difficult go of it that they can, just so big corporations can hoard the profits. I'm so glad that there is such a large homesteading community here on steemit. :D Its nice to know we're not alone, plus sharing tips is always great. :D Love your profile picture, by the way, I love the minions. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day! :D
These sunset photos are much less clouded.
You usually seem to have clouds covering your area in the pictures. Is this area of Canada usually like this?
I like the blue-gray mellow environment, that´s why I ask...
Welcome back my friend! :D
I've really not thought about it, but as my sunset photos from the past eight months show, we do get a lot of clouds here. Thankfully they don't take away, but add to the beauty of some sunsets, in my opinion at least. :D I really like the blue-gray mellow hues as well, but the pale pinks-oranges and purple-blue hues are lovely to me as well. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D
The certainly add to the beauty. I´ve never been that far north, so I can only imagine that weather.
I can be very melacholic at times, so I do appreciate the mellow colors of the snow and bare trees.
Our weather is very strange here, several days this winter we went from sunny, to cloudy, to rain, to sleet, to light snow, to blizzard, to white out conditions all in the same weekend, its nuts sometimes, LOL. :D
I love when the trees leaves are changing colors the best, but I like all the stages of trees, bare, full foliage, leaves changing colors, I even love them with a fresh snow fall on them. :D
Considering how much I dislike snow, especially after the amount we've gotten this winter, that's impressive. :D LOL. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D
Wow! Talk about crazy weather. I would like the snow, but probably for no more than 6 months.
When is it considered Summer in your area?
Welcome back my friend! :D
I know right, its nuts. :D Summer here is in June, July, and August. :D
One year after we moved here we actually had a snow fall in June. It was so weird, LOL. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D