These sunset photos are much less clouded.
You usually seem to have clouds covering your area in the pictures. Is this area of Canada usually like this?
I like the blue-gray mellow environment, that´s why I ask...
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Welcome back my friend! :D
I've really not thought about it, but as my sunset photos from the past eight months show, we do get a lot of clouds here. Thankfully they don't take away, but add to the beauty of some sunsets, in my opinion at least. :D I really like the blue-gray mellow hues as well, but the pale pinks-oranges and purple-blue hues are lovely to me as well. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D
The certainly add to the beauty. I´ve never been that far north, so I can only imagine that weather.
I can be very melacholic at times, so I do appreciate the mellow colors of the snow and bare trees.
Our weather is very strange here, several days this winter we went from sunny, to cloudy, to rain, to sleet, to light snow, to blizzard, to white out conditions all in the same weekend, its nuts sometimes, LOL. :D
I love when the trees leaves are changing colors the best, but I like all the stages of trees, bare, full foliage, leaves changing colors, I even love them with a fresh snow fall on them. :D
Considering how much I dislike snow, especially after the amount we've gotten this winter, that's impressive. :D LOL. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D
Wow! Talk about crazy weather. I would like the snow, but probably for no more than 6 months.
When is it considered Summer in your area?
Welcome back my friend! :D
I know right, its nuts. :D Summer here is in June, July, and August. :D
One year after we moved here we actually had a snow fall in June. It was so weird, LOL. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D