That is a great idea...using a shipping container as your secure storage...we have a neighbor that did the same thing and we've thought about doing that here for lawn mowers, etc... :D
We used a 53 foot refrigerated trailer (minus the refrigeration parts) as our barn and it has worked out quite well for was a great investment and one of the cheapest ways to make a barn. :D The guy that dropped it in our yard in the wrong spot and he didn't remove the wheels like he was supposed to. That's okay though because my hubby dug a little trench for the tires to go into and then just dragged the trailer where it was supposed to be with the backhoe. :D
Thanks for sharing and have an awesome day! :D
Cool! At least you guys made it work and got it where you needed it!
Exactly, right, it doesn't matter if everything doesn't go exactly as planned, you adapt and persevere and get it done in the end and that is what counts. :D We just have to remember that each failure is another chance to learn how do something the best way possible, until you get it exactly like you want it. :D