
I can hardly blame you mate, . On my time off I don't spend it anywhere which remotely resembles my work but try to experience new things and meet new people (or I read junk food fiction sci-fi books). Also I feel that if a person does want to enjoy a glass or two it is so much cheaper and the company is better in the comfort of your own home and to reference some of our previous conversations its a lot safer to relax at home if imbibing these days.

Yes, exactly! I prefer the outdoors and selective company, both of which I can't generally get in a pub situation. There's so much more in life to be discovered and learned and I don't see the inside of a pub helping with that. :)

'I prefer the outdoors and selective company' I whole heartedly agree with that statement sir. And yes a pub can be a good way to spend a few hours and unwind but more and more I feel that alcohol is a key part in the modern version of 'Bread & Circuses' but instead today people have their 'Beer & Baccy'.

I'm not much of a drinker, one or two here and there, but not daily or even weekly. I think there's too much reliance put on it to provide stimulus to people...I don't need it as I get plenty from the many hobbies I do etc.

Yours sounds a healthy way of doing things, and I'm a big believer in moderation being key. Yes you're right in there is a reliance on it to provide stimulus and I feel that people willingly make that choice as it is easier to seek instant gratification through a 'beer' than to pursue hobbies or self-improvement.

And there it is...Instant gratification...It's the new black, the in thing, the trend. It goes along with that other chestnut of the modern era called the expectation ethos. People are fast forgetting how to be people preferring the other alternative: Sheeple.