This all begs the question...What did the pig do? Lol.
Looks like you got caught out Boomy, old Silky had your number this time...Maybe throw on a dress and some high heels to really get into character next time.
P.s. Sorry for my late responses...Bloody time lag...When are you buggers going to get with the program and catch up to us Aussies!
We will always be behind!! We are slow and easy going dontcha know!! ;0)
I'll save that kind of getting into character for the weekends!
We'll just blame the sun...How dare it not align with our needs and cause me to have to write comments hours after a post has gone live. Makes it look like I don't care!
Weekends at the Boom-crib must be exciting...Lol.
That pesky sun. Apparently we are due some this week. Woot woot!
It's the same here, sometimes I stumble upon your posts half a day after the fact!!
I'd still be honoured if Boomy left a comment though, as you do. Always makes my day, or night...Or evening...Morning, afternoon...You know what I mean. Lol.
Sun is nice. We're heading for some rain tomorrow...Been perfect today though. I'm off culling on the farm tomorrow...Could be a little wet. Still, won't be the first time the G-dog was wet. Lol.
Wet eh?
Well, As Taylor swift likes to say.
Shake it off!!!
Enjoy the out and about!
Boomy quotes Tay Tay...Love it!
Gotta show my inner youth!! Lol @taytay