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RE: Death Kill

in #life10 months ago

If one has never ninja jumped onto a tree welding a saw to slay the treeish beast, one has never truly lived.

Some cuts and bruises are a small price to pay for the wholesale slaughter of that wanker tree and anyway, pain goes away, chicks dig scars and glory last forever.

Death to all trees that block out the few minutes that the sun actually shines in Scotlandia.


That was my thinking!! We have so few sun minutes that I came be having anything doing done sun blocking! Apart from the sun cream that is 😀

It was a mighty battle, there were even snails raining down like meteors at one point!

Only a Titan such as you could ever survive such an epic battle, and now...well, you'll get to enjoy a minute or two of sunlight. Who needs Ibiza!

Yeah, these Spanish islands can do one. I have my four minutes of Scottish sun glory coming up in June 🙂🤣

Don't forget your 50+ sunblock, four minutes of sun can do some damage.

In Scotland our pallid skin needs the protecting! Even from a cloudy day!!