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RE: The Witch Queen

in #life4 months ago

I imagine you heading off to Ibiza,the swagger as you walk down the Aero bridge to the plane, saying Ibiza bitchaz. Of course, once there...well, it's all good. Then the trip back to the UK after a glorious two weeks of fuzzyheadedness and...jury duty bitchaz!

Ok, that last but isn't all that good.

Oh well, being a chump isn't too bad, and it's a bonus to have Mrs. Boom to remind you to post lest you forget completely.


She was admirable in her persistence on asking me why I wasn't posting. I think because she needs me to have a habit she can pester me about because she is addicted to Duolingo and works ages in it of an evening 😃

In the end I was just getting post holiday lazy but I thought it I don't start now it will be Christmas shortly!

It's nice of her to encourage you so that she can get you out of her hair and dedicate the time to Duolingo instead. She's so thoughtful.

It is like she lives for romanticism :OD